I don’t want to say goodbyeyet, 
do you want to get to know me  more?
I don’t want to say goodbyeyet, 
do you want to get to know me  more?
I don’t want to say goodbyeyet, 
do you want to get to know me  more?
neat freak
Shin Dongwoo, also known simply as Mr. Shin or Shinwoo, graduated top of his class and is a newer teacher.
He's studious and calm, and very friendly to anyone. He's in charge of the mathematics department as well as the Archery team instructor. 
He isn't extremely athletic but he's very calculating and patient which makes anything very easy for him. He's willing to help any student whose failing or having any emotion issues.
But, be careful what you ask him...he's easily flustered being the geeky type, he's never dated nor did he have plans to. He's too busy to date, and any dating or ual questions make him uncomfortable. So, stick to academic questions please.
He's easily spotted by hair long hair and glasses, the only time he would be found without his glasses is while he's grading papers of if he's lost them, which is extremely rare.
then do you want to comein, and have some tea?
then do you want to comein, and have some tea?
then do you want to comein, and have some tea?