








medical student-asst. school nurse 
part time singer



Growing up in a middle class family, Seolhyun's childhood was filled with both joyful and tearful memories. As a child, life never seemed tough, being fed with love by her mother, the glue that kept the family together. Her source of safety was whenever her mother picked up the guitar and began strumming, singing along to the tune. Even if the lyrics were utterly random, to Seolhyun they were words of gold. However, nothing gold could last forever.

At age 12, Seolhyun's mother learnt of a disease she never imagined she'd obtain- thyroid cancer. And at such a risky moment-- she was 7 months pregnant with the younger Kim. Though it was hard to decide, everyone was against Seolhyun's mother in giving birth, as it may risk her life along with the baby. But a heart made out of gold is bound to think of others before themselves. And so, a month later, the young Kim was brought out into the world... and as she took her first breath, her mother took her last. 

It would be a lie to say, afterwards, everything stayed the same. Of course, the amount of members left in the family stayed the same, but it was different. Everyday seemed the same, yet it was different. No longer was the guitar picked up. No longer did her father return home with a bright smile through hours of work, as he drowned himself in papers and files to forget his lover. No longer did Seolhyun have her source of safety, but only a memory of it- her sister. Who somehow obtained almost the exact features her mother had. And even that didn't last. Having born premature, her sister was born with weak lungs at 3 weeks after Seolhyun turned 16, her younger sister joined her mother.

Things changed, but it didn't bring Seolhyun towards depression despite all the burden she carries. Of course, she'll shed tears a time or two, but who wouldn't? Her high school years were spent with some friends, but were mostly filled with books and music. Not one to interact much, she'd only had one boyfriend, who she had cared for and loved with what she had. But having to deal with her personal problems, she had unintentionally ignored him, and now she quietly sits, isolated, scrawling words- whether they be assignments or lyrics. It was her dream, ever since her mother left, to be a singer. She wanted to share the songs her mother created, and the emotions she had oh-so-carefully kept locked inside, waiting for the perfect time to release it without breaking down like a weakling. Unfortunately, her father was a weak soul. He lost his job and now had an unstable finance, causing Seolhyun to take a different direction. To forget the dreams of being a singer, and she envied those who are.

Now a fresh medical student, obtaining a scholarship with her excellent grades during high school, Seolhyun decided it'd be well to start with a simple job, one where it wouldn't take too much of her time as she had a father waiting at home. It wasn't that her father didn't care for her, but it wasn't as if he showed her the utmost affection either. But thinking back to her mother's kind and caring ways, Seolhyun thought it was what was best.

Seolhyun now spends her weekdays alternating between a high school, where she helps in the infirmary as the assistant nurse, and her medical school. However, the country can only grow bigger, and expenses gets higher in rates-- being a young adult meant she had to start looking for good money, and being an assistant nurse wouldn't help two people. And so, she secretly took on gigs to play at different places. With her mother's guitar she'd perform at cafes, bars, parks, and even schools. All to help her and her father's lifestyle. It may sound like a sad story, but to Seolhyun it was simply a proof of her strength in life.

Seolhyun grew up as a very bright, loving child. A little towards the bashful side, but it was nothing a little chat couldn't help in bringing her out of her shell. As mentioned. music was an important part of her life- it still is. Whenever Seolhyun heard music that she found taste in, she'd find her breath hiking up, caught in as she listens- mesmerized. It still occurs now, even if her persona did change. Now a more matured, hard headed girl, Seolhyun had a bumpy teenage life, and she matured quite faster than the average people her age. Betrayal from her love, caused her to misunderstand things at times. When people show sympathy, she might take it as an act of pity, sarcastically mocking her. When someone shows interest, she might take it as if they see her as an easy girl. However, if she finds herself letting you through, she'd care for you like how her mother showed affection to her, and if you took it for advantage it would take a lifetime for her to forgive you. It's hard, she's hard to decipher herself, but if someone was to be patient, they'll realize it only took a person to open the door to her heart. Knocking their way through was definitly not the way, and so perhaps they might have to search for the key. But then again, what if Seolhyun built a door without a keyhole?

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... really, I'm quite flexible with the different genres so please don't ask me what genre I have in mind. But if you do, well I'll just tell you what I just wrote-- aha. Anyways, GMT+8, as I currently reside in Malaysia. I'm pretty much literate- lmao, and I'd prefer if my roleplaying partner is too, but if you aren't, well we'll find a way. 

(    ✘  ✔ ➳) 

If I don't reply, please note, I have a life too! One that's not on RPR. I'm still a student in my high school years so-- it's difficult. Bear with me. I tend to mirror replies so whatever you give me I'll give it back, or maybe a bit more or less. Depends on my mood, or the route the plot is heading towards. If, after your multiple pokes, I don't reply I might've lost my muse, or felt bored, or got annoyed so. Other than that, don't be afraid to come talk to me in OOC, I think i'm pretty friendly. I think.

      IF YOU // MALE // 0/1
A memory of an ex is never delightful, especially when it ends on such a bad note. To forget about that one person you showered with love and affection, it's hard. Some get through it and some don't. Seolhyun stood in the middle. She went on with her life, yet her former lover lingered somewhere in the back of her mind. And to make matters worst, he appeared in front of her during one of those moments when she envied the other lovers. It made her think, that maybe people deserve a second chance, and if she could, she'd like to have a go with him one more time.

     ➳ ONE NIGHT ONLY// MALE// 0/1
A night in where Seolhyun drowns herself in the memory of her mother, it was one of those moments where she simply needed someone to hold for the night, to be there- even if they're not there for her mentally with the same thought in mind, just having them there physically was fine. And he happened to be there, looking for someone too- it was an easy catch wasn't it? But it is not to be said ever again.

      NOT A SUB// MALE/FEMALE // 0/2
Ex pri persius noluisse dignissim, fabulas ornatus repudiandae ne mea. Eu sed nulla nostro fuisset, mei probo ornatus referrentur cu. Ad falli voluptua constituam , assum quaestio vis in, mea autem velit sententiae te. Facer nulla denique ex sit, quo ex atqui libris. Ei pro graeci graecis postulant.

Ex pri persius noluisse dignissim, fabulas ornatus repudiandae ne mea. Eu sed nulla nostro fuisset, mei probo ornatus referrentur cu. Ad falli voluptua constituam , assum quaestio vis in, mea autem velit sententiae te. Facer nulla denique ex sit, quo ex atqui libris. Ei pro graeci graecis postulant.

Ex pri persius noluisse dignissim, fabulas ornatus repudiandae ne mea. Eu sed nulla nostro fuisset, mei probo ornatus referrentur cu. Ad falli voluptua constituam , assum quaestio vis in, mea autem velit sententiae te. Facer nulla denique ex sit, quo ex atqui libris. Ei pro graeci graecis postulant.

 ODDLY// FEMALE // 0/1
Ex pri persius noluisse dignissim, fabulas ornatus repudiandae ne mea. Eu sed nulla nostro fuisset, mei probo ornatus referrentur cu. Ad falli voluptua constituam , assum quaestio vis in, mea autem velit sententiae te. Facer nulla denique ex sit, quo ex atqui libris. Ei pro graeci graecis postulant.

The ideal size for the pictures to be added here are 50 x 50, however any picture that is a square(or is very close to it) can be added as long as they are resized to be 50 x 50px. If you would like larger icons and need help with that, let me know via comment or messages and I can help!
Credits for layout. credits for pictures used to their respective owners.

NAme : classified
Time zone : gmt +8
POV : third / first pov
Length: semipara - para (detailed)
















Possible DP's ----