Personal Message

Nam Woohyun



- Name : Nam Woohyun

- Positon : Pet(Slash a Siberian Husky puppy)

- DOB : Feb 8th, 1991

- Height : 172

- Appearance : Dark brown hair, Full lips and gummy smile





the first time you meet him, you'll find his bubbly and cute personality, smiling and blushing a lot.

always being a polite guys to everyone, like doing aegyo and being innocent all around.


but if you know him more, you'll find out that he was try to make himself unnoticed. hide himself from the world.


love him, and he'll love you with all of his heart.





Woohyun was came from ordinary family, with his mother working as florist and his father work as teacher. he leave in peace, with his parent shower him with love.

untill one day, his father was killed because he trying to help his student who get by gangster. his world turn upside down.

his mother, being sad all the time and ended up fall sick. doctor tell him that his mother maybe will never wake up because deep inside her heart, she already die when her husband die.

he feel lost and unloved, but trying to act like his life is forever happy.

dont play with his heart, because its already broken.