
baek yerin 9 years ago
@jackson wang She quickly winces as the guy took a sharp turn making her migraine return from earlier that day, she was now madder and grumpier than usual, her eyes were set to kill, her head in pain she massaged her temples trying to block out any other disturbance, as they arrived at the brothel she smirked when she saw Jackson receive the money, looking up at the bastards master, she knew that it would be lucky her. Killing two birds with one stone. She quickly entered unnoticed, she looked to the side as she noticed two security cameras, but of course she was standing in a blind spot not covered by the camera, completely oblivious to her appearance.
She reached in her pants only to take out the mini gun and shoot at the two cameras. The master and the bastard were panicking, with nowhere to go, Bending down quickly she took the silence gun and shot them both straight in the head. Clucking her tongue, she took her back pack and went behind the cash register getting some extra. No one said she couldn't take some, heck, her father even encouraged her to at times. When she was finished she checked for evidences and went outside. YeRin checked the clock.
"Damn... 12 minutes... I should've beaten my record" she said bluntly, honestly she did it quite slow, she was tired. After leaving the scene she sighed and entered Jackson's car again putting on the seatbelt and rubbing her forehead slowly trying to put away the headache
jackson wang 9 years ago
@baek yerin Jackson laughs. "What ever Girl. You can't kill me I can't kill you so we are at the beginning again. I will bring this Boy to his Master after that you can kill him if you want." He makes a real sharp turn throwing her against the door. "Oops sorry" He says grining.
He stops the car at the entrence of the brothel the Boy was working at. "So let me get my Money and then kill him all you want." He says geting the Boy out of the car bringing him in to his Master.
He takes the cash. "He is all yours Girl." Jackson turns around and keaves the brothel.
baek yerin 9 years ago
@jackson wang Honestly Yerin wasn't surprised that he knew her name, she was known in the night fall when everyone coward under her gaze and threatening stare, even a slightest insult wouldn't make her flinch. Silly actions by putting a gun against her head would make her just laugh...

"Why not buy a new car?" She scoffed, this wasn't about the money for her, she never cared about it, she was just ordered to kill him, and that was she had in mind, and no one was going to stand in her way.
"It's good to know that you know me, so why don't you just give me the guy, and you go on happily~!" She said mockingly
She didn't really give a damn about his car really. She wanted to laugh at his face when he said he could kill her, what a good joke she had heard.

"I can kill him here, but you can't kill me..." She said with a smirk ghosting on her lips
"...it's not because there could be consequences if you kill me.... But because I get to kick your _____ before you even say "I'm gonna kill you" " she then Continued...

Running a hand through her hair, she was picking up strategies rearranging the plan once again to be able to do this right...
jackson wang 9 years ago
@baek yerin Jackson just laughs. "Well then lets put the cars on the table Little Girl or should I say Baek Yerin?" He knew her father sice he had been a Little child he and his father had worked together many times. "About the killing. I know what you can do and I know what I can do I saw you." He says suddenly having a gun in his Hands pointing at her. "But I woun't kill you now so why trying. If we have him with his Master we can both be happy. You get some Money for your Daddy and I get some Money for myself." The gun dissapers. He pulls in the main street. "So? YOu still want to kill him in my car? A warnig you will clean the mess bevor I kill you." He didn't really care about the Prey, well true the Money would be nice but the main reason why not allowing her to kill in the car was that it was really expesiv to get a car cleaned if it was full with blood and other stuff.
baek yerin 9 years ago
@jackson wang She got in the vehicle scoffing,
"You couldn't kill me if you tried" she said daringly...
"You don't know who I am and what I am capable of" she said smirking. YeRin remembered going threw her fathers files and remembered this guys face... She remembered clearly...
"You really should be careful... Mr. Jackson" she said raking a hand through her hair
jackson wang 9 years ago
@baek yerin Jackson just rolls his eyes. "Stop making such a Drama. Get in and after I brought him to his Master he will gladly pay you the Money the Boy oews you." He says getting in the car. He starts the Motor seting his car backward. He stops as the door is roght next to the Girl. Jackson opesn the window. "Geting in or not?" He says. "But if you get in no killing or I kill you first." He shrughs his shoulders.
baek yerin 9 years ago
@jackson wang She scoffed at his commands. She stood outside the car and looked at the boy with disbelief.
"Who are you to tell me what to do?" She snarled at him, feeling more annoyed than ever
"He's my responsibility and he has a huge debt with my employer, so it's my job to take him..." she snapped raising her voice...
"...and that bastard won't get out alive this time" she pointed towards the victim.

She absolutely hated when people intervened with her killings. It delayed the time that she had to get home and take a rest, like she deserved. The damn day wasn't that good for her either...
jackson wang 9 years ago
@baek yerin Jackson shakes his head waving the girl away. “No you can’t talk to him. His Master wants him back were he needs him like right now so get lost girl.“ He turns back to his target grabbing his arms binding them behind his back.
He goes out of the club bringing the Man to his car. “You are still here?“ He asks the girl annojed. “Arg just get in you can talk to him later but don’t kill him. His Master pays if he os alive. You lnow what get in the front sit.“ He pushs the man in the back of the car.
baek yerin 9 years ago
@jackson wang She was baffled, before her eyes there was a man taking her target... Never the less she still walked towards them... Rearranging her plan all over again...

"Excuse me..." She said tapping the boy on the shoulder giving him those unique soft eyes...
"...can I have a talk with him" she pointed at the target with her slim finger almost poking his eye... Tilting her head a little.

She had used this tactic many times... If someone was with her target, she would lure them away... And then take care of Buisness...
"Do you mind if I take him away for a minute?" She asked politely tilting her head a little. Thisnbastard wasn't getting away this time... She needed to either get the money, or kill him, and by looking at the man she knew she would take one of those choices...

YeRin was quite patient, she waited like a hunter and it's pray... Plotting the attacks instead of just going in without thinking... She looked at the fear struck face of the target and then back again to the boy, with a questioning gaze.
jackson wang 9 years ago
@baek yerin Jakson puts his glass down on the bar. A new game was starting. His face was covered by darkness onely his killing smirk was seen. Target spoted.

He gets up from his chair. His face was suddenly floted with light his eyes refelcting it shownig a fainted red glitering. His hunt was had started. He makes his way over to the target. Jakson grobbs the mams arm twisting him around pushing him back so he was cougt between wall and him. “Your little girl is really unhappy with you.“ He hisses. Tonight his Job was to bring this man back to his brothel mother. He was a cheap with many debets.
baek yerin 9 years ago
@jackson wang She let out a groan, she was out on one of her dad's new mission. She entered the club easily seeing how the bouncers knew her and her father, so it wasn't smart to mess with her. She entered and looked around with a bored expression hoping to find the bastard that hasn't paid her father...

"Where are you, you little rat...." She said between clenched teeth...
She was annoyed more than usual today, and YeRin wasn't quite agressive in the daylight when she was at work, she was actually very sweet an passive, she couldn't hurt a fly.
But when night fell and her father gave her another mission to do, she was like a different person, Her hair covered half of her face, and her eyes seemed to kill everyone in the room. With her eyes hooded and always aware of her surroundings, making sure there was no threat close to her, with her 18 years of training they will not fail on her this time...

She spotted the familiar man from afar and gave a dirty smirk, securing the mini knife she had under her combat boots....
"There you are bastard" she chuckled making her way towards him
park hyomin 10 years ago
@park chanyeol A frustrated sigh escaped Hyomin's lips as she waited for the taller's one reply, she was afraid that she might not accept her apology or so. Some thoughts were running through her mind - what if this guy ask her something? Would she say yes? Would she no? She doesn't what her answer should be.

She was struck by his smile, though it was a small smile, it makes him even more attractive than he was. "Because of being so cold to you back at the club." She mumbled as a small pout started to form on her lips, feeling a bit guilty.
park chanyeol 10 years ago
@park hyomin Since Chanyeol's legs were a lot longer than the woman's who was running next to him he could keep up with her with ease. But to his misfortune he wasn't that athletic and he had never been that fond of running or any other form of exercise, so in no time he was running out of breath. Thanking the heavens when they finally stopped running, Chanyeol leaned against the tile wall of the building next to them.

"No problem, anytime." He replied and gave the woman a small smile, running his fingers through his hair once his breathing was steady again. He blinked and looked at her with a confused expression. "Why are you sorry? There's nothing to apologize when you're getting threatened with a knife." Chanyeol said and let out a quiet chuckle.
park hyomin 10 years ago
@park chanyeol While Hyomin was running, she felt tiredness and the effects of alcohol was starting to kick in, but she shrugged it off. All she could think about is their safety, nothing more. She looked back and saw the guy was running after them, making her ran even more faster than she already did. In her mind, she needed to thank this guy - for saving her. Maybe if he didn't came, something reckless might had happened to her.

Once she heard his question, he faced her then nodded her head as an answer. As they reached the place far enough from the guy, Hyomin stopped then started to catch her breath before facing the guy. "Thank you." She mumbled between her breath, then, she looked down - feeling a bit guilty for what she had done while ago back and the bar. "And sorry.." She mumbled, enough for the both of them to hear.
park chanyeol 10 years ago
@park hyomin Chanyeol had never really been the type to pry and stick his nose to other peoples' stuff since he knew it usually only caused himself more trouble than benefit. Although he did want to help people who seemed to be in need of it, this time he wasn't really sure if it was that wise to get in between the man and the woman. He himself might get injured by the knife the guy was holding, then again it was a lot better to get hurt than to read from the newspaper how a young woman had been stabbed to death.

Noticing the man with the knife turning around to see him, Chanyeol swallowed hard and glanced at the woman. In an instant she started running towards him and he was pulled by her, leaving no other choice than to run and follow her. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" He asked and looked back, luckily the guy hadn't started following them. After a block or two Chanyeol stopped running and panted heavily, once again making sure that no one was after them. "I guess we're safe now.."
park hyomin 10 years ago
@park chanyeol Hyomin tried her best to act normal so that the guy behind won't do something reckless to her, she gulped as she looked around. People would go and walked passed by them, she closed her eyes, trying her best not let tears roll down. Maybe if she had accepted the guy's offer earlier, maybe this wouldn't happened. She somehow hate herself, now, she's regretting when it's already too late. She felt scared, scared of the fact that this guy was capable to do anything with her - her life was at risked because of him.

She looked down as the guy whispered into her ear, "Now, go and call a taxi. And another thing, don't you dare to call the police or else, you're dead." The brown-haired girl nodded her head and called some taxi, then, here eyes widened - it was the guy at the club earlier. Because of him, the other got distracted so she took the chance. She pushed the guy away before running fast towards the tall guy's direction, "Come with me!" She shouted as she grabbed his hand and pulled him along.
park chanyeol 10 years ago
@park hyomin As he was just at the exit of the nightclub Chanyeol took out his phone and looked at the time - it was almost half past twelve. Nice, he had just missed the last bus that would take him home. It was just his luck that something like this happened; first he got rejected by an interesting-looking girl and now this? It wasn't that Chanyeol was lazy, he was just way too tired to walk a mile or two in the chilly, dark streets in the middle of a night.

He stuffed his phone back in his pocket and sighed, facing the fact that he didn't have another choice. Night taxis were way too expensive for him, and who knows what kind of creeps were able to get that kind of a lame job. Chanyeol walked out of the nightclub and down the street, noticing two figures ahead of him. As he got closer he noticed that the taller figure seemed to have something shiny in his hand, wait, was that a knife? He fastened his steps and as he got a few feet away from the two persons he realized that the other figure was the woman from the nightclub. "Hey, leave her alone!"
park hyomin 10 years ago
@park chanyeol Hyomin noticed that the guy pouted, as much she wanted to pinch his cheeks, she can't. After being cold to him, she'll do that? The guy may thought she was crazy, she shrugged it off then got out of the club. She stand at the side of the road and waited for a taxi, that's when she suddenly felt that someone was watching her. She looked around but no one was there, a sigh escaped her lips - she's overreacting again.

As she was looking down at the pavement, she felt something on pushed against her back - knife. She froze, she was between her life and death. But then, she remembered something - Between life and death is hope, so by the mean time, all she needed is to hope that someone would come and help her. "Here's the thing sweetheart, do the thing I'll tell you or else, I'll kill you. Got that?" The guy whispered into her ear, sending shivers down to her spine. All she could do is to nod, hoping that someone would help her.
park chanyeol 10 years ago
@park hyomin Chanyeol widened his eyes and his lips formed into a small pout - he could never admit that he did these small, 'cutesy' things like pouting or puffing his cheeks, he was way too manly for that - and all he could do was stare at the mysterious woman in confusion. "But I just came here, don't you want to at least stay for a while." He suggested but apparently she had already made up her mind.

Chuckling dryly at the stranger's - obvious - fake sadness, Chanyeol got up from the chair and ruffled his hair, annoyed by the whole situation. Why was it that most of the time when he tried to get to know new people he just got rejected and pushed away? He looked around quickly before popping a pill into his mouth, swallowing it without a problem and walking out of the club. He wasn't going to feel down just because of an incident like this, might as well just forget that he even got into a nightclub today.
park hyomin 10 years ago
@park chanyeol Where are they? Hyomin pouted as she tried looking for her friends, she thought that they purposely left so that this guy could ask her to dance. Even though she wanted to say yes, it feels like she couldn't trust this guy. They didn't have met properly, maybe if she knew his name, there's a chance that she could say yes. She's not good in dancing anyway, but, she's ain't afraid to show them some of her skills.

Hyomin simply ignored the guy as she rested her chin on the back of her hand, as if nothing happened. "I'm not bored, I'm just waiting for my friends. But since they left me, I'll leave now." She said as she stood up then fixed her dress, taking her bag then faced him. "I would like to accept your offer but sorry, I need to leave." She said in a fake sad voice then bowed her head slightly before making her way out of the club.
park chanyeol 10 years ago
@park hyomin Where did the woman's friends suddenly just go? Before Chanyeol had went to the restroom they still were there but apparently they had got the time to leave before he came back. What made him wonder the most was the fact that her friends had left her all alone. Maybe it was just a sign that he really was supposed to approach her and ask her to dance. Truthfully Chanyeol had two left feet and was worse dancer than anyone he had met.

Crooking his eyebrow at her surprisingly cold tone, Chanyeol huffed to himself and quietly thanked the heavens that he didn't have to embarrass himself in front of all these people. He didn't want to give up on her though, so he sat down next to her. "I hope you don't mind my company, I could see that you were bored of being all alone here." He said and ran his fingers through his hair before continuing, "can I get you something to drink, by the way?"
park hyomin 10 years ago
@park chanyeol Hyomin heaved out a sigh as she glanced at her wris_____ch, it was just passed midnight, yet, there she was - still sitting alone at their table. It feels like she's not in the mood to dance anymore, now, all she wants to do is to lay down on her bed and get some rest or maybe go back to the cafe where she used to work and stay there for a while. But then, what creeps her out is that someone was staring at her, she looked around but no one was paying attention, they were doing their own businesses.

A pout was formed on Hyomin's lips as she rested her elbow on the table with her chin resting on the top of her palm, it was somehow annoying - being left alone while her friends were having fun? Or maybe it was her who just doesn't want to socialize? She only came back to reality when she heard someone asked her, she looked up and saw the guy. "Sorry, I'm not in the mood to the dance." She said coldly before looking away from him, sipping her drink after that.
park chanyeol 10 years ago
@park hyomin As Chanyeol was sipping on his beer he noticed someone looking at his direction. His eyes locked with hers but only for a while before she turned her gaze away. A small grin grew onto Chanyeol's lips as his interest towards the stranger grew. He kept on stealing glances of her every once in a while, also eying the people she was with. Apparently she was just having fun with her friends, she might not possibly want any strangers interacting with her.

Chanyeol had already drank the half of his beer when he glanced at his clock and sighed. It felt like he had been sitting at the bar for a small eternity; another reason why Chanyeol never really went to bar, especially when he was alone. His eyes landed automatically on the same woman as he had been watching every now and then, and then he got it. If he wanted the night to be more interesting than just sitting around all alone, he definitely should give it a try. Chanyeol gulped the rest of his beer in one shot before getting up from the stool, walking towards the table where the woman and her friends were. He placed his hand on the said woman's shoulder and leaned to her ear. "Hey, wanna dance?" He asked and pulled away slightly to see her reaction, grinning in a friendly manner at her.
park hyomin 10 years ago
@park chanyeol A frustrated sigh escaped Hyomin's lips as she saw some guys walking towards her direction, maybe going to the club wearing these wasn't a good idea, she thought as she stood up and walked towards the direction of the restrooms in order to get out of the sight of those guys. But before she could enter, she three guys exchanging some things, her eyes widened as she covered using her hand. Are those drugs? She asked herself mentally, if those were drugs, why didn't the bouncers took it and reported to the police? "Pabo. Of course those guys would pay the bouncers." She mumbled to herself then stood straightly at the corner of the hallway, trying her best to act normal.

After a few minutes, Hyomin go back to their table then sipped on her drink. Then, she turned her gaze around the club, once again, the sight of the guy caught her attention. She quickly looked away, not wanting to stared at him in a long time. The image of the event she saw while ago was still fresh in her mind. - Should I report it to the police? "No no, don't do it." She shook her head, it's just like the same thing that happened in her past. She doesn't want to remember it again, it would cause problems again.
park chanyeol 10 years ago
@park hyomin Although Chanyeol was a social butterfly and loved meeting his pals as much as possible, he wasn't that fond of nightclubs. They were always so stuffy and people seemed to forget something so normal as privacy and your own space. But since he was asked to deal for some random people he couldn't decline; he always needed more money. Walking into the club, Chanyeol looked around and tried to find the men who fit the description he had gotten earlier. How in the world was he supposed to find someone among all those people? He sighed and walked forward to the bar section, sitting down and eying the party people. As soon as he got the business done he was going to reward himself with a beer.

Chanyeol was finally approached by two normal looking guys who were probably his age - at least to him it made it seem like they were just old buddies who were meeting up - and after a short time of talking they moved to the restrooms. He dealt the pills quickly and the guys gave him a stack of money. The men left the restrooms first and Chanyeol followed a few minutes after so it wouldn't look too suspicious, and in no time he was back at the bar section and ordering a cold beer for himself. Everything went better than expected. He turned around in his stool to look at the dance floor, sipping from his drink every once in a while. Maybe he could stay a while longer, it wasn't that bad after all.
park hyomin 10 years ago
Hyomin walked into the club, wearing a pink one piece dress, that perfectly emphasized her curves. She was out with some of her friends to celebrate their successful photo shoot and promotion a day ago, they were laughing all the way into the club. People took glanced at them, some girls raised an eyebrow at them, some were star-truck at them. They simply shrugged then made their way towards their table, they quickly ordered some drinks then faced each other, ready to talk about things. Then, one of them suddenly spoke up. "Hey guys, look at that guy." The guy said then pointed a guy who was wearing a leather jacket, in her own point of view, he's insanely innocent.

"Oh come on guys, just ignore him. We don't know him anyway." Her friend said and they nodded in agreement. She got her own drink and took a sip, turning her gaze towards the dance floor, there was nothing to weird, then, she shivered. It feels like someone was staring at her, she looked around the club and some group of guys staring at her. "Hey, Hyo, are you okay?" A friend asked, she turned her gaze away from the guys then nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. No need to worry." She forced out a smile, her friend shrugged then made her way to the dance floor. Then, the image of the guy popped into her mind. 'Aish, forget about that guy.' She mentally nagged herself, forcing out the thought about the mysterious guy.
g-dragon 10 years ago
@kim hyoyeon GD was on the middle of the dance floor not caring who grinded against him, he loved the dance floor and the stage. his day job as a tattoo artist was fun but rapping was his real passion, going into the stage and shine on his own.

He was interrupted by one of his friends calling him over to the stage since it was his turn to do his show and start the new rap battle as the champion and king of this hour of rap.
lee soonkyu 10 years ago
@kim hyoyeon The loud music could be heard a block away and so could the shouts of obvious drunk customers. The petite girl was never really much of a party animal nor a drinker, however every once in a while she liked to let loose and have a good time. Dressed up in a red dress along with a pair of black pumps, Sunny had let her hair down and adorned her lips with some red lipstick. Entering the club, she ignored men's wandering gazes and instead made her way to the bar. After ordering a drink and observing her surroundings, Sunny turned to the dancefloor and watched in fascination as a blonde girl danced. She was extremely talented and owned the spotlight, it was quite obvious. After a few songs the girl had stopped and come to sit beside her, Sunny smiled and nodded towards the dancefloor. "You're really good at dancing." The female commented, giggling afterwards and nodding.
kim hyoyeon 10 years ago
@g-dragon This was Hyoyeon's environment. This type of setting is what set the blonde party animal inside her off, allowing her to drink and dance the night away without a care in the world. Of course, hangovers where a _____ the next day, but it was worth the fun from her stress as a dance instructor. And if she was lucky, she would her a rap or two, even a rap battle.

With the loud music pounding around her and the heat from everyone dancing, she desperately need something to cool her down. No heavy drinks tonight, she had an early class planned for the next day, so if anything alcoholic was going down , it would be a light beer or maybe even water. Running her fingers through her long blonde locks, she made her way to the bar, avoiding the outstretched hands moving in her direction to get her to dance more.
im jinah 10 years ago
@lee howon "Then why don't you stop?" He smirked. "I know you can't. Nobody wants you.You should be thankful that I brought you here when you have nowhere to settle down. I gave you life. A luxurious one. I gave you your own mansion. I gave you tons to branded bags,heels and clothes!" He raised his voice a bit.

Jinah's breath hitched when she heard what he said,for a moment she was at a loss for words,because she knew,deep inside her heart that what he said was true.He was the one who helped her survive,but also the one to make her life a living hell."Because...because..I..I.." she stuttered, not knowing what to say.She felt like she needed to fight back,but she couldn't,he was right.Jinah just sighed and looked away,not wanting to meet his gaze.

Jinah just stared at the check he put on the table."nothing is worth my pride,not even money." She inhaled deeply and crushed the check in her hand.She felt like nothing after hearing his words,he had said the words that she was most afraid of.She wasn't wanted and never would be by anyone.Even her parents ,even her aunt.No one helped her but him.


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baejins 9 years ago
yukirin has left
deleterious 9 years ago
sorry, jieun's leaving.
-labyrinthine 9 years ago
Sorry but Changsub is leaving because of inactivity.
c1ddef7a937d25a62964 9 years ago
Sooyoung will be taking her leave
wishuponadream 9 years ago
Myungsoo left ;;
motomami 9 years ago
Chris is leaving. Thank you for having me
ThisisRainbow 9 years ago
Park Jiyeon is leaving!
Thanks for having me here!
-reuxx 10 years ago
kiko mizuhara has left.
tonguetwisted 10 years ago
shai left. sorry.
bangtanboy 10 years ago
Hayong left
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