
Name; Choi Minki (Only goes by Ren though)
Age; 17
Role; Prisoner
Background; Ren was kicked out from home at a very young age, and thankfully he had been taken in by the local mafia. He was practically raised as the leaders son; or daughter, as some nicknamed him Princess. Ren is someone who appears indifferent to everything. He's rarely seen without his pokerface on, the only time he usual smiles and acts any differently is to deceive you. If he feels like you may be able to get hm something he wants, he'll become friendly with you and even seem like he's accidently acting cute to catch you off guard. Ren is anything but harmless.
Story; Day's after the big mafia leader from Busan was murdered, Ren sought out his killer and massacred as many men from the outside gang, having used his gun, blades, or anything he took from them as a weapon.
He got caught a few weeks later, his hair and blood had been left at the scene of the crime. Having happened when one of the men tried coming at him with a sword.
Ren had to leave 'his' mafia, he was the leaders only 'son' even if he were not blood related. And they would find a way to get the boy out of prison.

Don't judge a person by their appearance, because this pretty little boy is probably stronger then you.