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About Her


Pompeii grew up as a witch, not so much as a demigod. Trivia had fallen for a voodoo doctor, a mortal master of magic and was in control of most of England's underground crimes. He was a very powerful man. A very ruthless, cold, manipulating but clever man. He was charming, with his dazzling blue eyes and dark mahogany hair, his brooding gaze and broad shoulders. Pompeii knew why so many women flocked to him during the parties she was shown off at. He was handsome, just as much as Pompeii was pretty. At a young age, Pompeii learned how to get what she wanted through any means necessary. More through force than anything else. She didn't know the meaning of "what comes around goes around". As a result of her father's dastardly skills, Pompeii was pampered and was given almost anything she desired. Her father was her biggest teacher. As a result, Pompeii grew up to be ruthless, cold, manipulating and clever. Overall, she was powerful. More so than her father and could even be compared to her half-sister Circe. 

However, there was a minute time in her past where she wasn't as great as her half-sister and as cold as her father. It was the beginning of her teenage years, when she was only twelve years old. She had thought that arranged marriages were things of the past and that she'd never have to worry. After all, she had everything she could ask for. Instead, she was given the news by her father that she was betrothed to a young man, 2 years older than she, and it would help unite most of the underground crimes and mobs against the government. After all, many things were corrupt in the world, and many dangerous means could be justified by beneficial ends. Her father believed he'd help the mortal world overcome its imbalance through his activities, as well as her betrothed's parents. When she met him, she was surprised to find that he was kind, demure and warm-hearted. Call him a Robin Hood of sorts, as he lived by a code of honor. He didn't agree to his parents' lifestyle and thought that clean money was the way to live life. However, it was hard to come by and thus, made it clean by giving it to the less fortunate. Pompeii admired him beyond compare, some could even call it love.

But, as Pompeii became happier and sweeter, her father became riled up. He asked his lover, the only woman he's truly loved, to help with this situation. They both had plans for Pompeii and it required her to be angry, to be powerful. It was the only way Pompeii would unlock her magical talents. Thus, Trivia whispered a spell, a very unique spell, to Pompeii and told her that it was her test. She'd finally know who her mother was if she succeeded. Pompeii approached her betrothed, the parasitic test itching in the back of her mind and the spell right on the tip of her tongue, and asked if he loved her. He responded earnestly, saying that if he could, he'd give her his heart. It's been twelve years she's been without a mother, and this man has only been in her life a few months. But what weighed more? She made her last decision, and ripped out her lover's heart, telling him that she'd keep it safe. However, with his heart gone, he became just like her father and just like his parents. He no longer cared for her and the poor. He no longer cared for helping other people. Although he'd stay alive as long as Pompeii had his heart, it broke her own as much as it would have if he were to die. With her heart shattered and her optimism gone, she turned to her father and asked what had happened.

It was then that she was claimed by her mother. It was then that she was recognized as a true witch and begun her descent into ruthlessness. It's been six years of nonstop heart-ripping and soul-crushing. She helped her father climb higher than ever before and made a name for herself among the Roman demigods. She left Englad as the anger at seeing her betrothed being so gruesome became unbearable. He was just as ruthless as she, if not more as he came to adore the sight of the lesser fortunate in pain. He was empty and shriveled without his heart but Circe, her half-sister, paid a visit to Pompeii once. She threatened to kill her betrothed as soon as she stuck his heart back inside him, because love is weakness. Love doesn't equate to power. Love isn't a weapon. And all Pompeii needed was power and weapons. Circe wanted a sister just like her. Her father wanted a daughter just like him. Trivia wanted a daughter just like her. Pompeii had no idea of what she wanted to be and thus, became what others wanted her to be.

Ruthless, cold, and powerful.

Trivia has been mused to have three different faces, three different personalities. Positive, negative, and neutral. Just as magic is not just one thing, neither is Trivia, or Pompeii for that matter. However, due to her upbringing, Pompeii hardly uses her other two faces. She prefers to use her one mask, as it is the most comfortable and the safest one for her to use.

This is the ruthless, cold, apathetic and calculating Pompeii. She understands the need for connections but sees no need to keep them close to her, being able to sever her ties with people fairly easily. This idea of severing bonds came from a practice her fellow criminals pitted against her. Until she was fifteen, Pompeii loved to have a pet to look after. She's had all sorts of pets from puppies and kittens to fish and birds, even exotic pets like snakes and she even had a red panda. Now, her abundance of pets to her name wasn't because she wanted them all at once. It was because every time she grew extremely attached to her dear pet, the other gangsters would grow huffy and thought it a good laugh to see Pompeii suffer. No true gangster should have such petty affections for an animal. So, they'd assemble a group and restrain Pompeii, taunting her ruthless behavior and her soft spot for pets. The only way she'd really react to something was with her pet, and they'd make fun of her for it. Then, to truly make Pompeii suffer, they'd continue to restrain while beating on her pet, most often to death. Sometimes, they'd leave it barely alive and she'd do her best to nurse it back to health but the damage was so severe, the pet would slip away and die. Every time, she'd show her crying face for a considerable amount of time. Every time, she thought she could have another pet. Every time, her father's subordinates came around, cruel and mean. After her red panda named Vesuvius was electrocuted, she stopped obtaining pets. She was never allowed to kill her father's goonies and thus, they lived but not without reminder of what they've done to her precious, innocent friends. Now, she hardly lets anything get close to her and she refuses to show affections often. There are only small moments, when admiring another person's pet, would she lift this mask off her face. 

Some people tell Pompeii that this face is her true face, and it's the one hiding beneath the other masks. She can be sweet and gentle, kind and nurturing. She can nurse something to health quite effectively if she knows the right spell. She has a bright smile and she'd do anything to help others. She became sort of like a Maid Marian to her betrothed's Robin Hood, but because he is no longer the same, she isn't either. She refuses to show this side of her for one simple reason. Every single time that she's smiled genuinely, it was replaced with a devastating cry almost instantly. When she found someone to help, she got punished for it. So many terrible things happened to her because she was nice, that she simply stopped being nice. 

Speaking of terrible things, Pompeii has had no shortage of it. Even if she seems pompous and rude, she probably hurt just as much as you did. She keeps these feelings locked up inside her, creating a strong cage so they won't get it. However, her sorrows are like banshees, screeching out and shaking things, and she can't help but to give into them occasionally. These are terrible moments that no one wants to be around, where she herself would become like a ghost. She's unable to move from her miserable present and cry. She'd cry so much that she'd put weeping willows to shame. This is the face she wears when she wants to be brutally honest and if you want to find something out about her, this is the best time to ask her. Despite seeming like she's going to cry a fountain, she's just as friendly as she while wearing her nice face. However, you will find that her sadness will rub off on you, as well, and you can't help but to mourn with her.

General Information

Name: Pompeii Brooks ual Orientation: Panual
Date of Birth: March 26, 1996 Godly Parent: Trivia
Age: 18 Race: Roman
Gender: Female Abilities: Magic weilder



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