Personal Message


guess who's here stalking on your wall, dinosaur- hohoho--

i'm stalking you 24/7. nyehehe- anyway, i just wanted to stop by and say thank you for bearing with this weird human being.

i mean, you actually found my potatoes cute- others say i'm weird. ;;

keep being a dinosaur and i'll share more of my potatoes with you in the future- /bricked.

and i hope you don't mind me making your profile ugly now- 

kbye. i feel like an undercover agent- nyehehe
hani dropping by to say:

i love you and your short cute self - wh00ps. i mean, i do love you. and i hope you know that, as lame as it is. sleep and drink more milk bc i want you to be taller so we can look like those generic kdrama pairs!




Awww, that's so cute ;u;