Personal Message












AGE:23 | UALITY: | STATUS: Slave




Chen was born in a poor family but always kept the smile on his face. His mother died when givin birth and his father started hitting and hurting Chen at the age of 7. He had a very sad past and hard to forget scars engraved in him. Chen lived his hole life in a small town far from the capital. When he grown up , decided to move to another city. Even tough he had awful past and cried many tears, his smile is one of the most beautiful things. When he moved to another city he started looking for a job...




Cute, shy, innocent, hardwoking, stubborn, bad tempered




Credits for layout. credits for pictures used to their respective owners.





NAme: Kim Jongdae

Time zone : UTC+02:00 (EET)

POV : third ; ; 
