Personal Message

Name: Oh Sehun

Creature: Elve
Orientation: Homo
Occupation: Photographer

Bio: Everything had originally been a bright, happy and peaceful life. Sehun was the only child of the Oh's, so he was the center of his family's love. Well not everything can stay all happy and content, can it? That was a question he asked himself everyday after his parent's death. He loved to explore with his own little disposable camera, sneaking over to the border where he watched many Vampires go about their life. It certaintly did change when he got up courage to speak to some of the children around his age there, telling them about how it had been before everything happened with his books and age-ridden photos that he took from his parents. It took only one day for him to come back late for his parent's to die. They had crossed over too far and been caught, being tortured and not knowing anything about what had happened to their son before they died. Sehun still thinks it was part of his fault for doing something so risky but he hides it behind his calm and controlled mask. Traveling through their side as a photographer, taking photos of nature, people and everything that held a spark of interest to him. Sehun rarely finds anyone he can talk casually to, be himself with and open up with. Though he always wonders about the boys he used to speak with, always curious with everything in the world.