Personal Message
park jimin
Park Jimin, the neglected middle child. His older sister became an amazing doctor at the age of 25 and his younger brother is an effortless genius at 16. Due to this, his parents constantly brag on and on about the other two and what a world difference they can make while he sits in his room and messes around with his computer, playing games, and enjoying his time on his own. Even if he doesnt get the same treatment by his parents, Jimin enjoys his life as is, not bothered in the slightest since he can move around easily without his parents down his back-- as long as he isn't causing trouble. In school he majors in culinary, despite his love for electronics.

Jimin is someone who wants to be able to become a world known chef, despite his very lacking skill set in that area. He works part time at a pc bang, to be able to do something relaxing while learning the stressful ways of being in the kitchen.

Due to his nerdy ways though, Park Jimin has never dated. He's highly awkward around people too, all but Kidoh. If you get him comfortable around you, consider yourself lucky.

OOC: +I prefer third or detailed first | + gmt -5 | + Rather busy ooc so i apologize for slowe replies. | + plot first please! I enjoy knowing where things are going. hover over the umbrella to learn more.

Love Status: Biually single. lmao
Taken By: No one. 
Taken Since: Never. 

If we hit it off, we hit it off. dont force yourself into someone you arent to get with me. i just want someone that i can be comfortable around and spend long days talking about useless to. guy or girl , it doesnt matter- as long as youre attractive . for girls, he prefers the noonas -- guys, there isnt much boundary.