Personal Message






Woo Sunghyun , Kevin/Cheesecake , 25.11.1991 , District 10

When his split-personality takes over he becomes more aware of his surroundings, he can cook something out of anything from herbs and mushrooms to human meat and other kinds of meat. When he is around his enemies they let their guard down and won't notice his inhuman strength from all the carrying of pans and boilers from his childhood, giving him a inhuman strength.

 When exsposed to darkness or passed out Kevin's split-personality will awaken. He is scared if people are too nice too him because of his childhood and he is little bit claustrophobic.

(Remember to include TRIVIA, PERSONALITY, and BACKGROUND!)


  we're not friends
until i say we are.




Birth name: Woo Sung-hyun

Nicknames/alias: Kevin, Cheesecake

Birth date: 25. 11. 1991

District: 10

Weapon choice: Frying pans and other heavy weighted weapons 

Company: NH Entertainment 

Strengths: When his split-personality takes over, he becomes more aware of his surrondrings, he can cook something out of anything from herbs and mushrooms to human meat and other kinds of meat. When he is around his enemies they let their guard down and won't notice his inhuman strength from all the carrying of pans and boilers from his childhood, giving him a inhuman strength

Weaknesses: When exsposed to darkness or passed out Kevin's split-personality will awaken. He is scared if people are too nice too him because of his childhood and he is little bit clostrophobic

Trivia: ( anything else we need to know about your character? physical features also goes here. tattoos, scars, etc. )

Personality: He has a split-personality that makes him not care when he gets hurt but just keeps on going unless it is serious damage. 

Background: He had only killed once before entering the Hunger Games. It was when he was pennyless and had no one around him. A man tried to him once, out of self-defence and reflexes he grabbed the first thing he could take and smashed of the head the body. the weapon he had in his hands was his beloved frying pan. ( life in the districts. did anything change during the previous games? perhaps a new love line? breaking up with your loved one? death of a loved one? )

Past: His father abused him alot. As a child he would get a kick or a punch to the stomach on a regular base. His father would do often do this, just to make sure that his child would get stronger, but at the same his father also wanted his son to fear him. So that Kevin wouldn't defy his own father. His mothe left as soon as this processe started and from then on he would often oly recieve mails or food outside his door with a note from his mother but never again did he see her. Not until later in his life.