°•° white flag entertainment °•° trainees and staff are needed °•°

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Admin(s)delilaha and xiaozhan
Last post 4 years ago
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white flag ent

white flag ent

white flag ent

new and accepting

entertainment rp

au rp

about us

Like any company in South Korea, White Flag Entertainment is one that opened up its doors in late 2010. With very little money, the company did it's best to stay alive. It took months before people starting paying attention to the small establishment. In mid 2012 two groups, a male and female, had debuted. These groups wasn't like the others in Korea. It was made up by soloists who joined just months prior to their debut. The groups became popular in China and Japan. They struggled to make their mark in South Korea until 2015 when they won their first title, making White Flag the company that it is today. Not mucH long after that one win, trainees from all over aisa started to join the company.


Rule #01:  this is an au rp so groups like bts do not exist here.

Rule #02: comment the person/people that you want to join in as. there is no character limit here

Rule #03: sorry but internationals are not allowed here.

Rule #04: please try to be active here. I know everyone is busy irl

Rule #05: be nice to others and please do not god mod here. no one likes it.

Rule #06: if you are leaving, comment.


full name:
character name:
stage name (optional):

width must be 220; height can be 130 or higher

Quote. Keep it short. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor.

width must be 200; height can be 290 or higher

admins (scroll)

Hwa Somi

admin username


Kang Junyi

admin username


character name

admin username


character name

admin username


character name

admin username

width must be 250; height can be 160 or higher

# males: 7

# females: 7


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butterfree 4 years ago
Add Yan An and Chong Tingyan
Hygieia 4 years ago
Can I please get Ham Eunjung and Wang Yiren?
missinkiss 4 years ago
May I get Choi Minki and Eric Mun?
TheLegend27 4 years ago
Add Lee Siyeon and Kim Heejung please
vaporeon 4 years ago
Add Lim Nayoung and Jeon Doyum
jukain 4 years ago
A&R Kim Seokwoo and Kim Doyeon
mightymorphan 4 years ago
Please add Zheng Guojin and Kim Yoohyeon
kynelope 4 years ago
Add and reserve Jianing and Dai Meng
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