Personal Message
hani dropping by to say:

i want you to know that you're loved, not only bc of your cuteness that you try so hard to deny, but bc people love you as a person, as bitter as you are to me - im still glad that you manage to put up with me even though im so cute ahahah. but really, thank you so much you bitter nerd.
guess who's here stalking on your wall, shoe- hohoho--

i'm stalking you 24/7. nyehehe- anyway, i just stopped by to say that you. are. so. adorable.

even if you curse at me alot, and wtf has become your signature phrase, i still love your squishiness to bits-

so stay squishy. and i shall love you forever. 

i know i can be annoying (at times when i sit on you) but i'm just so fabulous that you can't hate me for long- /coughs.

just know that i adore you, shoe- even your 'wtf's. 

kbye, now. i feel like an assasin- nyehehe












Don't be fool by me,i might just kill you.



The dead weren’t scary. It was the living you had to watch out for.


Hey,thats just me with people-