Personal Message

I'm Ready - AJR

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"Not all dark is bad. And not all light is good-Aryon"

When his home island was first destroyed Aryon had come across young Sora once and found himself helping the Keybarer on several occassion. The minute Sora defeated Xehanort the second time, Aryon was finally able to return to Moonlit Island to find his parents, grandfather and close friends alive and well. span>

But peace did not last for long....

After he achieved his own Keyblade, passing his 'Mark of Mastery' exam conducted by Yen Sid himself to train Aryon darkness invaded once again. With his island torn apart almost by darkness, Heartless roaming everywhere Aryon fled much to his dismay of leaving his parents and grandfather behind due to them urging him to flee to the 'safety' that is Twilight Town.

It is here he stumbled upon Twili Academy, a 'school' set up by none other than Xemnas himself along with the founding Organization members. What they're after he does not know. But he won't give up until they're caught in the act.

In honor of his parents and grandfather, aryon made a vow to master the keyblade. doing whatever it takes to complete his grandfather's dying wish of keeping himself and others safe.




the one


A renegade I've learned to tolerate. He likes to say anything that comes to mind just for the sake of expressing his views, this oftentimes getting him into trouble. He can come off as cold to strangers but he definitely is not cold to those who he has found comfort with. He's often misunderstood but doesn't put the effort to correct people and let them know the full extended explanation. Behind all these though, is an insecure and sensitive little hamster. One thing I've looked up to from him is the strength he has to keep his problems to himself, pretending to be strong in front of everyone. I won't force you to open up, but remember that I'm here whenever you're ready. I love you, you smart aleck.



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