Personal Message



     everyone has got desires     
 Casey  August 20     credit   
rping: I can do both 1st and 3rd; recently I've been really into 3rd. If you wanna pm rp, hit me up. I strongly prefer and I enjoy being mark or baek; my two ultimate biases. if I'm not replying that means I saw it and forgot (don't be afraid to remind me) or had no inspiration at the moment, I will reply later though. One thing I can't stand- ONE LINERS LIKE UGHHH NO. Be descriptive or byee



yes , I'm a bit awkward at first but if I feel comfortable around you, I will open up. I love making friends so come say hello! Current obsessions: got7 (like Mark stop being so perf. I love you. ), and exo.
my babes
bubbles : -minchul : lYRICALBACON : -secretwings- : --fight4freedom