Personal Message
Luhan was abandoned the moment he was old enough to fend for himself. He went through a few foster homes here and there, and fell into such a bad state mentally that he could no longer speak in full sentences. He just kind of whines or stutters out the occasional word, all while trying to avoid turning his back to anybody. He's emotional and easily stressed, but he's so desperate for love at the same time. He would pull his heart out and hand it to someone if he could, as long as they made him feel safe.
His diagnosis:
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Mild anorexia
Selective Muting brought on by emotional trauma
Some autistic tendencies
Malnutrition due to neglect/abandonment
Fragile bones due to malnourishment

My Heart:

A baby blanket that appeared in his arms one night, after he saw one child standing up for another against an abusive foster parent. He has a very vague understanding of love that didn't come about until he was close to ten.


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