Personal Message

"This world deserves none of my mercy for the pain they've caused me...."




Better Watch Your Back.
Better Watch Your Back.
THE PAST | when the hate and guilt begins | Biography

He was once a creator who cared for his creation until a widespread virus struck, infecting his beloved android he calls, Henry. he considered him his friend even though it was made of metal. Before the horrible event struck, he was celebrating his success for a new improvement design for androids with his friends.

With no living relative left, his friends are the only thing close to being his family. Like most of the populationg, Zhoumin was unaware that a dangerous virus already taken over Henry's system and manipulated its program. It was too late when he realized what was wrong. He didn't see anything unusual when Henry entered the room with a knife. He thought that it would simply assist in cutting the cake his friends bought for the joyous occassion. Zhoumi remembers smiling at his beloved android before he brought the knife deep into his friend's body. Everyone was frozen in disbelief and horror.

The whole thing felt like a dream, a nigthmare that didn't stop until it claimed all of his family. The mechanical being targeted the rest of his friends, plunging the bloody knife into their bodies without hesitation. His friends tried to run but with his creation given the gift of fast reflexes, they were no match. It only took minutes before all the screams disappeared making it look like a distant dream. The screams stopped and Zhoumi was alone except for Henry still standing beside his last victim. Blood painted the room, showing how much blood was shed that day.

Zhoumi looked at his creation who slowy made its way towards him. Tears leaked from his face as he held Henry's face, cradling it like a fragile doll. "Why?! Why?!"

The beloved creation answered, devoid of emotion that he programmed into it. "Because I only want you to look at me."

Zhoumi sobbed and wrapped his arms at his beloved creation. He knew that something happened to it. It was too late. He couldn't look at it and see goodness. His family was killed and soon even the metal he called Henry would be gone too. Before Henry could realize what was going to happen, he disconnected Henry, preventing him from harming anyone in this world. Zhoumi being forced to do it, broke and began to hate the beings he loved once.

THE PRESENT | when the hate and guilt begins | Biography

  At present, Zhoumi is a well-respected individual in an organization created by the law to protect the humans from possible android threats. The organization terminates illegal androids onsite no questions asked. 
WHO AM I? | HATE ME OR LOVE ME? | Personality

Zhoumi appears to be the nicest man in town but be careful of what you see. He's not always nice. He always has an agenda. You will never know when he plans to stab you in the back or love you back. This male won't care if you beg for your life or your creation. When it comes to androids, he's an iron fist. Well... you can't blame him. Androids took away everything he held dear.

Beyond that cheerful exterior lies a broken man. With no family left in his life and friends that rot in their graves, he's left all alone. He hates androids and their creators as much as he feels guilt for not being able to do anything to save 'Henry', his android and the life of his friends. They always haunted his dreams and wished he could have prevented all this pain. 

The LAW is his burden and pain.
SINGLE| --.--.14 | My Lover 

Message to lover here! Press SHIFT + ENTER for new row! There is overflow in this section!

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Zhou Mi (22)
GMT +8:00