Jung Minhee or simply Minhee is a talkative, dedicated, popular and perhaps a little too bossy girl. But there's more than this to somebody with her position. She was born in a fairly rich family in a large capital. She lived comfortably until she was about 12 years old, but at that point life began to change. She started working for the homeless shelter as the head and was becoming more cultured. With a great deal of determination, she reached the top in a strange world. But with her perseverance and compassion, there's nothing to stop her from improving the world. She could quickly become a person of (great) importance. But anything could happen; she is currently still growing up and learning new things. She feels like there's more people to meet in this world. Luckily he has plenty of resources to support her. She saw this dance group called SNSD, an all girl dance group. She joined it and became a member of the group. Minhee got an important job and was meeting a lot of influential people. With a great deal of determination, she blossomed in a amazing world. But with her wits and charm, there's nothing to stop her from finding a way to the top. She could quickly become a true friend for life. But things could change quickly; she is currently enjoying the world and its beauty. She feels like there's more caution than needed in this world. Luckily she has great friends to support her. She moved to another country and was learning a new language. After an astonishing adventure, he is part of an adventure in a outlandish world. But with her perseverance and eagerness, there's nothing to stop her from fullfilling all dreams. She could quickly become an ally you'd want by your side. But for now that's speculation; she is currently still growing up and learning new things.

Jung Minhee always had this dream where she can see her father and mother screaming and crying because of an accident. She was taumatized by it, always afraid of sleeping because of that. In the present,    minhee's    parents    was in    coma and was   resting in the  hospital because of an accident.

Because of that, her parents give her the family company and she started worwing for it as the head. Her dreams were composed of pure black. She always wanted to see what is happening to the world behind that black color, so accidentally, she received a 6th Sense, the oh-so-sharp sense of seeing. She can see anything within a 100-meter radius. Even if it was just a little dust, she can see it clearly, and   what's   important  is  that she can control   it by   zooming   and  
unzooming her vision.

She started to use her sixth sense in many ways, like helping others in the  field by zooming and unzooming her visionto monitor the  vegetables if the bugs were pestering it.

Minhee's Powers:

The Power of the 6th sense, The

 Oh-So- Sharp sense of seeing
Taken by: Name here
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