Personal Message


I dont do slow replies mostly, unless you reply when im offline or its a serious plot and long thoughtful replies are needed. My grammar and spelling is cringe worthy sometimes {thank god for autocorrect}. But i will try my best and put thoughtful replies. My timezone is Gmt +7, i'll most likely be online alot since i basically have no life. Im willing to adjust to any pov or any way of typing, speaking, ect. Just show me how and i'll try to do it. I love having friends so add me peoples. I am very much weird. but i am also open minded and very much talkative. 

Sometimes i may not know how to reply or how to get the words to say what i want to say so im sorry if they dont make sense to you i tried my best. 

.....I enjoy i mean come on who doesnt? but if we are seriously roleplaying no random ty things please i like to build up to it so i can enjoy it more its all about how the plot goes. Now if you say would you just like to do the naughty dont expect there to be emotions in it or deep words. we are simply just having a ual interaction. UNLESS we are in a strict roleplay were its nothing but pleasure. Then expect the works.

I like to have deep serious plots alot of times with against, i like building up plots so that  if dramatic or drastic things dont just happen out of the blue. I dont enjoy random things without a reason or a background as to why that may happen during roleplay. Say we were talking and you suddenly have a heart attack, i'd like to have a reason why these types of things happen so it's not totally unrelated.  




Kwon Jiyong

Big bang



Spank me, master