Personal Message

PARK JIMIN Jiminnie★
your charismatic bartender 
Eargasm : BTS- Tomorrow
Mood : 5 out of 5
Jimin moved to Seoul after his parent got into a fight and separated. His mother was a show girl and his father was a bartender. Since he was young at the time, his father manipulated Jimin into thinking that he made the right decision. After his father's death, Jimin lived on his own and followed his father's footsteps becoming a bartender while he flirts around like his mother. But he's caring, open minded, and vain.
If I had someone I loved so much, it would be the end of the world because I would do anything for them. Just to see that smile. Just to hear that they love me back. Just to see that I can make them happy that way. I would be selfish just for them and spoil them as if I was protecting them since day one. If I had someone I love so much, I would risk my life to keep them safe. No matter what the situation may be. My love for them would be eternal. If I had someone I love so much, their name, appearance, personality, and everything else would be the only thing I'll think about.