〔Power List〕

Telepathy: The power to read peoples thoughts and ideas from short distances as well as whisper your thoughts into their minds.

Elemental Control: The ablity to control either earth, wind, fire, or water (you can choose one element per power, or can use all four to a very minimal level as one power).

Evil Curse: The power to curse people if you can get something that belongs to them, making them have everything from bad luck to severe pain/emotional torment or making a person temorarily blind or paralyzed.

Darkness: The ability to create and control shadow, making it form things such as animals or tendrils, and obey your every command.

Dream Walking: The ability to watch/control other people's dreams, or to make yourself appear in their dreams.

Healing Touch: The power to use up some of your energy to heal physical wounds of other's with a single touch. More severe wounds use up more energy.

Enchantment: The ability to make other's attracted to you. If they're around long enough, you can start to change their minds, hearts, and actions.

Flight/Teleportation: The power to cover long distances over a short amount of time, whether by flying or teleporting.

Realm Teleportation: The power to go hell and other dimensions for short visits whenever you please.

Infected Scratch: The power to make an individual sick, depressed, or angry with a single scratch.

Necromancy: The ability to call back a dead spirit for a maximum of 4 hours a day.

Mirage: The ability to make yourself appear to others in a different form than you're actually in for short periods of time. (Ex: You're an incubus disguised as a y human.)

Empathy: The ability to feel one's emotions.

If you think of any more, just pm Kris or ask in your application if you can use it. If it's good, we'll add it to the list!



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rentastic_ 8 years ago
Minki left.
last_one_standing 8 years ago
Lee Minhyuk (BTOB) left.
nubivagant [A] 8 years ago
# cleared and closed
lovely_war 8 years ago
Applied as Minhyun
lovely_war 9 years ago
Hi! Um.. Is it possible for you to add Minhyun for me?
CharismaticGirl 9 years ago
Zelo is leaving, but key stays^~^
proly-yea 9 years ago
is there any way i could apply as baekhyun?
nubivagant [A] 9 years ago
-- updated
katsuki 9 years ago
I hate to do this as I enver got the chance to really rp here. But Myungsoo must leave. due to real life right now
LivingWithYG 9 years ago
Seunghyun is leaving due to inactivity
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