

Better Watch Your Back.
Better Watch Your Back.

Entry 1 | 08.31.14 | Biography

Born in a poor family, both his parents were alcoholics. He had only his older sister, with whom he was forced to sell his body from a young age to pay for the cheap vodka. Later, his sister married and had to leave him, since he and her husband hated each other's guts. In the day of his 15th birthday, his patience finally wore and he brutally murdered hsi parents, running from the cops to an aboandoned ghost town. There, he heard the melody and set for Neverland. Upon arrival, his twisted, evil mind was fascinated by the madness that is Peter Pan and he swore to follow him until the day he dies.


Entry 2 | 08.31.14 | Personality

Prideful, selfish, violent and all around crazy. Possibly addicted to blood and killing, but not proved. (Never went to a shrink, duh.) Ceaselessly trolls people he likes, and prepares crazy canadian pranks for those he hates. Those usually end in death. You better not get on his bad side. Completely loyal to Peter Pan, obeys only him and will do anyting for him. Part of that loyalty is a morbid fasciantion, part a sort of admiration. Childish, on the outside innocent. Incredibly cruel and brutal, he lives for the pain of others and for the power he feels over them. Also from his days as a e loves and will spread his legs for anyone, do anything just for pleasure.

Entry 3 | 08.31.14 | My Lover

Choi Jun Hong
16 yrs
Lost Boy