Personal Message

1. first detailed only
2. i'd prefer to plot

3. slow at replies
4. i will mirror your replies
5. don't do one liners with me
6. poke me if i forget to reply you

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mark tuan.
Mark is gentle, quiet and really reserved. Mark's personality traits include generous doses of chivalry, care and warmth. He has a very bad temper and it will be displayed when you show him disrespect or indifference. Then, he can turn hotter than a burning furnace. Apart from that, he has a very cool demeanor. Mark secretly fears being ridiculed and his pride is just a veil for his fears. So, make sure to keep him nourished with respect. He can be really wild and lustful as well. He's really melodramatic, stubborn, generous and confident. He will always be loyal and encouraging to his partners. Mark is very independent but he need something to control and someone to admire him and appreciate him. He are fully capable of being greatly successful on his own but he are much happier if he have someone who look up to he. Mark would prefer not be alone.



name: mark tuan
age: 17
specie: human
social class: grand dukes
work: training to be knight
seme or uke: both