( — : HOTEL.



kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@shim changmin The female saw that the male was slowly waking up, a soft smile curled up on her lips as she caressed his cheek gently " good morning you sleeping beauty." she whispered before moving closer to the male's body, moving her index finger on his chest, down to his lower stomach and then bringing it back up in a provocative manner as she watched his momevents " aw, don't give me that look, you are scary, sweetie!" the female talked on a sweet coated voice, as she continued to play with her finger on his body.

" who i am? me? oh, i am a police woman, don't worry, if you will be good, nothing will happend. And what do i want ? ohh, that is very easy actually" the female got on her knees beside his body and slowly leaned over to get her face closer and closer to his, her lips brushing on his cheeks then she slowly the male's earlobe " all i want for now, is you, nothing more, nothing less." she whispered into the male's ear in a very sensual manner, letting her hot breath hit on his skin, then she was slowly pulling away " if you are going to behave, i will not arrest you, i will let you go, but if you do misbehave, dear, is see a very dark future for you, and let's be honest, it will be pleasing for both of us, what do you say, changmin? " the female looked into his eyes while leaning over his chest, her arms placed on his torso, and her chin placed ontop of her hands as she looked up into the male's eyes.
shim changmin [A] 10 years ago
@kim hyuna Changmin's brain was slowly wake up as he felt someone patted his cheek. But he could feel that his head was still throbbing. Frowning slightly with eyes still closed, he tried to remember what had happened to him and why did his head feel so dizzy. That's when his mind slowly registered that his hands were cuffed above his head onto the bed's bar and he could felt the cold air was hitting his upper body. Where did his shirt go?

The male let out a soft growl from the back of his throat before he slowly opened his eyes. Squinting slightly, he tried to adjust his eyes to the light before he looked up only to find a female beside him. What was she doin-- Changmin widened his eyes slightly as he looked around, finally noticed everything. He was still in the room where he was a few hours ago. The difference was only his hand was cuffed and he was shirtless. He noticed that he was completely disarmed too, since the gun that he hid under his belt also already gone.

Changmin knew no matter what he would do, he's already lost. He didn't even think about any way to escape. Despite all of the pain that he felt in his head, Changmin glared at the female. "Who are you? What do you want?"
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@shim changmin The female had to thank God that she was very powerful for a female and that she knew some sensitive spots to the human's body, if not she could never bring the male down. The female looked at the sleeping body and bit her lower lip " should i give him a chance..hmm?" an idea came to her mind and she was so going to enjoy herself that night. Slowly the female dragged the male's body to the bed, placing it on the soft mattress she slowly took off the male's shirt and mask, trowing them on the floor, the female's eyes scanned the male's body and she bit her lower lip " oh, he is so handsome, why is he doing such a thing, too bad for him." she whispered while softly caressing his cheek.

Hyuna moved his hands above his head then she cuffed them to the bed's bar, making sure he will not escape. The police woman checked his body to see if he had any gun or any knifes, or anything that could harm her, she took all the things away and placed them under the bed. Hyuna was determinated to let him go if he was going to be a good boy. After a while the female sat beside him on the bed and slapped his cheeks lightly " changmin, wake up, wake up ~" she whispered softly while glancing at him.
shim changmin [A] 10 years ago
@kim hyuna With his intense gaze, Changmin watched as the female got up and walked around him in circle. He was about to scoot away but immediately froze when he felt the tip of a gun poked hardly against his back. He should have know. . All of the things that happened was too strange and weird. He already felt that she was strange, but why did he even still fall to her trap? Changmin groaned inwardly when he heard her voice but she was too fast and Changmin exactly wasn't prepared. Soon, he felt a painful hit landed on the back of his neck and he fell down.

And suddenly everything was dark.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@shim changmin " come on, hyuna,you can do it, you can not get pulled in by his charms, damn it you guys for sending me to do this." she groaned inwardly while taking a deep breath as she got up slowly as she walked towards him as she traced her index finger along his chest down to his stomach and then she walked around in in circles, without him looking at her, when she was behind of him the female quickly locked the door and took out the gun from underneath the dress, she had her smirk tugged across her lips. Soon the young female poked his back hard with the tip of the gun ad she said on a firm tone " Shim Changmin, you are under arrest ! if you dare to move, i will not hesitate to shot, i am allowed to do it !"

The female was not stupid, she knew that if she will drag it anymore, he will find her out, and she knew that he was not stupid either, and that he is stronger then her, after all he is an professional killer so she had to finish him fast, not finish but but send him to sleep, she felt bad for him, but she felt even worse for all the people who he had killed without thiking. The female had had the back held the gun tightly in her hand and she hit him as hard as she could in the back of his neck, into a sensible spot that mad him fall to the ground. Hyuna was a really good police woman, because not even once had she feared a man, not even once had she feared to stay face to face with a person with an arm in their hand. Now that he was ' asleep ' a little time, she had to move fast, so that he will not wake up.

( SORRY hyuna had to do it if not changmin would have beat the crap out of her.
let it go like that <3 he'll have a surprise when he wakes up = u = a good one.
shim changmin [A] 10 years ago
@kim hyuna Wow, she talked back to him. She actually talked back bravely and that most likely was the first time a girl didn't look intimidated at all with him. Okay, his look probably not that intimidating, but barely no one ever talked back at him, moreover when he was being in his Max persona. Changmin frowned a bit, his eyes was still sharply stared -- if not glared -- at the female. Truthfully he didn't like to be ordered that much, but his job was basically to 'serve' his client and to fulfill their request anyway, so he kept silent, still thinking carefully about what should he do, if he takes the right step or not.

As the female got up as well and asked him to follow her, Changmin reluctantly followed her silently from the back. He couldn't avoid the sight of the way the female walks provocatively, swaying her hips left and right. Changmin flickered his eyes away. He should admit in the deepest corner of his mind, he was actually thinking about how would it feel to run his hand through her curve. Changmin was snapped back out from his reverie when the girl pulled out a briefcase full of money. It wasn't like he never looked at those huge amount of money before. He was the best hitman in town, at least that's what all he knew until now, and his previous client ever paid him almost as much as this lady's offer. Well, but job is job and he still needs money. He got his question answered anyway. So, looking back into her eyes, making sure that he locked his eyes with hers, Changmin made a firm nod. "Alright, I'll do it," he confirmed. "Two days from now, right?"
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@shim changmin The young female raised an eyebrow when he questioned her " i hate questions, i hate to be questioned, plus, you do as i say, you get the money, but if you still want to know, if it is that important, i want to have him killed before my eyes, yes, i don't want you to kill him when i am not around, since i want to see that suffer. Or even better, have him killed with my own hands." she said nonchalantly on a very calm voice, as if everything she said was oh-so-normal, as if killing a person was something was a very fun thing to do. He may think she is insane, no she is actually just a very good actor.

Hyuna saw the male pull away and a soft chuckle escaped her lips then she slowly shaked her head, with a slow movement the female got up aswell " please, help me, you will not regret it, i swear, let me show you something, sir, please follow me." the female slowly walked towards the bedroom, as she walked the high heels clicked loudly on the floor, her hips swayed in a very provocative manner as she walked. Once they arrived in the bedroom, from the clothes she took a briefcase, slowly she places it on the bed, as she opened it, it was all full of money, real money " is this enough for you to do this for me, hm?" she slowly sat on the bed, leaning back on her hands as she crossed her legs.

Sometimes Hyuna thought that something was not going well, and she was not sure what it could be, she noticed that he was one smart guy, and that he will not be easily tricked, so she had to put it all on line, risk it all or get nothing. she scanned the male's body while blinking softly at the sight " damn, he seems so good looking, God is now making it so hard for me, jeez." a soft sigh esaped her lips as the female shaked her head a little bit .
shim changmin [A] 10 years ago
@kim hyuna Changmin still didn't want to move from his spot as the girl walked over to the minibar and took the glasses and bottle of wine. His heard turning around, following her movement while his eyes was still watching the female intensely. He wanted to say that he was in a hurry, but he decided to not answer it at all and just finally sat down beside her after he took the glass that she handed to him. He didn't drink it though. He had more than just an experience about not trusting a stranger that giving a drink.

At the sight of the well known criminal, Changmin raised his eyebrow a bit. He knew that man. He ever met him once or twice and indeed he wasn't a very good man. A stupid yet cocky one to be honest. Changmin frowned and flinched slightly feeling the female's finger trailed down on his chest. He was still a man anyway, no matter how he could be heartless at times, if there was a very y female like her touching him, it was almost impossible for him to give zero reaction. He listened to the female's voice and glanced up at her slightly, "Why don't you allow me to kill him rightaway?" he asked shortly, feeling slightly curious -- and suspicious too -- because why would she hired him if she doesn't want the target to be killed? He's a professional assassin. She could just hire anyone if she only wanted to bring the target to her.

And he became more suspicios when the other tugged his mask. He pulled his face away. His hand kept his mask on his face and he looked at the female with his deep brown eyes, "No, I'm sorry, Miss. We're here for the deal. I'm doing it professionally and I have my rules for it. If you don't want to follow my rules then maybe we shouldn't get into the deal either. Please find some else better than me," Changmin said firmly. He stood up from the sofa, looking at his strange client with eyebrows furrowed.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@shim changmin The female heard the door crack a little bit and she let her lips curl up into a light smirk at the sight of the male " got ya' " she said to herself while bitting her lower lip. Hyuna slowly stood up and bowed her head at the male, she walked over to the minibar of the room and took two glasses and a bottle of wine, walking back to the sofa. sitting down and handing him on glass pouring wine in it " are you in a hurry, sir? hm? " hyuna asked on a soft low tone while looking into his eyes. She made sure that everything goes as planned.

As she poured herself some wine the female kept glancing at him, after holding the glass up, she handed him a picture of a well known criminal, she had to catch that guy anyway, she just needed some good back up for him to believe that she was really a client " here you go, i give you two days, nothing more, nothing less." she crossed her legs and she moved herself closer to him, tracing her index finger along his chest in a soft manner " you see, that guy messed with the wrong person, and he will pay, you don't have to kill him, just bring him to me~ that is all, you may play around with him, if you find it fun, you are not allowed to kill him !" she lightly tugged on his mask, lightly while chuckling " stop being so mysterious, honey, you'll get a healthy extra if you take it down, i am curious about your looks." she her lower lips as she pulled the mask down slowly.
shim changmin [A] 10 years ago
@kim hyuna Dressing in a casual jacket covering a white v-neck t-shirt with a denim pants, Changmin walked across the lobby hotel to finally get into the elevator. He had a white mask covering half of his face, like he was having a flu or something, and his hair styled up in a mess, not in a way that Changmin usually let his hair down when he goes to his work at day. Probably no one would expect that this person was a dangerous assassin, but yes, this was Max. A few days ago he was called by a lady who offered him a good amount of money to do a mission and tonight, they already had an appointment to meet in a certain room in the hotel. He didn't usually meet his client face to face, they would only ordered him by phone, and they wouldn't even care about anything except about the target to be killed. But for some reason, this lady managed to get Changmin agreed to meet her face to face.

The elevator made a small ding sound before it stopped and Changmin walked out from it, walking towards the room where he had told to meet his client. It wasn't long until Changmin found the room and he reached out to grab the handle and opened it. It was unlocked, of course, like Changmin asked her to do and he walked in only to find a very y lady was waiting for him at the sofa. Changmin walked closer towards the female, his eyes piercing through. "So, who is it? Who's the target?" Changmin asked, voice slightly muffled behind the mask. He stood in front of the girl, keeping himself on guard because he knew that no one was truly trustworthy in this world.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@shim changmin

Hyuna had now gotten a new under cover mission, this time she really did not know too much about the criminal, all she knew was he was very dangerous, and that she had to be with her eyes wide open and never let her guard down. The female had called him, with the reason that she had a really good mission for him, it was well paid and of course he agreed. Hyuna reserved a hotel room where they could have a very ' peaceful ' chat. The young police officer had dressed herself in a daring looking dress, it was black, and it had no sleeves, it was hugging her waistline perfectly, she had platform high heels making her legs look slightly longer, her hair was straightened and she had a light make up on. The police woman slowly stepped inside the right room, leaving the door unlocked for the male to enter, she slowly made her way towards the sofa, stitting down on it, the female elegantly crossed her legs one ontop on the other as she looked straight at the door, waiting for it to be open .
( sorry, so very crappy, it'll get better in the future )
im jinah 10 years ago
/steals v card/


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baejins 9 years ago
yukirin has left
deleterious 9 years ago
sorry, jieun's leaving.
-labyrinthine 9 years ago
Sorry but Changsub is leaving because of inactivity.
c1ddef7a937d25a62964 9 years ago
Sooyoung will be taking her leave
wishuponadream 9 years ago
Myungsoo left ;;
motomami 9 years ago
Chris is leaving. Thank you for having me
ThisisRainbow 9 years ago
Park Jiyeon is leaving!
Thanks for having me here!
-reuxx 10 years ago
kiko mizuhara has left.
tonguetwisted 10 years ago
shai left. sorry.
bangtanboy 10 years ago
Hayong left
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