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About Me


Choi Jinri, otherwise known as Sulli, was born into a family labelled the "crème de la crème" of overachievers. With tremendously successful plastic surgeons as parents, she lived shrouded in luxury, spending each night star-gazing on the deck connected to her bedroom and eating the most piquant foods imaginable. As long as she kept up her perfect grades and studied medical textbooks at night (which she did so somewhat grudgingly), her mother and father were willing to give her everything and anything she desired. California was a world of opportunities and attractive males, replete with hundreds of friends and shops to spend unused money in. Travelling the world was an inevitable check on her bucket list, and even though her young self was genuinely happy with how things were, it didn't take long for reality to come crashing down in a wave of black and grey.

Freshmen year of high school was the year her rebellious side staged an flamboyant show. Textbooks were thrown away, replaced by outrageous parties and antidepressant pills. Sulli was a rag doll with a broken heart, thrashed and torn by the lack of love and affection from her parents as all of their attention reverted to their genius son. His choice to attend college in Korea sent the whole family packing, shanghaiing her less-than-flawless life and replacing it with an even worse one. Not that her father cared, of course; his full mindset had been diverted to the impeccable success of her brother after a tragic plane crash that led to the death of her mother. Suicidal attempts were a religious part of the teen's day, followed by fiery arguments with anyone who dared to voice the truth about what the talented girl of the past had dwindled down to.      

Karma took a turn for the better right before college started. Sulli declared her independence, was disowned by her father for confessing her reluctance to be a doctor, and garnered a collection of close friends who helped her overcome the tantalizing grip of depression. After graduating early with a bachelor's and doctoral degree, she immediately applied for a job as a college professor and also volunteered to act as the school nurse due to her extensive knowledge of medical-related material.

Sulli is a strongly independent character, fueled by her feminist beliefs and ambition to show her father that she is absolutely fine without him in her life. Her distinguishable, unique traits include crude sarcasm, a sharp tongue, a mischievous mind, and the faint rainbow streaks that adorn her brown locks.

General Information

Name: Choi Jinri/Sulli ual Orientation: Panual
Date of Birth: March 29, 1990 Occupation: Professor/School Nurse
Age: 24 Location: Seoul, South Korea
Gender: Female Ethnicity: Korean-American



Out Of


GMT-5; I love 3rd (one to two paragraphs; novellas are challenging to reciprocate). Send me a one liner and I will ignore you. ouo I can write just about any genre (specifically romance, fluff, & angst), and plotting is normally a necessity for me. I find it hard to wing it, especially on a starter >< But besides that, talk to me! I could use friends on here, and I'm always happy to rp with whoever wants to rp. I don't bite (unless you want me to) <3.
