Personal Message



park choongjae



Name: Park Choongjae
Nickname: Jun Jin
Age: 33 Years Old
Species: Human
Occupation: Car Repair Worker, Blogger/Writer, Songwriter, and Dancer
Orientation: Homoual
Love Status: Single
Personality: Fun, Loud, Determined, Smart (some of the time), Hard Worker, Daydreamer, Friendly
Friend or Foe: Undecided
Interesting Facts: Has one hazel eye and one blue eye, tattoo of a dragon on his left shoulder blade, pierced his left ear when he was 16.


Ever since he was a child, Jun Jin has always been a bit different. At school he was always bullied because of his eyes since he has heterochromia iridum, which makes his eyes different colors. One of them is hazel (looking almost gold) while the other is blue. Other kids were either weirded out by it or thought is was just plain scary and pushed him away. So early on in his childhood, Jun Jin became accustomed to playing by himself, as even his only sibling didn't talk to him much.

 He came from a middle class family, and both of his parents had to work so he never saw them very much. When he stayed up late though, his mother would come home and tuck him into bed before reading him a story and singing him a lullaby. This is how his love for literature and singing sparked. When he was lonely by himself and no one else was in the house, Jun Jin would either start writing stories or singing outloud to some random song he heard on the radio. Sometimes Elves or Vampires would listen to him from the window, but he didn't know this. He always thought he was alone.


When the time came for him to go to middle school, his dad was transferred the the U.S. and his family had to move to California. There the bullying got even worse as he was not only made fun of for his eyes, but his accent and lack of English as well. He turned away from everyone and drowned himself in books and sports, unlike the normally happy and friendly boy he used to be. Whenever everyone in the house was asleep, he would sneak out to play soccer at the old playground. There he made his very first friend, who also liked to sneak out at night. they played soccer together of just talked while on the swings, which made Jun Jin very happy. Sometimes they would even dance, which is also something Jun Jin has been doing since he was a child. He was sad that he never saw them at school though, wishing they were there so he could hang out with them.


One night when he was about to sneak out again, Jun Jin head his father talking on the phone in the kitchen about moving back to Korea since his grandmother was sick in the hospital. It made the young boy feel sick to his stomach at the prospect of once again being friendless. That night he didn't have enough courage to leave the house and went back to sleep, only for his father to announce the next day they were returning to his home country.


Ever since they moved back, Jun Jin never heard from that friend again, and turned back into the quiet boy who's only friends were books, his ball, and the dance floor. At the start of high school, disaster struck.


The Vampires had started attacking, and while he had snuck to his secret hideout in the forest, Jun Jin's family was murdered, and his older sibling turned (although he doesn't know). When he came back home later that night, the town was eerily quiet and it smelled metallic. Once he reached home he realized why. His parents' bodies were lying on the floor, his mother in the kitchen with her apron still on and the stove burning, his father in his study with a cold cup of coffee gripped in his hand and a pair of slippers on. 


That night he ran away from home, trying to find anyone and everyone he knew in town, only to find that they were all slaughtered. He was lucky the Vampires didn't come back into town. One night while he was on the road, he was discovered by a small band of Humans who called themselves 'The Rebels'. Their purpose was to hunt and kill Vampires. He joined them, not to kill Vampires, but because one of them urged him to join so he wouldn't die. And so he did. For quite a few years after that, Jun Jin became trained in how to kill Vampires, although he's never actually done it. He's learned combat, fitness, agility, strength, and more so he's perfectly capable of keeping his own. Suddenly, the Rebels were attacked by a group of rogue Vampires mad with hunger, slaughtering all of them no matter how good their defense was.


Jun Jin and the one that took him in ran away, before they suddenly became seperated and lost in the forest. Since then Jun Jin has never saw the other. 


Since his scent was covered with blood, Jun Jin blended in easily enough when he discovered a town. Once there, he was able to find a small house at the edge of town by the forest, which was abandoned. He's been living there since then, and scored a job as a car repairer. Having lived with a group of Vampire hunters, he knows how to hide himself in the open, so no one really suspects him, although his behavior is pretty weird. As a hobby, he still writes stories online here and there when he isn't busy, and also writes his own songs now. He has yet to find a dance studio he can use himself, so for now he just practices dancing in his kitchen.   



OOC Corner

I just have one thing to say, and that is that I don't do . ;; Sorry! *hides in the corner* I know that this rp totally allows it, and I'm fine with other people doing it but I don't do it. Anyways, on with everything else. I can pretty much rp anything and love to make friends and rp, so don't be afraid to talk to me! o u o Bye for now! *waves and runs off*