
choi sungmin 10 years ago
@lee jieun Not a few minutes later, he stops his constant strides and plants his feet firmly onto the crackling paved floor. Plants had infested in between the cracks, through the thick moss sprouts a variation of weeds. Some of which he couldn't even name. A figure approaches him and it only takes him a second to realize who it could be, likewise, it wasn't an everyday thing to stroll around isolated, dark, and eerie abandoned parking lots. He brings his hands up, tucking it under his arm pits and presses his lips tight.

"I sent you-" Yeah, Nope. The male cuts his own sentence off almost regretting the message he just sent. How could he possibly rush his clients especially if they were in a very precarious predicament. Instead he kept quiet and after watching the figure pad through the empty street, he spins on his heels turning to the general direction of his vehicle. He places his hand in the trouser pocket to still the rattling of his loose change after he fishes out the keys immediately transferring them to the other hand.

The silence he intends to keep fills the already silent air causing nothing more but awkwardness between the two. Sungmin didn't know what to say, would it be indecent to ask the client how the heist went or ask how their feeling over the illegal activity they have just engaged in? None seem to appeal him. So instead he kept the questions to himself and reminded himself silently to keep moving and don’t allow yourself a moment to stop or look around or think because the trick is to not get fazed by the silence. As long as he did what he was paid for, he'd be fine.
lee jieun 10 years ago
@choi sungmin With hurried and frantic footsteps, the girl slammed the car door behind her and screamed at her partner, telling him to step on the gas and rolled down her window as they sped on out into the night and the string of lights in the distance. Hair blowing in her face, the woman looked out her window towards the blur of red and blue lights in the distance. With a gun poised in her hand, the notorious Lee Jieun let shots shatter the silence in the air.

She hadn't wanted to get into this sticky situation in the first place. Sure, the thrill of being in a hot pursuit with people out for your blood definitely hyped up the girl, but today she wanted to stay under the radar and perform the heist with ease. She tried desperately to stay in the darkness in the shadows but if it weren't for that tattletale she would've been meeting with the man by now. But, no, the police just had to get in her way.

Jieun had managed to shoot down a few cop cars as the car screeched to a halt at her final destination. Swiftly, she ducked out of the car and rolled onto the ground letting the police follow the vehicle that was now speeding away. Smoothing out her hair and tucking her pistol in the holster cinched to her waist - you had to look presentable now matter what, according to Jieun - calmly and with a non chalant vibe, she walked towards the man in the distance, arms crossed, heart beating fast.
choi sungmin 10 years ago
@lee jieun There he was, standing idly by a gray coloured Apache with his hands buried in his pockets as he palpates through his junk filled pocket. It creates a chime when he lets his fingers play with the keys. The Apache is stalled on the highest level of an empty abandoned parking lot. Apparently the structure had been closed down due to it's unstable build, this of course didn't stop the renegade to park a 5,165 Kilogram vehicle on top of it despite the casualties he were to face. He figured if anything were to happen to his vehicle that his client would have to deal with the expenses as it was part of the deal. That and because he could't seem to find a big enough lot that would carry a Helicopter payed to perform a heist. It definitely isn't an everyday thing to see an armed Helicopter in the bustling city.

He shuffles to the far left, then back to the far right to pass time. Had he been early again? Sungmin shrugs the question and pulls his hand out of his pocket, pushing his sleeve up slightly to read his watch. Eight fifty-five, five minutes before the initial heist and the client has still yet to arrive. He didn't seem wary though, he knew he had enough connections to get himself out of the mess if things were to get messy. It was just a matter of how he would squeeze the next job he was assigned to if this errand goes overtime. He shook his head, and reminded himself it wasn’t that disastrous. As a previous pilot who not only has served his country but also lead battles, he knew he was able to deal with the time constraint.

After heavy deliberation, he fishes out his phone and industriously presses onto the touch sensitive screen navigating through his contacts until he finds the client's number. He presses a few more buttons until it brings him to an empty message screen.


Hope you're not having difficulties finding the place!

If you're lost I can meet you up somewhere more convenient and we can head to the parking together. :)'

He wonders if putting a smiley face onto the message seemed like he was desperately attempting to be friendly or was even appropriate to add. It only takes him a minute to think it over before he hits send, mindlessly ignoring what could seem like unprofessional-ism. He had no intentions of appearing professional anyway, he just wanted to do what he was passionate about. Flying planes.
song jieun 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo Jieun continued trying to fight against the two strangers that had a hold of her and she even thought about giving up, feeling like there was no use of fighting them when she wasn't even strong enough, that is until she felt the grip around her wrist disappear and heard a male's voice speaking. She held onto her wrist, knowing that it might be bruised by tomorrow with how tightly the male had, had a hold of it, and sobbed as she held her wrist against her chest as she looked at the stranger who had finally jumped in to help her, though she froze in place and looked at the familiar male with widened eyes. "M-Myungsoo..." She whispered as she stared at him. She remembered how they had been close in the past, though due to Jieun moving away they had lost contact with each other. The two had been like siblings and Myungsoo had been someone that Jieun trusted a lot, more than anyone else. She could talk to him about anything and he had been the only person she had ever really felt safe around. Jieun snapped out of her own thoughts when the male spoke and nodded when he asked if she was okay, unable to really speak due to her sobbing. She was pretty sure that her make up was ruined, but at that moment she didn't care like how she usually would, all she cared about was that she was now safe and wouldn't end up dead somewhere.

Jieun watched as the scene happing in front of her, confused as to why the male would be afraid of Myungsoo, watching them as they all ran off before she returned her gaze to the familiar male. It wasn't like he was someone who needed to be feared of, but by what Jieun had see when he had mentioned the name 'L', he probably knew someone who was feared by a lot of people and that's how he had been able to get rid of the group of guys. But to her that didn't matter at the moment, not like she had any right to ask him any questions because she had left without a word back then. She gave him a weak smile as he wiped the tears from her face and gave a small nod. She was kind of surprised that the male was still able to be soft-hearted towards her after so long. If she would have been in his position, she would of been angry and yelling at him, but instead the male was now standing there wiping her tears like how he had done when they were younger. Something that Jieun missed over the years, something that she needed all of the times that she had cried over the years of her trainee and idol life. Yeah being an idol had it's pros but it also had it's cons as well, especially when she had anti-fans who were always out to get here. Which is who she thought the group of boys were, maybe they were anti-fans and they had done this to harm her or maybe they had been hired by an anti-fan. Shaking the thought out of her head, Jieun looked up at the male, clearing before speaking in a soft tone. "Thank you, Myungsoo." She said as she quickly hugged him and burying her face into his chest.

Even after not seeing the male in so many years, him being right in front of her made her feel safe and secure, like if he was around nothing bad would happen to her. That's exactly how she felt in the past and at that moment, like he was back in her life and she would be able to get through anything with him around again. "I-I'm also sorry." She whispered as she let go of him and stepped back a few steps, looking at the ground because she was unable to look him in the eyes as she spoke. She was apologizing to him for a few things. The first reason being that she left unannounced back then and the second being that she never bothered to try contacting him over the years. It wasn't like she didn't have plenty of chances to do so, but that ever since her debut she never really had the chance to contact him, not even knowing, if she even did get the chance, if she would even be able to get a hold of him. She hadn't wanted to get her hopes up for nothing so she never bothered trying and she felt bad because of it.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@song jieun

Myungsoo was walking down the streets with his hands inside his jeans pockets with his mind filled with thoughts. The drug deals and his business were going well as usual so he decided to take a day off and lurking around town to relax for one day. Even though being a gangster wasn't so bad but he wanted to be a normal person for once. He was wearing all black clothes, the color which he loved too much to even think to wear anything else in different colors. His gang members usually teases him about it but he doesn't pay attention to it because he believed that everybody have their own opinions and he also believed that black look the best for him. People wouldn't expect that he was one of the most dangerous gangster in town whey they saw him like this, he looked like a normal kid, who was extremely good looking since girls kept looking his way as they whispered to each other about how handsome he looked but he ignored them as usual. He already got used to that kind of treatment from girls but no one had caught his interest just yet.

He went inside Starbucks to buy a coffee and rested for a while because he got tired for walking around too much without actually had something in mind about where he should go next. The young male headed to the cashier and ordered a hot caramel machiatto before taking a seat on the seat near the window while waiting for his name to be called, when his drink was ready he took it and got back to his seat once again before sipped the coffee slowly after blowing it a few times since it was still too hot for him to drink, it would burn his tongue for sure if he didn't blow it. He wondered how long it been since he could relax like this but he didn't think much about it.

After he finished his coffee he stood up and decided to head back to his apartment to take a nap since the lack of sleep from last night. His friends decided to go to the club and got drunk, didn't give him a choice to help them since they passed out just like that and on the other hand Myungsoo with a high alcohol tolerance just feel a bit tipsy. On his way back to his apartment he saw a bunch of guys surrounded one girl and from the way he observed, that girl obviously didn't like their treatment and they were being harsh. It disgusted him and to see that people just walk away like that pissed him off. 'Does people even have a heart?' He thought inside his mind and slowly approached them. He grabbed the male's wrist who were gripping the poor girl's small wrist and tightened his grip as he gave him cold gaze.

"Let her go if you don't want me to harm you." He threatened as he hissed at the male, he winced in pain by the tight grip and felt shiver run down his spine just by looking at Myungsoo's cold gaze. Myungsoo turned his head to look at the girl and his eyes widened because he could recognize her instantly because they were so close in the past like siblings but sadly she didn't have time to hang out with him anymore because of her dream of becoming an idol. The fact that these men trying to harm Jieun making his blood boiled and his possessive side came out. "Are you okay?" He asked her worriedly and shoved the man away, shooting a dangerous glare at his direction.

"I'm sure you have heard of L right? Let me tell you this, you just mess with him and that L is me. You better go before I break your bones." He said lowly with a growl and the men quickly ran away because they knew about his reputation, he could really break their bones in a minutes if he wanted to but right now Jieun's safety was the most important. When they finally left Myungsoo turned to the female and let out a small sigh when he saw the tears, he took out his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped it away like he used to do when they were still a child.

"Don't cry, you're safe now."
lee soonkyu 10 years ago
@jessica jung Everything was simply perfect.

The petite girl finished applying the last of her harsh makeup which contrasted greatly with her pale skin. Puckering her obnoxiously red lips, Sunny ran a hand through her messily chopped, short, and purple bob before grinning at her reflection. Today's mission would be fun but difficult, so the murderer had called in a fellow assassin by the name of Jessica. The two had worked together quite a few times prior to the job they had to work today, so she was looking forward to reconnecting with her co-worker. After inspecting her face and outfit, Sunny added the finishing touch, a mask of which was a rabbit's face. It contained long ears and eye holes so that people could still see the artwork she had created on her face. It also only covered from the nose up, so her scarlet lips and toothy grin were on display.

Standing up from her chair, the small female opened the door to the fire escape and ignored the chilly air, instead starting to descend the staircase and leaving her apartment. She was planning on meeting up with Jessica in a alleyway and then they would be taking a car into the crowded city, simply opening the window and shooting their target. Sunny pocketed the sheets of paper containing the details about their victim and finally reached the ground, turning around and ignoring the stares that she received, instead waving at the people with a smirk tugging at her lips. Marching forward, the female almost walked straight past the figure hiding in the shadows, Sunny stopped mid walk to turn and look at the girl with broader and wider smile on her face.
song jieun 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo It was finally the day were Jieun didn't have any schedules and she was free to do whatever she wanted without her manager being around to tell her what she can and can't do. She had decided to head to the city and do some shopping, not really having the chance to do so when her schedule was always packed. Taking some time for herself once in a while was nice and even though she'd most likely get yelled at by both her manager and the CEO she didn't mind because at least she'd be able to say she had some fun being able to relax for once since her comeback happened and not worry about work. Jieun knew that becoming an idol meant not having free time like how she had when she was younger, but it was something she loved doing, despite being exhausted every now and then because of her schedules. Making her debut had been her way of starting over with her life and being able to get out of her parents' house, being free of her abusive dad and not having to depend on anyone else.

Smiling slightly at the thought, Jieun exited the clothing store she had been in, carrying a few bags in her hand and made her way down the street. She had on a pair of sunglasses to help cover her face a little and a cap on, wearing a pair of black shorts and a tank top. So far no one had recognized her and she was thankful for that, not having to worry about being stuck in a big crowd that was asking for her autograph which would put her in a tight spot without her manager being around to help her escape. The only person who had noticed her was the employee from the store that Jieun had just left from, but the female had most likely guessed that Jieun didn't want to draw any attention to herself and stayed quite the whole time Jieun had been in the shop. As she continued walking, minding her own business, Jieun didn't realize a group of guys in front of her until she had gotten up to where they were and they stepped in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. They didn't look like they were fans of hers just wanting an autograph and she knew that this wouldn't end very well.

She was by herself, her manager not in site, and now she was standing on the sidewalk with a group of guys surrounding her and as soon as one of the guys grabbed her by the wrist, causing her to drop her bags, Jieun became afraid. No matter how hard she tried to pull her arm from the stranger's grip, he was too strong for her. "Well what do we have here? Aren't you Song Jieun, the famous singer?" The male asked, smirking as he leaned closer towards Jieun, now only inches away from her face. She flinched when the male lifted his other hand that wasn't around her wrist and removed her sunglasses. Jieun could tell just by the look on the male's face that he recognized who she was, which made the situation even worse. "Let go of me!" She yelled as she struggled, but the male only tightened his grip around her wrist. It felt like her wrist would end up breaking if he tightened his grip anymore and she was now close to tears, fearing what might happen to her. There were all kinds of thoughts running through her head. Either they would drag her off somewhere where no one could hear or see them and _____ her, possibly beating her and threatening her not to tell anyone. Or they would kidnap her, _____ her then in the end kill her. Just thinking about what might happened to her made her even more frightened than she already was and now she was using her free hand to hit the male's chest as she screamed, tears falling down her cheeks.

She had spent years trying to get to where she was now in her career and now it was all about to come falling down. Her singing career would be over, if they didn't end up killing her, and she would have to work part-time jobs like how she had to do in the past when she was younger. As she struggled to get free she felt another hand grip her other wrist and she tried even harder to get free, but it was no use. The group of guys were standing there laughing, enjoying seeing an idol like her going through all of this. Whether they were fans or anti-fans, Jieun didn't know, all she knew was that the situation she was in now wasn't good and there was hardly anyone around to help, and the people who were walking by most likely didn't want to bother trying to help because they didn't want to end up being in the same situation that Jieun was in.
kim hyoyeon 10 years ago
@ishihara takamasa Hyoyeon was the kind of person who loved the night life. Where her passion was dance, the night was one of the things that lit the fire for that passion. She didn't know if it was because o all of the different people one could meet while out and about or the experiences and adventures one could have. She didn't care. Tightening her leather jacket, she walked along the street, her blonde hair flowing freely with the breeze.
jeon hyosung 10 years ago
@jo kwangmin [yes pleaseeee]
jo kwangmin 10 years ago
As they walked to the woman's working place, people started looking at them. "Oh no, am I discovered?" He thought but just shook it off his head. A bunch of girls started gossiping which made Kwangmin's blood boil. He saw a sign namely, 'Mirotic Bar' and is kind of happy to see it.
{would you like to continue it in the bar?}
jeon hyosung 10 years ago
@jo kwangmin Blinked eyes a couple of times as she start to understand what the guy try to do with her which is he try to bring her at Hyosung's work place."It...Mirotic bar..."Reply Hyosung shotly and just follow the guy stepped which is difficult for her to follow because the guy have a long legs and it mean he have a long stepped too so Hyosung need to catch up the guy stepped in running way.

[seriously..i don't know what i should name the bar so i just name it is a mirotic bar okay^^]
jo kwangmin 10 years ago
@jeon hyosung "Yah! Where are you taking me?!" Kwangmin's face crunched as the woman shouted, "Aish! where is the bar your working at?!" His face full of discomfort, he continued walking. Kwangmin is actually trying to help the girl go to the place where she work but he can't just say it, he's just someone who was brought up in a violent world and this affects his way of expressing his feelings normally like people with normal lives.
jeon hyosung 10 years ago
@jo kwangmin Hyosung back off a little from the guy as she saw a change from the guy attitude."I work at bar. Waeyo?"Asked Hyosung in curious. Frowning an eyebrows as the guy suddenly hold on her hand which her dislike it a lot when a stranger that she do not know touching her."Yah! let go of me!"Said Hyosung as she try to break free from the guy. The gripped around her wrist make her wince in pain slightly as her legs being force to follow the guy stepped. The whisper caused her body trembling slightly."Yah! Where are you taking me?!"
jo kwangmin 10 years ago
He stood up and menaces at the woman in front of him. "Where do you work?" he suddenly asked and held her hand. He grabbed it with force and started walking, "This time, I'm gonna make you mine," Kwangmin looked back at her and whispered near her ear, "Don't even think about escaping.."
jeon hyosung 10 years ago
@jo kwangmin Hyosung look at the guys attitude which she think it is so weird like the guys was lost into his own world not on earth. Rolling her eyes as she listening to the guy word."Yes you should and it is so rude saying someone like that without knowing about that person at all.."Reply Hyosung as she glance at the guy coldly while crossed her arm on her under her . Seriously,this guy make her to hate him a lot and she start feeling hate with this guys right now because she feel so pissed off.
jo kwangmin 10 years ago
In a split second, Kwangmin punched his face which is another strange habit, he quickly squat down and whispered unknown things, "i'm really sorry, i have been tossed around today so im a bit off.." he scratched her head and looked up. From work to advertising, everyday is just so tiring for him. "and i'm sorry for asking such rude question and you're maybe right for me being a jerk and all.." Kwangmin continued sulking.
jeon hyosung 10 years ago
@jo kwangmin Hyosung raise her left eyebrows as she listening at the guys."Yah! Watch your mouth,jerk!"Said Hyosung in stern way. She do not like when people call her something that her never did before. She look at the guys eyes which still staring at her so she follow where the guys eyes looking at and gasp slipped from her lips. She totally forgot to button up her coat. It quick move,Hyosung quickly button her coat. Looking up at the guys face and shout."Stop staring,_____!"
jo kwangmin 10 years ago
@jeon hyosung As the woman stood up, Kwangmin finally got the hold of himself for a second, "chumaneyo.." He started wondering why was she in such a hurry, "arrgh" he softly grunted, he always have such habit of butting into someone's business. But then his voice came out his mouth without him even knowing it, "are you a e?"
Kwangmin clasped his mouth with his hand and continued looking at her, a woman wearing a bunny outfit.
jeon hyosung 10 years ago
@jo kwangmin Rubbing her sore as her wish the pain will gone soon so she wouldn't have a difficult to dance later at the bar. She listening to the stranger and she know it was her fault after all for not looking at where her running earlier. Staring at the hand and look up. Blinking her eyes a couple of times as she watch the guy face look freeze with his eyes staring at her without blinked at all. Taking the guy hand as her slowly stand up from the ground while bite her bottom lips to stop her from not groaning at the pain on her ."Kumawo..."
jo kwangmin 10 years ago
@jeon hyosung Kwangmin watched the woman sitting on the floor, deciding whether he'd help her or not. He doesn't like helping people, for him people should stand up by themselves. But this time he held his hand towards her. "You should be careful.." he was mouth-shut when he saw the woman's face.
jeon hyosung 10 years ago
@jo kwangmin It already past evening,Hyosung is ready to go for her second job which it at the bar as a pole dancer. It mean her character is changing when it come at night and she love night time. Looking at the mirror for the last time as she smiling at her own appearance which is perfect for today. She just wearing a y bunny outfit which is theme for tonight. Every night she need to wear a different outfit base on her customer want it. She cover her body with a long coat so no one know what she was wearing inside while the bunny ear she put it in her hand bag only wear it when she arrive at bar. As always she just from her plat toward her work place because it is near and she love walking. Looking at her wrist watch and gasp as she realized that her gonna be last if she didn't hurry so without any thought,she start running. Suddenly,without her know her bump on someone chest caused her to lose her balance and fall on the ground on her first,groaning."Ouchh..."
jo kwangmin 10 years ago
@jeon hyosung The tall young man panted as he turned back from the way he came from, "I hope I lost them." he thought and looked forward. His manager had been killing him for this week's schedule, he only asked for a short break, away from the cameras and spotlights that he hates the most.

He started walking as he a young woman walking in front of him.
yuki kashiwaki 10 years ago
@kim minseok Yuki hesitated if she'll help him, Panicking she wipes the shirt in a wrong way spreading the coffee more, as soon as she realize it she widens her eyes "Oh My GOD! I'm so sorry. She said very apologetic.
kim minseok 10 years ago
@yuki kashiwaki minseok walked down a street as he sipped on his warm cappuccino. he hummed in satisfaction when he felt the warm sensation of the liquid on the tip of his tongue. "delicious~", the small man mumbled, then he widened his eyes as someone bumped into him, the coffee spilling on his white shirt as he dropped his cup to the ground. "w-wah! hot, hot!, minseok hissed, desperately trying to clean the stain with a napkin.
yuki kashiwaki 10 years ago
@kim minseok Yuki was running to catch a bus going to somewhere. She was desperate to go and with 3 minutes left before that bus leaves she does'nt care about what she's wearing as long as she rides on the bus. Suddenly she bumped onto a guy spilling his drink on his clothes, Yuki wanted to ignore it and just walk but she felt guilty. "Sorry" she bowed.
im jinah 10 years ago
/steals v card/


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baejins 9 years ago
yukirin has left
deleterious 9 years ago
sorry, jieun's leaving.
-labyrinthine 9 years ago
Sorry but Changsub is leaving because of inactivity.
c1ddef7a937d25a62964 9 years ago
Sooyoung will be taking her leave
wishuponadream 9 years ago
Myungsoo left ;;
motomami 9 years ago
Chris is leaving. Thank you for having me
ThisisRainbow 9 years ago
Park Jiyeon is leaving!
Thanks for having me here!
-reuxx 10 years ago
kiko mizuhara has left.
tonguetwisted 10 years ago
shai left. sorry.
bangtanboy 10 years ago
Hayong left
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