
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero Hansol tilted his head to the side, suddenly aware of how distant he had become through the course of their conversation. And now un-clingy he was now. Although he was grateful for not having his arm nearly choking him to death in a headlock, he was also concerned, Unusual behavior yes, leaving his privacy to himself... nope. It seemed to Hansol that he was crossing the line, but of course, it was usually the other way around. Having it vice versa for the first time greatly puzzled the male, because usually Jiho would take pleasure it being a bit too touchy.

Hansol sighs finally, "Whatever you say then." he replies finally, secretly wishing that they won't be so awkward. He eventually decided not to question it, and leave the questions unanswered. For now anyway.

[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol Jiho looked at the stone and laughed. "Does it? I wonder why," he said with a smile and traced the jagged edge with his finger. He hummed lowly, lost in his thoughts.

He sighed, hearing his friend's words and glanced at him, unsure of what to do. He didn't like keeping anything from Hansol, but he didn't think it was a good idea to say it. Losing him was the last thing he wanted... He knew he was going to break down sooner or later, but he preferred later, anyway.

"Trust me, you don't want to know," he whispered quietly after a while, looking away and squeezing the stone in his hand.
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero Upon finding a white rounded rock with a jagged edge on the opposite side, he chuckled lightly, bringing it up as he matched it with his friend's hair. "See, it reminds me of you." he gestures at the deep ivory color before resting it in his friend's palm.

"You really seem out of it today, Jiho." he snaps his fingers a couple times to demonstrate, "A penny for your thoughts?" he nearly wanted to gag on this phrase, as it was one of those infamous sayings that one of s would always ask him when he was worried. He traces the stream of water with his index finer idly, still patiently waiting for his friend's reply as he looks over the ocean, the sound of the waves rushing on the shore were pleasant to hear.
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol He laughed, hearing the other's words and took the stone in his hands. He ran his fingers across it - it was really smooth, and that seemed so calming. He wondered, how would it feel to be a stone. To lay on a beach and do nothing all days. He couldn't decide, if it would be a happy life or not.

He threw the stone and it skipped once before falling into the water. Well, Hansol was probably too distracted to help him this time, he guessed. It wasn't like he cared, anyway.

He looked at the other and watched his back, as he picked up stones, smiling. He thought that maybe, just maybe, if he was a rock Hansol looked so happily at, that maybe that stone-life wouldn't be so bad at all.

That was a stupid thought to have, really.
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero Hansol chuckled again, ruffling the male's hair playfully, "Try again?" he lets out an airy laugh, "Maybe still time you can get five?" he jokes lightly, handing Jiho another flat rock. He skims through the sand, searching for another flat stone. He was glad that he had finally managed to break the icy silence and make the other feel somewhat at ease.

When he finally found a flattened stone, he grinned lightly, picking it. From the hot sunlight, the rock as a bit hot to touch, and instantly he jerked back his hand, soothing the pain by encircling water around his fingers. He murmurs incoherent words under his breath, before finally picking up the stone this time, also picking up a handful of semi-cool sand to let it run through his fingers.
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol He snorted, having heard the other and, well, he was slowly recovering from the shock and feeling better, retriving his acting abilities, so even when Hansol took his hand, he didn't flinch. He still felt this weird thing inside and it worried him. He just hoped to get over it as quickly as possible, or he would really have to limit him time spent with the other, which, honestly, was the last thing he wanted to do.

He tried to focus on his friend's words, rather than his touch, and threw the stone in the direction Hansol told him to. Surprisingly, the rock did skip the surface of the water four times, which seemed a bit impossible since it was the first time he managed to do it at all. It made him chuckle lightly. He though Hansol helped him a bit and it made a warm feeling stir in his chest. "Thanks," he said and hugged the other out of a habit. It felt weird, but at least he wasn't shaking anymore, which was a plus, so he decided to stay like that. He just hoped it made Hansol less worried, concerned or whatever he was.
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero "Of course you are." he chuckles lightly, picking up another suitable rock, before handing it to his friend this time. Noticing his shaking fingers, he sighs lightly, taking the other's hand into his, "Alright, /baby/ now just make sure that when you throw it, it's going to actually skip the surface. It has to have at least some momentum." he guides the other's arm in the correct direction to throw the stone, "Got it?" he steps back to let his friend try once again.

He picks up another stone, and skips it thrice over the water. "Do you think you can beat three skips?" he laughs lightly, a smile spreading on his lips. Just as his friend threw the rock, Hansol made sure to harden the surface of the water just as the rock hit it, causing it to bounce slightly, one, two, three, four. Another smile spreads on his face, "Hey, hey, you did it!"
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol Jiho looked into the other's eyes and bit his lip slightly. What was he supposed to do again? Distance himself? How was that possible? He smiled weakly and reached out to his friend's cheek, grazing Hansol's skin gently with his fingers. It was so soft, and he just wanted to lean in, replace his fingers with his lips, shower Hansol's face with butterfly kisses... He could barely restrain himself, but he had to. This feeling was weird and he knew he shouldn't give in. He always wanted to kiss Hansol, touch him in any way possible but it was never that intense. "Sure, baby," he answered him, even though he wasn't that sure, really.

He looked at Hansol, as he skipped stones on the water surface, lost in thoughts he didn't even want to have in first place. He was so distracted he barely even caught the stone his friend threw in the air for him, and he just stood there for a few seconds, confused, untill he realised what he was supposed to do. He realised his hands were still shaking a bit and so as he threw the stone, well, it didn't really work and it just fell into the water. "I'm not good at this," he mumbled.
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero ((thanks, sorry for the late reply btw))

"At the least, act happy for me, alright?" he lifts his gaze up from the ground to stare into the male's eyes, he sighs lightly, blowing his bangs out from his eyes, as he fiddles nervously with the stone in his hand. By now he was getting a bit anxious by his friend's behavior, it seemed too awkward, and that silence that hung between them...

He just didn't know what else to say, giving his friend another side glance, he skips another rock around the ripping surface of the water. He just wanted to know what was up with his sudden change of his behavior. In fact, he would be fine if the normal cuddly Jiho where to come back than rather the spaced out one in front of him. And strangely enough, he kinda missed it. Just a little. But of course, one would not admit that out loud.

"Here." he idly tosses a small, flat stone up in the air for his friend to catch. "Go. You try."
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol [it's ok, i know this feel bro;;]

Jiho his lips nervously. He couldn't really explain to him what he was feeling, he wasn't too sure himself, so he just kept silent. It was nice, though. Hansol's worried side was nice, even though he didn't really want him to worry...and it didn't seem real, anyway.

He looked at the other for a bit too long, admiring his beautiful eyes and wondered how come did he not see that before? He sighed softly and diverted his gaze at the sea again. Why did his life seem to get more and more complicated every day?
"What exactly do you wanna do?" He asked quietly, bending down himself and picking up a shell. He stared at it blankly, his mood suddenly so down he didn't even want to do anything. But he felt he had to. He didn't want to let Hansol down... If he was going to avoid him, he could start if next day.

But somewhere deep inside of him he knew he couldn't do it. There was no way he could forget Hansol, or at this point even stop thinking about him.
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero (( sorry about that~ a bit brain-dead atm))

"Are you okay then?" a worried expression flashes over his face, quickly he brings his head over the other's forehead to check for the temperature. It was a bit warm, but probably from the sun's heat. "Well... you're not sick." his eyes skim over his friend's face for other traces of sickness. "Are you feeling nauseous, tired, or any strange symptoms?" now that was his leader personality coming out of him, as he was suddenly worried for the other's health all of a sudden.

"Alright..." the words comes out from his mouth slowly, as he continues to eye the male cautiously. He walks closer to the water's edge, bending down to pick up a stone and attempt to skip the flat rock over the water surface. "Come on, if I have to leave soon, might as well make the most of our time~"
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol [i was bored, and tried to motivate you to write more but i guess it didn't work too well hgfddgu]

He cringed when he felt Hansol touching his head, but fortunately he was turned the other side so his friend didn't see his face expression. It was a bit weird, since he always used to crave physical contact with the other, and suddenly he started avoiding it. He hoped his friend would get used to the change in his behaviour or that he himself will get over it soon.

He stiffened under Hansol's touch and he almost laughed bitterly. It really was weird but he just couldn't help it. He closed his eyes and tried to decide between pushing the other away and trying to relax. He went for the latter and hugged the waterbender lightly. Wasn't he supposed to distance himself or something...? Well, he couldn't do that all of a sudden, could he? "I'm not feeling too well," he mumbled even though it was quite obvious. "Let's train some other time... And I honestly don't know. We can just stay here, I don't care."
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero (( omg dude, why is your reply so lonnnggggg /dies/ ))

Okay, now the boy seemed to be going through some kind of mood swing of some sort. First he was... Oh whatever, something had definitely shook him during his doze, but he wasn't in the mood to press more into his private life. After all, he obviously needed space. Pretending not to notice his awkward and strange behavior, he shrugs again, "Alright, then where? Obviously we can't just go strolling into your territory nor mine, or else some kind of dispute is going to happen." he frowns slightly, before patting the boy on the head.

Although, he was trying his best to question his cold expression, he truly was a bit considered for the other. He lets out a deep sigh, turning to face the open sea. "You sure you don't want to train a little?" he reaches out to swing his arm around the male's shoulders, "C'mon, I know you want to practice your abilities."
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol For a while, he just looked at the sea, trying to calm himself down. What was happening to him..? He's never felt anything like this before. He just felt like some sort of electricity striked through him whenever Hansol touched him or just got a bit too close. His heart was beating really fast, he had difficulty breathing and he thought he might be having a heart attack, but that probably wasn't the case. A panic attack was a more probable scenario but he tried to push that thought away. He breathed in and out as calmly as he could, but it still came out quite shaky and uneven. He tried to ignore the other and hoped he didn't worry about him that much...

But why would he, really? It wasn't like Hansol like him or anything. Sometimes Jiho seriously wondered why did the waterbender even hang out with him? They were do different, Hansol was so different and he obviously didn't like him. And it wasn't just the fact that he didn't want to be touched, he was fine with it, not everyone had to enjoy skinship as much as he did. It was just...the way he acted in general. The way he looked at him. Xero couldn't really explain it, even to himself, but he just felt it and it wasn't a nice feeling, especially after what happened.

Still, he wasn't exactly sure what happened, what was happening. Was he faling for Hansol or something? No, that was ridiculous and impossible and he didn't even want to think about it. He couldn't fall for him, the only person who could never, ever like him back. He would just get hurt, and he wasn't seriously hurt ever since he shut himself in and didn't let anyone get close, at least in the emotional way.

But wasn't it a bit too late, anyway? Hansol was already close, pretty much since he remembered. He was the only person who was let in Jiho's heart and... Why didn't he realise it before? He was already lost and even if he didn't actually fall for him, he would get hurt eventually. There was only one thing he could do.

He had to distance himself from Hansol.
[or maybe you should, like, realise that MAYBE hansol actually likes you? idiot.]

He stood up, still not looking at the other, and hoping he has calmed down enough already. He realised he was asked a question, and he though over Hansol's suggestions. Training probably wasn't the best idea since it usually ended with them too close to each other and he couldn't risk losing it again. He was too vulnerable at the moment. "We could go somewhere if you want," he said and finally looked at him, with the coldest expression he could make and he instantly felt bad, seeing the look Hansol send him. He offered him a little smile and wondered whether his friend saw how fake it was, how it didn't quite reach his eyes.
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero Hansol let out a deep sigh, finally allowing to let the question slip by for now. So maybe it wasn't nice to start pestering the poor boy over random questions just shortly after he had just woke up. "Whatever you say then." He mumbles, subtly hinting that he was going to drop the topic.

Seeing the boy hum always quite a strange sight, since he HD rarely seen the other do the motion before. He shrugs lightly, letting his strange behavior be as he stood up, brushing of his pants. "So want to practice then? Or at least do something other than be lazy and sit on our butts for the entire day?"
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol Jiho froze, having heard the question and looked at him with slightly widened eyes. He blinked a few times. What was he supposed to do..? He couldn't say the truth. Hansol would probably laugh at him, hate him or something. And he didn't want to lose the only person he actually liked.

"Nothing. It's nothing, don't worry," he said, looking away. He hoped Hansol would drop the subject, even though he didn't really think that would happen. He started playing with his fingers and humming a song. It was sort of a nervous habit and he wondered whether Hansol has ever actually seen it. Xero was rarely ever nervous, after all.
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero "You sure?' Hansol noted the boy's shaking body, bringing his hand to his shoulder and giving a reassuring squeeze, "You don't-" he froze in mid-sentence, "Nevermind." As the other kissed him on the cheek, he grimaced slightly, wiping off his cheek quickly before dyeing the boy suspiciously this time.

"I'm fine.." he says cautiously, "So what did you dream about then?" He decides to take this route, regardless of how awkward it make turn out to be. "Seemed like you had quite a dream there." He shrugs lightly, idly brushing the sand from his pants.
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol It took him a while to calm down just enough to stop trembling, which he didn't even realise he was doing. He sighed deeply and prayed Hansol would just ignore his weird behaviour, but he had a feelingh that it probably won't happen.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm ok, thanks." He whispered awkwardly and a bit too softly, but he couldn't get a hold of himself. He was so close he barely had to move to peck him on the cheek but it felt so weird he regreted if instantly. He cursed mentally. He coudn't even play along to make Hansol believe he was ok...which he wouldn't, anyway. He knew him too well to fall for it.
He moved away as slowly and not suspiciously as possible and smiled weakly. "And how are you feeling, baby?"
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero As the younger suddenly sat up, Hansol's peaceful aura had vanish, as their lips had barely brushed over each other. Still not being able to process what had happened, Hansol cracked opened an eye, eyeing the other warily, "Mhm, what's wrong?" he sat up, rubbing his eyes as his sluggish mind could finally get a grip on the current events.

First off, the other had called him by Hansol. The first time in forever. And second, why was he stuttering? Hansol cracked his neck to the side, still glancing at the male with a wary gaze. He looked so jittery -strange since it wasn't normal- and that he had woken up so abruptly that he was still in the sleepy mode. "Jiho. What's wrong." now it seemed that he was demanding an answer, not just a simple question to ask of his condition.
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol He dreamed for the first time since he remembered.
He was on a meadow at dawn and it probably was the most beautiful place Jiho has ever seen. There were so many types of flowers everywhere, the orangy-pinkish sky looked so pretty he wanted to squeel. He crouched and picked a flower. It was baby blue and had tiny petals. It reminded him of Hansol. So small and cute. And blue, for water. He started picking some other flowers and blades of grass, creating a pretty, colourful bouquet. He then stood up, proud of himself and then looked around. His eyes lit up when he saw a siluethe about ten metres from him, sitting on grass with head down.
"Babe, I've got you some flowers~," he sung, running to the person and then sat down right beside him. The person looked at him and he suddenly felt so warm and bubbly inside.
Hansol took the flowers with a bright smile, leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks, Jiho."

And then he woke up. The first thing he thought was how much he regretted it lasted so short. And then he realised what actually happened, what did he dream about. He sat up suddenly, and then noticed the position he was in. He looked at his friend and gulped.
"H-Hansol. Hi." Why did he stutter? And what was this weird feeling in his chest?
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero Hansol's head snapped up, turning to look at the sleeping boy. God, that scared him. To make sure that the other was still sleeping soundly, he shifted slightly, the boy's head rolling with him. Ah, so he slept-talk. Hansol shrugged slightly finding the boy's uncomfortable neck-bending position, bent at such an angle it even made his own neck hurt. Finally heaving a deep sigh, he gently lays the boy's head into his lap, before leaning his head back again, gazing at the boy fondly.

Now, if only he could be this peaceful when he was awake. Hansol fiddled with his fingers, wondering how long the male wanting to sleep.
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol He purred again, snuggling his nose into his neck and breathing gently on the skin. He felt warm and good, and he was quite sure he was going to fall asleep soon, and he did. What he didn't know, though, was that he tended to sleeptalk.
"You're so warm, Jaybirdie," he mumbled unconsciously and sighed softly.
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero "Mhm?" he mumbled a soft reply, "No prob." he continued to swirl the liquid around his fingers, letting it dance into his palm before he finally let his hand drop into his lap, slowly closing his eyes and letting his body relax slightly.

So maybe he did need a bit of rest from time to time.

((lol I just did too haha))
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol Xero looked at the other for a while, shocked. Did he just...agree? Just like that? It was weird, but he tried not to think about it and just lied next to the other, happy. Yes, that was a good way to improve his mood, indeed. What would he do without Hansol?

"Thank you, Jaybirdie.~" he sang and put his head on his shoulder, and yawned. He snuggled into him a bit, relaxed, and closed his eyes. He just wished Hansol would relax as well, instead of doing all of these thing he did when he was nervous.

[yup ; _ ; *hugs you* i just realised "jaybird" makes me think of hunger games]
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero "Sleep?" the thought of the word just wanting make him gag personally, as he was quite in an upbeat mode at the moment, having a ton of extra energy just waiting to be burnt off. "Aish, alright." he gave in, plopping himself down on the sand, propping his back up against the cool bark of the tree behind him. Argh, he was becoming a softie now, easily bending more than usual.

Ah, so now he was letting those. Urgh, personally he wanted to smack himself in the head for letting the other do as he wanted, since he was mainly on the negative side of everything. But once in a while, the guy has to say yes. He patted the spot beside him, allowing the other lay his head on his shoulder, as he twirls his fingers idly, drawing shapes in the air with water. He seriously needed to get a grip on himself.

(( omg yes aksjhskjhfdsf /cuddles. they're adorbs))
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol He chuckled again, realising he's been doing that a lot, and genuinely. He was never trully happy with anyone else, only Hansol could make him really happy by just...being Hansol. That was enough. Well, as social as Jiho was, he wouldn't actually call himself that. He considered himself more passive-aggressive then friendly. He didn't like people, but he spent time with them and was too nice, destructively so, and he still didn't want to cause them any harm, but he did. He was full of contradictions and sometimes he wondered if he didn't have a mental problem of sorts.

He hesitated, thinking through his answer. He did that a lot, he would rather waste some time than hurt someone unintentionally. He did feel quite tired, with all the drama he had to deal with that day, so why not use it agaist Hansol? "Well...actually, I didn't..." He said, burrying his face in his hair and smiled to himself. "Maybe we should just sleep...?" He didn't expect him to agree, thet did spend a lot of time together but even when they were younger, they didn't sleep over or anything and ecpecially now, that Xero was so touchy-feely... But still, he liked to think he would agree. It would feel nice, lying against Hansol and all... He snorted. Did he not get enough skinship that day or what?

[gosh, they're so cute.]
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero "You always do." he answers back, with the slight roll of his eyes. And now the other wanted to kiss him. Should he worried? Concern? Or just ignore it? Hansol decided to just ignore it for now, since he really didn't feel like dwelling over those strange thoughts and let alone those foreign emotions of love. Even as much as he truly cared about the other,he just couldn't bare to think that way.

As he feels vibrations from the other's soft purrs along his arm, he let out a soft sigh. Whatever, it could seem rude to smack and push him away, and even though the position was quite awkward, he would be fine with it for now. Noting that the other was just ignoring his commentary he lets it drop, obviously he was crossing the line there. And as the "rule-follower' ((not)) that he was, he was just going to leave the statement there, untouched.

"Nothing~" he replies softly, patting the other gently on the head this time, chuckling lightly as he saw the other's closed eyes. "Did you not get enough sleep or what?" he grins widely, poking the male's cheek. "Yah, don't fall asleep on me, okay?"

((it definitely does! ))
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol Xero chuckled seeing other's discomfort. He did enjoy it, he would admit, but sometimes he really did wish the other gave in, like most of the people Jiho dealt with... Hansol was quite cute when mad or uncomfortable, but Xero wasn't the type of person who took pleasure in people's suffering. He was the loving type, even though his way of showing it was a bit weird.

"Shame," he said, looking into his eyes and grinned. "You know I'd love to kiss you." He really did. He didn't understand it, as he never really 'wanted' anyone as such... He just showered them in love and got the same in exchange. But Hansol did't seem to love him, he treated him differently, like a friend rather than a lover and it was nice. It was a nice change, that for once someone seemed to like him as a friend, but there were times when he wanted Hansol to...what? What did he actually want? He wasn't sure anymore. A kiss would be nice, probably.

He embraced the other, putting his hand on his waist and purred quietly. It was a habit of his and Hansol never seemed to like it, even though others did. Another difference. He ignored his comment about the not so confident answer, deciding it wasn't something he wanted to talk about. They were friends, yes, but he didn't really feel like he could trust him completely. He didn't trust anyone, never, and he wished he could, but... really, he doubted Hansol even wanted his trust. Sometimes he was quite sure the other didn't like him at all.

"What do you mean exactly? You know I don't hang out with them much..." He mumbled, closing his eyes. He felt warm. It was good Jay baby at least agreed to hug him.

[i don't really say that but hey, it fit's him perfectly, doesn't it?]
[W] Hansol 10 years ago
@[F] Xero Hansol stiffened slightly as the boy had suddenly jumped at him, wrapping his arms around him. Well, someone was touchy today. But that was the typical Jiho he knew, constantly wanting to do skinship and such. Of course, he was used to it by now, but it seemed that the other took pleasure in getting a bit too close for his comfort. Of course, those touches meant nothing to him, just as long as he didn't take it too far.

"Of course not." he replies coldly, pushing the other's chest away from him gently, "I'm fine." he answers back, tilting his head slightly to eye the boy carefully. "Mhm. But your answer doesn't seem to confident." he grins slightly, swinging his arm over the other's shoulders as they strolled along the shoreline, "So fireboy, how's it going with the other firebenders?"

((lol babe. reminds me of my friend whom always say HEY BABE. lol ))
[F] Xero 10 years ago
@[W] Hansol Xero stiffend at the sensation of water against his skin, and then, when it froze, he winced. He hated cold. Good thing his power was fire. He shivered when more of his body has been frozen and he hoped Hansol was going to unfreeze him - he knew, that if he did it himself, he would probably get frozen again. He was fine with Hansol's power when it came to water in liquid state, but he hated ice so much, and the other knew it. They've been doing this for years, after all.
He smiled a bit at Hansol's chuckles, well, at least someone was happy of his suffering. He didn't knew whether he could say it was worth it, but it was normal for them, anyway. Jiho touched Hansol whenever he could, and Hansol froze him or covered him randomly in water whenever he diverted his attention from the other. That was the beauty of their friendship...or whatever was it supposed to be called.
The moment he was released from the ice trap, he pounced at him, embracing him in a tight hug. He leaned over, bringing his lips next to his ear. "Sorry, babe," he whispered in a hoarse voice, breathing into his ear. "Are you mad...? Is a kiss gonna make you feel better?" He chuckled, moved away a bit so he could look into his eyes and winked. "I'm great, thanks." 'as terrible as ever,' he thought, but smiled brightly anyway. "And yourself?"


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nemoli 9 years ago
jongup left
PikaJun 9 years ago
Sorry, Kyuhyun's leaving.
watsdat 9 years ago
Sorry but Mark's leaving
yochimu 9 years ago
xero left, sorry.;;
-Hipster 10 years ago
Can Donghae please be added and reserved for me?
Jinthejinx 10 years ago
Jongin left, sorry. But i might be back again later when i'm less busy with life^^
Tealette 10 years ago
Pleas reserve Jessica Jung of SNSD to water tribe? Thank you
hibird 10 years ago
Suga left... again sorry~ i'll be deactivating soon to focus on writing and graphics for awhile~ >w<
@Hansol: dudeee~ sorry for bothering you about getting me back again. OTL i love yaaaa~ ;~~~;
4everprocrastinating 10 years ago
Taehyung's left, too busy to keep up
hibird 10 years ago
Suga left. sorry~
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