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About Him


Leonidas, the great Spartan king who sacrificed himself to hold back the Persian army with 300 men, is revered as a hero of war. Some have said that Leonidas was in fact, the son of Ares and that's where he inherited his adept reflexes and tactics of a warrior. That is not the case with this Leonidas. True, he has adept reflexes and clever tactics but they're more because of where he was born and less because of an always-impending war, like in Ancient Greece. Leonidas has been nicknamed "Lucky" for two reasons: because his name is rather long and his affinity for good fortune happening to him. Lucky was born in northen Canada, where there were dangerous animals everywhere and social classes are all but extinct. In his town, everyone helped out each other and picked on one another, as well. It was a neverending test of strength and wits in his high school - who could stay out the longest once the sun set, who could hunt big game the earliest, and who could take the most hits in a brawl. In this environment, Lucky thrived. He ended up becoming reckless and spontaneous. He learned how to hunt at the ripe age of 10, as his father was probably one of the best trappers in the area. He taught himself how to track and how to survive in the wild, a trait almost everyone knew how to do in such an isolated small town. Still, it always seemed like Leonidas got the long end of the stick. He always brought back game and he always hunted in the most opportune of times. No one thought anything of it - he was just lucky. That is, until, an Oread, a mountain nymph, tried to curse him with a bad hunting season when he was thirteen for being so cocky. He first experienced the day where he brought nothing home and it ripped him apart. He couldn't bring nothing home - he was Lucky Bonaventura, after all. He had never been so determined. As a result, he manipulated his own luck and overcame the curse, proving himself stronger than that of a mountain nymph. He brought home enough game to give some to the neighbours and he was proud of himself. He had bested luck - he made his own. From that moment on, he was claimed as Tyche's son. It was clear why she chose Lucky's father, as he always pushed against the odds that were set against him, no matter what. He didn't rely on good fortune, he made his own. That is exactly what Leonidas did a thousand years back in Sparta. And it's what Lucky is going to do for the rest of his life.
There is something you should know. Leonidas isn't afraid to die. He isn't afraid to spend his life searching for something, have it for an instant, then have it takeen away from him. He's afraid of something. And it's the reason he isn't afraid of those two, prominent things. He's afraid of love, because love has killed all that was close to him once.

Leonidas is a very spirited, reckless, spontaneous and clever young man. He also happens to be sarcastic and apathetic, to an impeccable degree. However, he's also very unpredictable in his dealings, as it appears that he'll care about certain things and not care about others that should be of equal importance. It is crucial to know that the biggest factor in Leonidas' personality is his random behaviour. Even when you think you know the boy, he will act a way that you thought he wouldn't. He's two sides of the same coin. He's both evil and good, generous and selfish, hostile and friendly. People call him bipolar, people call him unstable. But there is a proverb he likes to muse. "Chaos is, in essence, when events are thrown into supreme chance, and there is nothing that can predict the outcome." This is Leonidas in all aspects. He is chaotic. Try to keep up with him, because you'll never get bored. But you'll never get comfy, either.

General Information

Name: Leonidas Bonaventura ual Orientation: Heteroual
Birthdate: February 5, 1996 Age: 18
Race: Greek Godly Parent: Tyche, goddess of chance
Gender: Male Abilities: Luck manipulation and magic coin



Abilities & Weapons


Leonidas is a skilled hunter and tracker due to living in the cold, hazardous forests of northen Canada. He has a huge tolerance for cold temperatures, more so than New York-born residents. This is a point he likes to stress often. His best non-magical weapon is a bow and arrow, or a double-barrel shotgun rifle, seeing as how that was the main weapon during the hunting season in Canada. He is also very skilled with a sling shot, throwing fatal blows with simply a small rock and his aim. His hand-to-hand combat isn't exactly up to par with other campers, but do you really need to fight when you've got surprise on your side? That's right, Leonidas is a very patient hunter and can sneak up on the most evasive of prey. His swordsmanship is the weakest point of his skills. His greatest ability is the ability to change small aspects of destiny with his magic coin. It was given to him by his mother, Tyche, who told him that he was always the master of his chances. "The fights that you can't seem to win are exactly the fights you should be battling." This magic coin allows him to ask the universe a question out loud, wish silently for the answer, and then flip it. It will always flip to the face that he wants it to, giving him the answer he wants. And it will always come true, as long as the coin chooses a face. Say, for example, he wanted to win a game of "Capture the Flag" during training, he'd simply ask the question "Will I win this game?", flip the coin and wish for the answer "yes", and it will become as so. Unfortunately, Leonidas can't control all aspects of destiny and the Fates will intervene. The usual case scenario concerns death and marriage, as they are aspects of fate far greater than Tyche's control. If Leonidas was really determined, on his own stead, to kill or love someone, he could make the universe agree with him with this coin, however, that only works with his own personal goals. He is also able to manipulate luck, anyone's luck. He can curse someone with bad luck and bless someone with good luck. This works by having either bad or good luck scenarios follow that certain person like a plague. Whenever something superstitious crosses the person's path, either something good or bad will happen, depending on how Leonidas wants to play with them. But, it's no secret that Leonidas likes playing people like a pack of dolls.
