Moonshadow Chronicles | now moving to rpr |

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Last post 2 months ago
Moonshadow Chronicle
[If you wish to look at more of this world's lore then we do have a carrd]
In a time long past, when the veil between man and nature was thin, a tribe known as the Moonshadow Clan thrived in the heart of an ancient forest. Legends spoke of their deep connection with the wolves that roamed the woods, and it was said that these wise creatures shared a secret with the tribe—a gift that allowed them to harness the power of transformation.

The Moonshadow Clan, fearing the loss of this invaluable knowledge, sought to preserve it for generations to come. In a pact with the wolves, the members of the tribe engaged in a mystical union, mating with the wolves to create a new lineage—the first werewolves. These beings inherited the intelligence of man and the instincts of the wolf, becoming a harmonious fusion of both worlds.

For years, the werewolves lived alongside their lupine companions, learning from the pack and sharing in the primal wisdom of the wild. However, as the years passed, the werewolves faced a crucial turning point when they reached the age of 18. It was tradition for them to venture beyond the familiar territory, exploring the unknown and forging their own paths in the world.

During their journeys, the werewolves encountered a new group of humans, and in a curious bid to assimilate, they chose to temporarily shed their wolfen disguises. Over time, the werewolves became enamored with the ways of these humans, adopting their customs and gradually losing touch with the ancient knowledge that allowed them to transform at will.

As the generations unfolded, the werewolves intermingled with humans, their unique abilities diluted with each passing bloodline. The once-potent gift of transformation became a distant memory, fading away from the collective consciousness of the werewolf lineage.

In the present era, individuals are born with the essence or spirit of a wolf within them. The connection manifests in various ways, with some viewing the wolf as a separate being cohabiting with their existence, while others experience a seamless coexistence of both human and wolf within a single consciousness.

However, a prophecy emerged, foretelling the resurgence of the ancient gift. Legends spoke of a chosen generation, destined to rediscover the lost art of transformation—the ability to become Lycans at will. This new generation, awakened to their ancestral roots, embarked on a quest to unlock the dormant power within, seeking guidance from the spirits of their forebears and the wolves that once shared their secrets.

As the moon waxed and waned, the modern lycans delved into the mysteries of their heritage, striving to bridge the gap between humanity and the primal force within. Through trials, tribulations, and a deep communion with the natural world, they hoped to restore the legacy of their ancestors and usher in a new era where the power of transformation was once again at their command.
 Hongjoong - Alpha 
"In a city of shadows, I am the one who dances with the darkness, finding beauty in the depths of chaos."
 San - Beta 
brief character description or quote.
 Wooyoung - Omega 
"Headed to a place with light, the shadows follow me from behind"
 Yunho - Alpha 
"They say before you start a war, You better know what you're fighting for. I don't care if heaven won't take me back"
Rules and Regulations 

Violators shall be banished to the Shadowlands.

Rule 1: Basic Rules and Etiquette
Due to the high probability of mature themes occurring within the roleplay, we require all writers to be at least 20 years of age. We also will not allow any character ages to be under the age of 18. Muses under the age of 20 cannot and will not be allowed to participate in any form of writing and channels.

Be respectful to all community members. We will not tolerate any form of unnecessary drama between members. Should any issues arise, we encourage you to notify the Admin team ASAP, and we reserve the right to mediate and handle situations as we see fit.

Rule 2: Dating and Pregnancy
We currently have a dating ban of 2 weeks. Beyond this, we trust our community to make smart choices regarding ship progression and milestones.

As it currently stands, characters must reach their second cycle before any pups/pregnancy plotlines are allowed. We ask that you receive admin approval before starting these types of plots.

We allow polyamorous plots and exploration, but due to the nature of romance dynamics in omegaverse lore, you can only have one mate (shared mated marks) per muse.

Rule 3: Mature Themes
As we allow mature themes, we do allow assault/r*pe plotlines, but only if it is planned and agreed upon by all involved parties out of character. We also require the use of appropriate trigger warnings if such plots are occurring in public threads, and ask that warnings be put at the top of the thread and/or thread title (Admins are happy to help you instruct you on how to do this if you need help).

If someone tries to engage you in this subject matter without your consent, please let us know ASAP.

Rule 4: Godmodding and Bubble RPing
As is standard in most communities, we do not allow godmodding, however, we allow minor forms of godmodding through self-paragraphs once permission has been granted from the other party and details have been hashed out.

Bubble roleplaying will not be tolerated. If Admins see members unwilling to branch out then the appropriate warnings will be issued. While we understand connections and packs will be formed, a community is only as welcoming as its members allow it to be. Please do your best to interact with everyone.

Rule 5: Activity Requirements
The Admins understand that as adults we all have a life outside of roleplay, between jobs and other responsibilities, but we still expect a standard level of activity within the server to reduce the amount of role-hogging from members.

Members who are unable to provide any level of in-character activity within two weeks will be issued the appropriate warnings. Failure to heed the given warnings will result in removal from the roleplay. Admins are available to discuss needed hiatuses from activity.

• Alphas are the dominant sub-gender, possessing strong leadership qualities, assertiveness, and physical prowess.

• They hold the highest positions of power in society, such as political leaders, corporate executives, military commanders, and influential figures.

• Alphas are highly respected and often hold authority over all other sub-genders.
• Their instincts lean towards protection, providing for their pack, and maintaining order within society.

• Deltas are the second-highest ranking sub-gender, serving as the second-in-command to Alphas.

• While they possess leadership qualities, they are often overshadowed by Alphas and may face bullying or discrimination for not conforming to typical Alpha traits.

• Deltas are known for their laid-back nature and easy-going demeanor, but they can be aggressive and territorial if provoked.

• They often hold positions such as advisors, strategists, and administrators within various organizations, supporting Alphas in decision-making and maintaining order within their packs.

• Betas are seen as the glue of the pack, balancing both Alpha and Omega instincts.

• They possess a blend of leadership qualities, empathy, and adaptability.

• While they have the potential for positions of power, many Betas choose roles that involve teaching, training, and nurturing the next generation.

• Betas may work as educators, counselors, scientists, or in other roles that require a balance of intellect and emotional intelligence. They play a crucial role in maintaining harmony within society and bridging the gap between Alphas, Deltas, and Omegas.

• Omegas are the lowest ranking sub-gender, historically viewed as weak and incapable, but have proven themselves over the past 60 years.

• They possess unique strengths such as intuition, creativity, and empathy.

• Despite facing discrimination in the past, Omegas have demonstrated their ability to contribute effectively in various fields.

• However, societal barriers still exist, and they often face challenges in accessing education and employment opportunities.

• Omegas may work in caregiving professions, artistic endeavors, or fields where their empathetic nature and creativity thrive.

• The education system for Omegas is outdated, focusing primarily on childcare, but efforts are being made to provide them with equal opportunities for education and employment.
• Name: [Real name, not stage name]
• Timezone:

• Sub-gender: [Look to see what is available; positions are limited)

• Age (OOC): [For the roleplay's and members safety you cannot be younger than 20]

• Age (IC): [The lore says one presents at 18 so we are allowing you to be 18, but, if you do muse a teenager, you will be banned from the rooms that contain , you also will not be allowed to . You are a child in the council's eyes. The admins will keep an eye on the younger muses to keep this. Lycans can live up to (roughly) 280 years.]

• Occupation:

• Bio: [Doesn't matter the length, just know you won't be accepted until it's been read]

• A sample of your writing: [Can be first or third and doesn't have to fit the theme of the rp]


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bigboybbg 1 month ago
consider me tempted
megaverse 2 months ago
hello c: i am interested in joining at chan from skz if possible
antigen 2 months ago
Hi, just double checking, are skz, ateez, the boyz, and txt the only group fcs allowed?
Yunho4ever 2 months ago
can I reserve soobin?
jaaneman [A] 2 months ago
swiggity swooty here to claim my booty (tis peachy)
halastudios [A] 2 months ago
( ̄^ ̄ )ゞ here to claim my spot
sayonarababy- 5 months ago
I never received a warning or anything?;;
sayonarababy- 5 months ago
Did I get kicked? Sorry I thought I was still considered under hiatus ;;
SeHYUNG 6 months ago
I'd like to reserve Jeongin if he's still available.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
can i reserve minho? thank you
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