Personal Message

OOC corner: 

- I mostly do 1st POV
- If you send me one-liners, I will answer with one-liners I can't work with them, sorry
- My timezone is UTC+2 but I am basically always online
- Please do not hesitate to contact me or ask me to rp, I can be kinda shy sometimes
- I can wing it, but I can do plots too if my brain decides to work with me
- Replies can be really really fast, or really really slow... 


Turn ons: Biting/Scratching, teasing, food play, hair pulling
Turn offs: The cutesy act, any sort of


Born into a rich family, he is used of having control, being taught from a young age that other people are under him and that he is superior, Jongdae could be expected to be snobby and arrogant. But his mother raised him in a loving house, his father taught him that respect is important in any aspect of life.
Nonetheless Jongdae was raised to be a leader.

Jongdae studied business and marketing in College, always ready to please his father no matter how unsatisfying his life would be once he finished College and would go back home.
While being away from his family, Jongdae got himself into any kind of trouble he could think of, resulting in almost getting kicked out of College, but with the money of his parents everything was settle rather quickly.
Basically, that was how his entire life went.
ed up? Let father and mother fix it.
But soon his parents realized that Jondae would never be fit of leading their company and so they chose his cousin to inherit the business, leaving their own son stranded with nothing to do in his life, but still rich enough to live and party as much as he liked. 


The Master/Pet world was opened for him as a joke, but never really ended, even after his last Pet fell in love with another men and Jongdae had to let him go.
Now Jongdae was left with nothing but a boring life, having everything he could have ever asked for an no responsibilities and so he asked his parents for permission to leave his home and start traveling the world.
He found passion and pleasure in painting, quickly learning techniques and discovering his talent all over the world.


People would always describe him as arrogant and snippy, but truly he is simply sassy and doesn't like to justify himself or his life.
His boredom is his worst enemy, one could say, getting under his skin and making him do risky things- anything really, to kill the boredom he had to endure all his life.
If Jongdae gets himself a Pet, even for only one night, he loves to spoil them, smother them in attention and anything they could ask for, but he will always be the dominant one, always the first to set rules and punish his partner if those rules are not followed to his liking.
Under all the gentleness still lurks a man full of unrestrained passion and lust, someone who will not hesitate to grip bruises into someones skin and bite their neck until he draws blood- always with the permission of his Pet though. 




Jongdae is sassy and can be kind of cheeky.
He doesn't like to be ordered around, but he will do almost everything for friends or people who ask nicely
As a Master or Dom Jongdae would call himself "gentle", meaning that he will carry his Pet on hands, kiss them tenderly or feed them all day. 
But there is a catch. Being with Jongdae means a lot of rules to follow- and punishment for stepping out of line.
He would spank his Pets or strap them down to his bed for hours, sometimes even leaving his apartment while they were helpless and gagged in the bedroom.