Personal Message

  march 1        1989      181cm.     homoual.       specialising in being abnormal.      currently taken by a lovable Xing kitty   

  WonJongjin ]

                "You think you know me? Well... Think again."

           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Is rather quiet.       Can be insecure.         He smiles, but not often. Though when he does, hurrah.      try not to irritate him.    

=> Works as an Organizer and is in charge on the set/studio and sometimes he even models, only when needed though. 
As his co-workers (the crew team/staff members) usually irritate him when they can't do even one task without his help most of the time.
=> He currently lives alone in an apartment due to him being a tad bit anti-social at work and rarely brings home visitors. If he does, consider yourself Lucky.

=> He gets impressed from time to time when someone does something that seems out of place or unusual.
= He's not exactly cold.. He just has a difficulty speaking at times and can't convey his feelings properly.
=>Though from time to time, he'll blabber and show some emotion. If he does, the person interests him. Then again everyone is interesting, according to him.

= His past isn't so bright and so he doesn't easily open up about it. As he is an orphan that thanks his orphanage for sending him through to high school until he got his own scholarship at a university and successfully graduated with the degree of the Managing Department.
= Astronomy amazes him in ways he doesn't know how to explain. 
=> He has an odd for Kiwis and Mangoes.



Do you see this lovable guy? Yeah, I think you do. I know that he looks real adorable, sweet and would even resemble a kitten; the cutest kitten you'd ever see.

So do take a note and know that He. Is. Mine.

I love Zhang Yixing quite a lot and nothing can change my mind about that. He's a little bundle of precious traits and is quite harmless and loves life. So If you decide to hurt him or make him depressed in anyway... I'll try and spare you. No one, I repeat no one should dare and try to make him cry. No, not even me. He's pure, gentle and kind so I wouldn't want that to be taken so lightly. In general, I don't like seeing him upset, I prefer it when he's happy because when he smiles, I smile And one of his enchanting smiles are enough to brighten up my day, or anyone's day to be exact. Yeah, I know. I'm whipped, but what can I do? Yixing's my one and only.

Xing, What are you doing...?  /coughscoughs/

Yixing owns Jongjin since 170714


-OOC Corner-

= I usually do 1st POV -detailed- Though, 3rd is good with me as well.
= I usually don't plot cause I tend to wing it half the time. Yeah, being spontaneous is fun.
= But just tell me if you want to plot and we'll work it out. Cause sometimes I crave for a good plot. Extreme plots are welcome. 

(And also if you have KakaoTalk, we can rp there too. I do other types of genre out of RPR. #Supernatural woo~!)
= If I don't reply to you and you see I'm online, assume I'm busy, I have a life outside of the magical realm of RP alright?
= I will reply, but later on, once I'm done replying to everyone else that replied before you. Yes, I do it in order... Most of the time.

thoughts ] : "If I reached out for your hand, would your eyes get wide?'    mood ] : 3/5


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