Personal Message


Lee Hongki

Background: Hongki  had a beautiful voice. His dream was to become a singer. Due to excessive smoking, drinking, and vocal abuse, he developed bad vocal cord nodules, so he is no longer able to sing. There is a surgery that he needs to fix it, but he can't afford it, and even if he could, there is a chance he won't be able to sing again anyways. He is broken, and he smokes and drinks twice as much as he used to. He can often be found wandering around in a drunken stupor or passed out. Perhaps if he meets someone special, he can give up his bad habbits.

uality:  Straight || Gay || Bi

Relationship Status: Single || Taken  || Engaged ||  Married

Heart Shape:

A broken microphone


You are special to me


Name               Name               Name               Name                Name



*OOC: Timezone UTC-5



Baby, I will never forget the day we met.  I'll always remember you putting me in that trash can and holding me until it was safe.  You are one of the sweetest people I have ever met.  Before I met you, I was drinking and smoking my life away, but you have got my straightened out.  You have given me the courage to have the surgery I need.  I know I can get better with you by my side.  You are my shining star.  My love for you grows every day.  Don't ever doubt it.  Just like you helped me, I'm going to help you.  I'm going to get you talking again.  

And one day, I'm going to buy you a ring and make you my wife. ♥

Mir, I'm so glad we found each other. It makes me really happy to know that I have a little brother. Now that I have you and Aron, I finally feel complete. I'll make sure to take good care of you. Meeting you has opened my eyes to how wonderful life can be. It's too bad that we missed out on so much of each other's lives, but we can still make up for lost time.  I wish you all the happiness in the world.  I will be there for you through thick and thin.  If things get tough, you can always come cry on my shoulder. You're so beautiful and adorable. 사랑해 ♥