Personal Message

She was like wilted flowers. Beautiful, yet slowly dying.

Rosemarie Dragomir
rose 16 cabin Five GREEK straight


The last name Dragomir is an old Slavic name meaning Drag 'Dear' and Mir 'Peace' -- meaning To Whom Peace Is Precious or He who cares about peace. The Dragomir family are known in the underworld for being one of the most powerful Mafia familes but also one of the most peaceful ones. Andrik Dragomir was the head of the mafia, powerful , just and brave -- the man was respected by everyone in organization. During a trip to Korea, he met the beautiful daughter of a mafia's lord named Park Haneul. Her exquisite beautiful and humble personality had the man bow to her, yet their was one problem -- she was pregnant. Through she swore she was a and that an angel blessed her with a baby in her dreams. That did not bother him, Andrik couldn't have kids of his own and this beautiful young soul was giving him everything he ever wanted.

Rosemarie Haeun Dragomir was the name given to the child -- the beautiful rose of the Dragomir family. Rose grew up learning that the world wasn't as simply as black and white, that her father lived in a world of gray. She was smart and quick on her feet, she always wanted to be in her father's business. Against her mother's wishes Rose took up combat -- her father teaching her Sambo which is a tradional bulgarian fighting style which translate into "Self defense without weapons'. She also learned tradition Taekwondo. At the age of ten she was one of the most skilled fighters in her club, one would save that she was gifted in the area of fighting. Outside of fighting, Rose enjoyed doing things with her mother was never let her forget her Korean roots -- she was a good student though she always struggled with reading and writing. Words always getting mixed up in her head, it felt like the letters were always dancing on the page.


rosemarie D. ♡
plot Files
open | f/m | plot #1 cruelty
"You haven’t healed, I can tell from how cruel you are." 

You read me like a book, my scars are a story of how i survive yet it is not good enough for you. you stll call me child saying that i have not grown, That the blood on my hands and the darkness in my heart is only proof that i have yet to heal. you say healing is letting go, but hatred is all i have. who am i without it? who will i be with you? don't look at me so foolishly, do not mistake this cruelty for misguided youth. i am a killer and that's all i will ever be. i am healed, you just don't understand me.
open | f | plot #2 girls
"They were more than just girls– exposed wire,flash flood, ethereal things– with bodies of salt that left you thirsty."

I never met a girl like you, you stand as my equal yet you are nothing like me. if i have a burning flame, than you are cold water. if i should fall, i can rely on you to pick me back up and no matter how back i push you you push right back at me. we never need to say anything but it is enough. we are the kind of girls who go looking for trouble just so we can have each other's back. if that's not friendship then i don't know what is.

 condimentum porta. Vestibulum ullamcorper mattis justo a vestibulum. Nullam ac neque sed lectus suscipit varius vel vitae nulla. Aenean enim purus, blandit vitae pretium non, viverra in mauris. Sed lobortis pretium sapien ac gravida. Phasellus mattis diam metus. Ut molestie orci ac nunc dapibus pulvinar. Pellentesque accumsan varius sagittis. Sed sapien eros, suscipit ut aliquam ut, varius ac purus. Maecenas eget vestibulum nibh. Vivamus eu viverra justo, eu molestie justo. Ut luctus odio nec efficitur scelerisque. Proin ante ante, lobortis eu risus vel, ultrices aliquet est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet felis metus. Cras fringilla convallis sapien condimentum porta. Vestibulum ullamcorper mattis justo a vestibulum. Nullam ac neque sed lectus suscipit varius vel vitae nulla. Aenean enim purus, blandit vitae pretium non, viverra in mauris. Sed lobortis pretium sapien ac gravida. Phasellus mattis diam metus. Ut molestie orci ac nunc dapibus pulvinar. Pellentesque accumsan varius sagittis. Sed sapien eros, suscipit ut aliquam ut, varius ac purus. Maecenas eget vestibulum nibh. Vivamus eu viverra justo, eu molestie justo. Ut luctus odio nec efficitur scelerisque. Proin ante ante, lobortis eu risus vel, ultrices aliquet est.
Rosemarie Dragomir
rose 16 cabin Five GREEK straight

The last name Dragomir is an old Slavic name meaning Drag 'Dear' and Mir 'Peace' -- meaning To Whom Peace Is Precious or He who cares about peace. The Dragomir family are known in the underworld for being one of the most powerful Mafia familes but also one of the most peaceful ones. Andrik Dragomir was the head of the mafia, powerful , just and brave -- the man was respected by everyone in organization. During a trip to Korea, he met the beautiful daughter of a mafia's lord named Park Haneul. Her exquisite beautiful and humble personality had the man bow to her, yet their was one problem -- she was pregnant. Through she swore she was a and that an angel blessed her with a baby in her dreams. That did not bother him, Andrik couldn't have kids of his own and this beautiful young soul was giving him everything he ever wanted. Rosemarie Haeun Dragomir was the name given to the child -- the beautiful rose of the Dragomir family. Rose grew up learning that the world wasn't as simply as black and white, that her father lived in a world of gray. She was smart and quick on her feet, she always wanted to be in her father's business. Against her mother's wishes Rose took up combat -- her father teaching her Sambo which is a tradional bulgarian fighting style which translate into "Self defense without weapons'. She also learned tradition Taekwondo. At the age of ten she was one of the most skilled fighters in her club, one would save that she was gifted in the area of fighting. Outside of fighting, Rose enjoyed doing things with her mother was never let her forget her Korean roots -- she was a good student though she always struggled with reading and writing. Words always getting mixed up in her head, it felt like the letters were always dancing on the page.


Donec quis pulvinar velit. Aenean a lectus elit. Curabitur felis erat, viverra ut mattis sed, ultricies et turpis. Donec quis odio non nisl ullamcorper ultrices in sit amet lorem. Vestibulum vel malesuada ante. Donec sit amet luctus est. Cras a eros a eros sollicitudin rhoncus nec at lectus. Suspendisse laoreet diam ante, sit amet blandit tellus tristique sit amet. Aliquam quis sem eu augue rutrum fermentum vitae sed velit. Mauris in ante a ligula euismod aliquam vitae vitae sapien. Nunc eget odio et ipsum commodo feugiat id eget enim. Proin in nisl finibus, sagittis urna a, consequat eros.


Rule 1 / Rule 2 / Rule 3 / Rule 4 / Rule 5