Personal Message


Birth name: Lee Byunghun. 
Date of birth: November 23, 1993
Blood group: A
Height: 171cm
Weight: 50kg
Eyecandy: You
Eargasm: Eternity
Craving: Chocolate
Likes: Everthing
Dislikes: I don't know


Ever since young, L.Joe was seen as "the black sheep" by all his family. Being hated and even wished to have never existed by his own parents, he well knew how it felt to be unwanted. Not until one day when he became a Junior in High School did he realize how much power he had to prove all those people wrong. He met his first love, who only introduced him to drugs and that's when L.Joe's new world began.

Surrounded by "bad influece," he ran away from hom eand became a drug dealer, thinking of it as a hobby. He now wonders around the streets living his life the way he wants and telling others that he's alone in this world. Due to his past experinces he has never known love and isn't interested in knowing about it. He s those looking for a good , no strings attached. To this day, it is still hard for him to trust others, so if he trusts you, be careful not to hurt him or you'll be hated or killed with no mercy.


Status: Single
Taken by: Name
Since: yymmdd


To my lover,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut accumsan congue neque, a posuere nulla posuere vel.Donec dapibus lectus eu justo accumsan, nec sodales nibh sollicitudin. Maecenas eget massa vel sem sagittis molestie et eget lectus. Morbi ultrices elementum semper. Nulla et laoreet eros, ut porttitor ligula. Nullam sapien sapien

My precious friends,

Name             Name           Name

Name            Name            Name