Late Night School || come to us we need you sekshi people || no longer hiring admins

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Last post 10 years ago
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late night school
You have been selected to join this prestigious school. Many people try to apply for this night school. but we don't accept applications, maybe you're one of us already. One of the many creatures of the night. the demon under your bed, the vampire lurking in the basement haunting your dreams, the werewolf stalking you in the forest.  or maybe you are a wonderer (a human who had wondered too far).
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Jaejoong + seulgi



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-mommae 9 years ago
Please add and reserve Irene \ o /
fireandfury_risen01 9 years ago
Minzy is leaving.
thank you for having me though! *huggy*
fireandfury_risen01 10 years ago
dose the character have to be on the list?
If so, would you please reserve Minzy for me
and if not, may i have Goo Hara from KARA please?
please let me know, thank you! :D
acuteassmess 10 years ago
Hyosung left..
Sowrie Jaejoong :(
-silHOEette 10 years ago
baekhyun is leaving.
real_fake 10 years ago
can you add and reserve lee jieun for me thanks
mustache- 10 years ago
Donghae is leaving~ TT-TT I have too many characters
Chimx2 10 years ago
baek left ^^; im sorry i know i just joined but i have too many charas orz
Chimx2 10 years ago
baek left ^^; im sorry i know i just joined but i have too many charas orz
mustache- 10 years ago
Is Donghae available ?
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