


Bought up as a the youngest child of four brothers -that includes him- Taehyun found it hard to stand out amoungst them as they were all brilliant at so many things, plus he was babied by his mother and father due to being the youngest in the household. When his eldest brother got married, his mother sat him down before the ceremony and spoke to him about what a relationship is. She told him that, from a young age, she had always seen him look at men in a more romactic light, and her and his Father had grown to accept that he may not marry a women one day -there were very slim chances that he'd turn out straight- and she told him that no matter what, they'd love him. They were thirty when they had Taehyun, and when he turned seveteen after revealing that he passed all his advanced classes a year early, they got him a job in Seoul and sent him off to University to follow his dreams. Thankful to have such loving parents and siblings, the boy now lives alone but wishes to find a room mate that can help him with the rent that seems to be to much for him and his short wages he recieves from his job and the spending money he get from his parents. But he's grateful, none the less.