Personal Message

Name: I.M

Age: 18

Pet wolf

Orientation: bi

Timezone: GMT+0

Short bio: I.M was brought up by himself since he was left behind by his previous owner and went to live with the other wild wolf's but he couldn't find a place there and decided to go back and find someone else to take him in and love him like he was loved before.

He was brought to an orphanage since he was to young to live on his own but he was the only hybrid there and he stays with someone that is like an older brother to him.

He is quiet and doesn't usually get close to people afraid that they will leave him behind to which he doesn't like but once you get past that you can see that he is cute and bright  but you have to get past the wall he put up to see that side of him but he is naturally cute and bright with people he trusts and knows.