Personal Message

A few OOC Things:

1. I'm in PST time.

2. I do all genres but comedy

3. is beyond encouraged

4. Don't expect quick replies not unless I'm feeling really creative

5. You ask you start, quick and easy.

6. I do para/multi/novella


(Still all kinds of under construction!)


Name: Lee Minhyuk

Age: 18

Class: Technology

Background: Lee Minhyuk grew up in a bad environment as a whole. His mother was a drug addict, his father was a runner for the mob. Believe it or not while living in a crap living sort of condition, he was pretty well off, and that was all because he learned how to put computers together by reading books, not only that, but he had started coding when he was young so he was learning how to make viruses at a young age, but he never really tested them out on anything but his machines, because he knew he could fix them.

His father took him on one of his runs with him, and he got into trouble with him by accidentally coming out of the car during a run. It wasn't his fault that his mother was in rehab and he couldn't find a babysitter. That was just how it was, so the minute that he got beat for the first time he vowed to get his revenge on his father. His mother died after going through a relapse and overdosing leaving him with an absentee father because he was always off on runs. When he turned 18 he was finished he created a virus that would ruin everything for his job, could even get his father killed. It wasn't like he cared or anything, he always came home either drunk or tired, or both and he would take it out on Minhyuk.

He put the virus on his father's computer installed it and literally wiped his harddrive before turning the computer off and walking out of the house with only a few things. In which he enrolled at the school in the technology class, he was a quiet shy person who found it really difficult to make friends. Because let's face it nerds (even kind of adorable ones) didn't make friends easily unless it was to do something for someone else....he finds it difficult to trust people because his life was less than good.