picture one.
picture two.
"You are a diamond. Sparkling. Beautiful. Expensive. No one can afford you, therefore, they don't want you."

Chanho grew up as the son of a rich household. Raised to be prim and proper he was taught the values of good behavior. Speak only when spoken to, remember your place, act like the world revolves around you. Behind a facade of calmness hides the cunning nature of a businessman. Not only was he supposed to be respectful to others above him, but plot their financial demise as well. Such are the practices of big business in this world.

However, as a teenager Chanho had grown sick of this lifestyle. Acting in rebellion of his parents he was introduced to this world. Pain and pleasure as a whole. It was simply delicious. So much, that he decided to break off completely from the family business and become something of his own person.

He's different than he was, much kinder and a little more open. Not having to keep up walls 24/7 makes for easier, less stressful days. However, sometimes he may revert back into that cold mindset built into him as a child to get what he wants, be it or something else. This doesn't happen often though, as he really is a good person. 
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acts innocent
very quiet speaking voice
likes the outside
open to Many different kinks
lovers picture.
dear beloved - message to lover here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, populo abhorreant cu nec, est ex nonumy mucius. At autem mundi est. Ex aeque dictas nostrum mel, adhuc graecis an. Ad homero partem aperiam eum, te pri.
Name — Song Chanho
Age — 20 y.o.
Position — Slave
Rank — 5 star ✮
Current Owner — N/A
Status — single