Personal Message

This section is mine all mine.
♥ I love you.

Min Yoongi
The White rabbit
about This sugared creature
Most people wonder, how can a little white bun be villainous? Well, it's a bit deeper than a word or title taped onto someone. Min Yoongi is a very closed of person, and you'll think that's insane when you see how much he talks. Being a compulsive liar as well as a snooty around those below him, you'll see the being whimpering around those who can step all over him. He has two main personalities, one being the groveling one he dons when around higher ups and the second consisting of violence and a sharp tongue to those he sees as his underlings. It doesn't exactly matter of the size or power behind someone's muscles, Yoongi only judges based off of status.

Due to his unhealthy addiction to spouting lies and threats that have no backup, you'll see the white rabbit crouching in the fileds a lot. He doesn't trust people nor does he like associating with those who probably have the most reason to speak with him. However, if you simply sneak up on him while he's sitting in the dirt beside some lettuce, you'll see the true Min Yoongi. It seems that he can only tell himself the truth, so if you see him muttering some dirty complaints or some teary confessions into a head of lettuce he's watering, well, that's the real min yoongi. A pathetic specimen really. one that pushes away everyone else to be alone and see how he's molded his world to crash down around him.

He can be harmless on some days and rather careless to his surroundings if they don't have to do with him. However, if you catch him on a day where his eyes are nearly red from angry, just walk the other way. He'll stick a carrot up your and then slap you wiht his nonstop rather than deal with his own anger in a more healthy manner. He's definitely got some anger issues, but that's just how the notorious min yoongi was made.
Possible plots
These are pretty open ended/flexible/able to be so we can plot more depending on your chara.

001.  xxx
– open – xxx

002.  xxx – open – xxx

003.  xxx – open – xxx
   Message to my love.


3rd pov only -- para to novella
-- If not, some detailed 1st.
Don't poke unless you really love me or something -- then let me know of your lovely feelings e n e bc I'll love you too, probably
is a-okay with me -- I top and bottom depending on the situation
I love plots! \o/ angst, drama, romance, are the best! occasional fluff too~
Not much semi para with me-- I get uninterested bc I'll put my chara's thoughts and feelings on a plate for you and will be sad if you can't do the same for me
-8gmt atm
I'm nice ;_____; We can talk ooc too <3
I never promise romance even if it's in the plot bc it depends on my charas feelings
Love me *slapped*
OOc garbage:
(keep scrolling)