✘ Hallway

presentation of the hallway
Do you actually need a description of a hallway? It's where the lockers are and how you get around the school.


credits goes to wildtemptation.

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rentastic_ 8 years ago
Minki left.
last_one_standing 8 years ago
Lee Minhyuk (BTOB) left.
nubivagant [A] 8 years ago
# cleared and closed
lovely_war 8 years ago
Applied as Minhyun
lovely_war 9 years ago
Hi! Um.. Is it possible for you to add Minhyun for me?
CharismaticGirl 9 years ago
Zelo is leaving, but key stays^~^
proly-yea 9 years ago
is there any way i could apply as baekhyun?
nubivagant [A] 9 years ago
-- updated
katsuki 9 years ago
I hate to do this as I enver got the chance to really rp here. But Myungsoo must leave. due to real life right now
LivingWithYG 9 years ago
Seunghyun is leaving due to inactivity
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