Personal Message


basic info

name: kim tae hyung
nicknames/aliases: tae tae, mong (blank) tae
date of birth: december 30, 1999
age: 17
orientation: you-ual
relationship status: unclaimed



taehyung never formed the habit of talking first. he's always just around the corner; watching and observing people. he is most of the time quiet and shy and likes to push people away because he hates getting too attached or hurt. as he had been taken advantage of multiple times, he's scared of feeling emotional pain. it took him so long before he recovered from abandonment by his own parents and friends. He swore to never get too close to anyone, making him sad because he's not like this before. long gone the boy with the brightest smile and cutest grin. he had to protect himself in all aspect because no one would.




Partner: Name
Since: 00/00/0000
Suspendisse ac justo neque. Nam mauris tortor, consequat eu metus nec, efficitur elementum arcu. Suspendisse est eros, vehicula sed posuere congue, tincidunt porttitor dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget efficitur nisl. Pellentesque justo arcu, aliquam vitae viverra quis, pellentesque at metus. Praesent tortor tellus, ullamcorper non magna tristique, ultricies venenatis nunc. Etiam egestas vestibulum diam at pharetra. Curabitur tellus nunc, sodales nec molestie in, vulputate in massa. Mauris et metus accumsan, ornare nisi vel, efficitur justo. Duis vitae mattis odio, sed mattis sem. Suspendisse at massa ipsum. Nam ut enim quis mi fermentum pretium vitae a mi. Ut sed enim quis tellus tempus molestie. In nec suscipit mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae


out of character

01. my gmt is +8
02. i usually rp in 1st detailed and 3rd pov.
03. i super  really  hate one liners. if you don't want to continue, tell me immediately.
04. if i don't reply within two days, poke me. i am a working person so if i reply to you during weekdays, it will be late because I squeeze in replies while working or when I have my break time.
05. Nplease do not god mod, i hate that too. if you want to do or anything like that because it is your fantasy, i am down with that but we will do it in pm.
06. no dramas ooc. please. just don't. you start and i will drop you like a hot potato.



Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Ut ornare sem eget magna bibendum blandit nec in justo. Aliquam vitae pretium magna, non scelerisque erat. Cras maximus nulla augue, non tempor odio rutrum id. Aenean eu lacus sed ipsum dapibus maximus. Quisque molestie fermentum massa. Duis congue turpis eros. Vestibulum ultricies sit amet ligula ut sollicitudin.
Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Mauris in viverra mi. Donec luctus ante nibh, nec aliquam elit bibendum quis. In vitae egestas purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus blandit dapibus ante eleifend laoreet. Mauris eros nisl, tincidunt tristique sapien sit amet, rhoncus congue metus. Integer sagittis fermentum mollis.
Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Duis turpis ligula, venenatis ut molestie ac, suscipit lacinia nunc. Nulla molestie urna et ante accumsan tempor. Aliquam interdum neque nec est tincidunt commodo. Nullam porta ligula at lacus finibus consectetur. Donec id orci felis. Sed vel nunc consequat arcu pulvinar fermentum vel nec ipsum. Nullam dapibus ullamcorper nibh, ac feugiat quam facilisis quis. Suspendisse potenti.