Personal Message
  Cafe  Helper
  21 years
Rping with  
about Myungsoo
Myungsoo is an introvert and isn't used to interacting and socializing with others. He finds it difficult to speak about himself and can often become flustured if someone gives him too much attention. That isn't to say he's extremely shy however as once he gets to know someone he is more than willing to relax and spend hours talking and laughing. He likes taking pictures and walking around the park, taking in the nature and the fresh air.

He doesn't like talking about his family all too much as it reminds him of how broken it is. His parents hardly contacting him as they had shunned him due to his decision to study art in school. His brother went missing when he was younger and as such he grew up wondering if he had done something wrong - something that had caused him to leave.
He isn't against clubbing and drinking but will usually only do these things if someone has explicitly asked him from work or his small social group. He tends to get drunk easily and becomes a more affectionate version of himself openly seeking cuddles
It would be easier to list what he isn't willing to do -

1 - Permanent disfigurement - Branding, scarring
2 - Intense blood play
3 - Bathroom play
GMT + 0
I much prefer 3rd pov
I tend to mirror length
If you ask please could you start? But if there's an issue I don't mind doing so.