( — : DEPOSIT.



kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo The female discretly shoved the car keys into his pocket and unlocked his cuffs without the other two officers to notice. the young female tapped his shoulder and whispered quietly " you take the car, my adress is witten on a paper there, you can leave the car there" she said softly whiel looking at the two males before whispering again " hit me as hard as you can...now" she said seriously before walking infront of him, taking the attention on herself, talking to the males " you get your low asses away from here, you faces make me feel bad, eww." she pretended to gag a little bit while looking at them.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna Myungsoo knew it too well that something must happen and that looked hurt. He narrowed his eyes when she pushed him forward, almost causing him to lose his balance because of his wound. He walked ahead of her, not missed the glare she thrown at a middle aged man. He gave him.a dirty look because he knew he is the one who slap her and that was low, slapping a woman. He walked towards the car while taking a glance at the male once in a while and turned to her when he heard her co workers, he snorted at the fakeness and arched his eyebrow in amusement at her question. "Yeah...why?"
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo As the male was done she watched him and sighed lightlyand listened to his words, she shaked her head " ah, it is nothing, an accident." as she walked out of theroom, pushing the male foreward, she glared hatefully towards the older male who had just hit her, as she passed by him she whispered " for what you have done, you just lost all my respect, and for this.. you will only lose." she the continued to walk by towards the car. Hyuna was very angry that he hit her without a good reason, he knew very well how much they ran around to catch myungsoo, and now that she had caught him he was angry that a female did it not a male. As they came out of the hospital, two male officers approached her and they looked at her while sighing " did he hit you again, hyuna?" the asked while shaking their heads, hyuna gave them a death glare and hissed at them " don't act as if you care, we both know how we feel about one another, so don't play innoncent just because people ware watching, that's just low." she looked at myungsoo while smirking lightly leaning into his ear " can you run?" she whispered.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
Myungsoo rolled his eyes when she told the poor doctor that he was dangerous making him look at him like he was some kind of monster. He let the doctor to treat his wounds quietly and hissed a bit at the pain making the doctor flinch. He sighed at this. "I won't hurt you." He assured and his eyes fell to the window inside the room but before he could even make his way towards it, the police officer already came inside making him groan mentally until he noticed the red mark on her cheek. He arched his eyebrow wondering what just happened but somehow it made him concern seeing her hurting like that which was so weird because he supposed to hate her not care about her. Maybe he was drunk, but he didn't remember about taking any alcohol in those past few hours so he didn't know the reason why. His eyes still fixed on the mark which resembled a hand print and approached her slowly. "What happened to you?" He gestured to her cheek as he looked at her in curiosity.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo The female took him right to the doctor's room, asking for a fast treatment, she bowed at the doctor and then she spoke " If he causes any trouble, please shout, and do NOT take off his cuffs, he is dangerous" she said that softly while patting the doctor's back. The female walked outside sitting against the wall, near the door. Not long after, her boss arrived at the hospital aswell, he was angry no, actually he was furios, on a harsh tone the boss shouted " How could you shot him so easily, are you crazy !? you had to have a good reason! do you know that?" the female looked at the male and spoke on a quiet tone while clenching her fists tightly " if i would not have done that, he would still be free, boss, you know that, it is easy for you to talk, all you do is stay in your office and give out orders, everyone can do your job." as soon as she had finished her words, a loud slapping sound rang through all the hallway, the male had just slapped her, At the action, hyuna slowly bought her hand up touching her cheek as her stare was fixed to the ground, on a monotone voice the female spoke " excuse me, i have to take Kim Myungsoo to the police station, thank you." she bowed ninety degrees and walked inside the room to see if the male was all done " let's go. " she said as she looked at him blankly, with her hands stuffed in her pockets.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna Myungsoo was looking out the window while thinking of a way to escape before they could put him in jail. There was no way he is going to get behind those bars. He got out from his thoughts when she suddenly spoke up, asking him if it hurts. This was getting weird. The first time she shot him and then she asked if it hurts or not. He really wanted to laugh but he just snorted. "No, it doesn't hurt because I only got shot by a bullet." He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes at the dumb question. He let out a heavy sigh and turned his attention back to the window. When the car stopped, he realized she takes him to the hospital making him feel shock because this was completely stupid. Which police officer who will bring the criminal to the hospital after they shoot him? Only this woman would and somehow it made him admire her. He stared at her as she helped him to walk while limping as he lifted his injured leg slightly, totally forgotten about his chance to escape.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo The female watched the police-man put the male inside the car, she sighed a little bit and she waved to the other police-man to come over to her, then she rolls down the window and looks up " hey, tell the boss to come to the hospital, i have to talk to him before doing anything eles." she then rolled the window back up and turned the engine on, the young police-woman took one last glance at the male before hitting the road. Hyuna was still in shock of the things she had just done, to relax a little bit, she the radio letting the music play as she drove to the hospital. The girl didn't actually want to talk, but as she looked at the road, on a monotone voice she asked the male " does it hurt alot?". Hyuna was one of the best drivers in her group, even better then males, so it did not really much until they arrived infront of the hospital. After she got out of the car, she went to the other side, infront of the male's door, slowly helping him out of the car and holding him by his arm, so he would not lean to much on the injuried leg, hyuna actually felt bad, but in the same she didn't.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna L just let the male officers to get him inside the car while thinking for a way to escape. His friends for sure wouldn't let him to being caught so easily like this and he never got caught before but with this injury it was hard for him to make an escape. He whimpered in pain when the officers pulling him up, making his injured leg was placed on the ground and he quickly lifted it up slightly so it wouldn't hurt too much. He watched Hyuna curiously, wondering what she would do and the next move surprised him, he never thought that she will actually help to stop the bleeding. He thought that she will be happy if he losing too much blood and died but he was wrong. He really couldn't guess what was on this woman's mind and he was so curious to find out about it. The policeman took him inside the car and cursed mentally for the cuffs or it would be easy to snatch the gun away from one of them and made an escape, he was placed on one of the seats and his eyes landed on Hyuna. He watched her in amusement when she took out her frustration on the steering wheel and his lips tugged into a small smirk.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo Hyuna felt bad for shoting him, but whenever her ex-boyfriend was bought up by anyone, she would just get her mind blank, plus the fact that he was being ironic with her. The female looked at one of the male officers and she told them to get him in her car, she'll first have to take him to the hospital. As the males were cuffing his hands, hyuna looked over to him and sighed lightly " hold him up " she said to her friend and he did as told, the female took off her button up shirt leaving herself in a wife beater. The female ripped the button shirt apart and she got down on one knee infront of the male to tie the piece of cloth where she had just shot, to slow down the bleeding. " Get him faster in the car, i have s-hit to do." she hissed and then walked away, not looking back even once, the female walked inside the car as she waited for the other police-man to bring the male there, she looked at herself in the mirror the quickly looked away and sighed hitting the wheel with her clenched fist" god, you idiot." she was frustrated that her past was still affecting her so much, even if so much time passed.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna To be honest this was the first time that he had ever got rejected. Usually he was the one who rejected people since he wasn't interested in someone that easily but right now it was completely the opposite making him lost his words for a seconds. He hissed when she slapped him right across his face and raised his hand to place it on his reddened cheek, narrowing his eyes at her even though he was the one who was at fault but slapping him hurting his pride and he didn't like it. Before he could even react she already shot his leg making his eyes widened and fell down to the floor with a groan, he never expected that she will shoot him. He let out a choked groan as she kicked his stomach. He growled angrily because he never felt being humiliated like this, at least after he carried the name 'L'. This was like Myungsoo, the weak Myungsoo. This girl. He couldn't underestimate her. For now he couldn't do anything but to stay still because she would shoot him for sure if he tried to escape and that won't be good.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo When the male began to getcloser she stepped backwards, the as ever emotionless stare was printed on her face, she stared into his eyes while sighting softly as her back hit the cold surface of the wall. " quit these games, myungsoo, they are so gross, like seriously. you are not my type and you will never be." she slaped his hand away and clenched her jaw tightly shoving his body away from hers. Upon hearing his last words, her body, froze, and without herself realising it the female had raised her hand and slammed it across his face, slapping him as hard as she could " don't you dare talk about that, you little fuc-king je-rk, you just go die !" she hissed at him while violently grabbing his collar and shaking him " you know, i should have done what i had to, but i was giving you a chance you idiot!" she pushed him away and took her gun out quickly shoting him right in his leg, taking her phone out " come in, this got nasty." she looked coldly and him at then she lifted her knee up kicking him right into the stomach " you think you are something big? you are wrong!" she spit right besde him while looking at the other police officers walking inside.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna L winced when she suddenly jabbed his sensitive part by her elbow and arched his eyebrow at her words. "Lesbian huh? That sounds nice." He snickered, it was obvious that he was completely enjoying this. From the way she explained things, it seemed that she had known a gangster in her past and if his guess was right, she had fallen in love with one before. Interesting. He smirked and approached her slowly before pinning her to the wall behind her, looking down at her and tilted his head to the side. "I know, they like me because they say that I'm hot. Well..at least that's what I heard." He put up an innocent face as he caressed her cheek with his thumb. "You don't look so bad either. Maybe two of us will make a great couple. What do you say?" Of course he didn't mean everything he was saying, he was just playing with her and he was having so much fun right now. "I'm sure that I will treat you better than your past boyfriend." He said softly and kissed her hair.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo " if they really do want you to touch them, they do not know in what they are getting themselves into, i really feel bad for them." she whispered while suddenly moving her arm backwards towards his body, her elbow poking right into a very sensitive spot of the torso forcing him into moving backwards, then she moved away, she started at him with emotionless, empty eyes " i'd rather turn lesbian then have you touch me." she hugged herself pretending to shiver. " god, what do girl actually see in you? " she eyed him up and down while bitting the nail of her thumb lightly, trying hard to figure out what was so interesting about him " don't worry, they do not really like you for who you are, they find the ' bad boys ' exciting, because they all think that they can tame one" she said that, because she has been in the same position once, the difference was that she actually really loved that guy, for who he was.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna Ah, so she was a female after all. She was nothing comparing to him and his strength. She seemed so delicate in his arms even though with her sharp tongue. He chuckled in amusement at the answer. So it was true, something must happen in her past and gangster was the cause of it. She seemed to hate them so much. She was interesting to L and he decided to play with her for a while. He hummed softly and his lips tugged into a smirk. "I see...but girls are itching to be touch by me you know, you should be grateful that I'm willing to hug you like this because I don't usually touch girls this way don't you think so Miss..." He glanced at the nametag on her uniform. "Hyuna..."
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo The young female dropped the cuffs once the male wrapped his arms around her, hyuna groaned and tried to move away, as she felt that her hands would not move, the police officer slowly closed her eyes listening to his words " why i hate you? ha, i don't hate only you, i hate anyone who calls themselves a gangster, i simply hate them all, with a huge passion." she said calmly while chuckling lowly " it is simple, you guys disgust me, so so much, you think you're all cool? playing and fooling people, is it fun, hm?" she asked on a very husky tone while clenching her fists tightly " take your hands away from me, or just kill me, feeling you so close makes my skin itch.'' she said hatefully
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna L rolled his eyes at her 'determination' to put him inside the jail. She thought that it will be that easy to catch him? He wasn't called L for no reason, he was one of the most fearless gang leader in town. But he wondered why she hate gangsters so much, something must happen to her and he was curious about it because the other polices didn't have that look in their eyes. He just stood there when she walked towards him and when she was close enough, he pulled her to him by her wrist and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly so she couldn't move her arms and pointed the gun on her head once again. "Hmm...why do you hate me so much? I never done something bad to you before."
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo What hyuna hated the most was that they all think they are having a hard time and sh-it like that, but then again, all they have is the school of the streets, but hyuna has both, the normal school, and the street school. SHe watched the other boys run away and she smiled softly, But once she turned around looking at the leader, her smile quickly faded away, turning it upside down, her lips in a thin line " talk, my a-ss, god, can you imagine how much i want to see you behind the bars of the jail, can you?" hyuna could not even understand herself, how could so much hatered exist in her, she sometimes thinks that her heart is black, from so much hate. The female looked at his face, with a piercing glare while raising an eyebrow, she just rolled her eyes and took the phone out " i got the leader, let the kids go, they have nothing to do with it." she said that to her colleagues, who were around the building, hidden in good spots then she placed the phone away " you see, looking at you, makes me feel sick." she took the cuffs out and rolled her eyes, walking towards him.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna Judging form her knowing his name, she must have chasing after him and his gang for a while but the way she talked about him like she actually known him really pissed him off, he really hated it when someone talk so badly of him when they didn't have a clue about him. This girl was like that and he felt like his patience will surely dissapear if she kept on going. He narrowed his eyes and lowered his gun down, growling lowly at every word she spoke. "Don't act like you know everything about me because you don't." He snapped angrily and his gang members were looking at him with soften expression because they knew what his leader had going through in his life and Myungsoo actually took them in because they didn't have place to go, they had their own problems and Myungsoo helped them also taking care of them. He was actually a nice guy. He turned to his gang members and sighed. "You guys can go for now, I'll deal with this woman." He said firmly and they nodded obediently before they escaped through the back door. The leader turned his head to the police once again and stared at her like she is some kind of pest. "You can talk to me. Not with them, let them go."
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo " you trow that gun down from your hand and we will talk after that, if not, i'll send this handsome young man to heaven, since he must be stupid anyway to join such low-life as-ses like you, i feel bad for him, but i will get over it soon." the female spoke seriously, alot of hatred and disgust were mixed in the female's tone " you gangsters, think you are the s-hit, but in REAL life, you are nothing more then a bunch of dou-chebags, nothing less. When will you realise that the things you do, harm not only yourselves but the people around you too, think about it, mister leader. You can not protect all of them, how would you feel to see all these guys, lying down on the floor lifeless? would you like that, you heartless bast-erd, mh?" she hissed at him while swallowing hard, trying to control her temper " if you are that good, go do the deals yourself, don't send these kids, be a leader, have dignity." she slowly stepped foreward one step and then turned around to look at him, she placed the gun to her belt and looked at him with a glare full of hate as she placed her hands in her pockets " you will go to hell kid, you will go to hell." she chuckled lowly " and you are dragging him along with you in that sh-it . shame on you, myungsoo, shame on you."
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna Myungsoo was this close to pull the the trigger until she pointed her gun towards one of the youngest of his gang members. He was the youngest and had the least experience out of them because he was the last one in. He cared about him a lot like his younger brother so it triggered something inside of him when he saw her try to harm him. He gritted his teeth in anger as he hissed at her, pressing the gun even harder to the back of her head. "Don't you dare harm him, if you want to talk then let's talk. It's not necessary to pick up a fight right miss?" He said calmly despite of her threat.

If there were really a police outside, it was still possible for them to escape. They were a low range gangsters, they were one of the best so it wasn't easy to catch them. Each of the members had an awesome fighting skills and they were armed with one gun on their hands.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo The female's twitched a little bit upon feling the cold gun;'s tip touching her skin, she smirked a little bit as she did not move at all " well, well, what do we have here, kim myungsoo, i guess, the jerk behind all these deals? are you proud that you coruppted all these kids, hm?" she said softly as she looked at one of the boys infront of her " is he even legal?" she pointed her gun at the youngest out of them " you shot, i shot too " she rubbed her finger against the trigger while smiling a little." if you think i am scared to die, dude, you are so _____ing wrong ! i rather die then get on my knees infront of you, you disgust me." she groaned lightly and spit on the floor.

Eveythime she had to go meet a gangster, she saw a little bit of her exboyfiend is them, they were all the same, they were all doing the same thing. It made hyuna hate each and every gangster she ever met, they were the only ones out of the criminals she did not consider to give a second chance. " come one baby, shot, but remember, if you shoot me, in less the five seconds the police will block this _____, and you will have no way out. What do you choose, stay and talk or you all get in the jail." she trew the drugs on the floor and stepped on them.
kim myungsoo 10 years ago
@kim hyuna

As usual L and his gang members had another drugs transaction at the secluded deposit. Usually he would go there together with them but this time he had a thing to take care of so he went there a bit later. When he arrived he felt another presence of someone, someone who was clearly not invited. The gang leader peeked through the window and saw a young woman wearing a police uniform with her gun pointed into one of his comrades' temple, he narrowed his eyes at this and quietly stepping away from the window so she couldn't see him. He really hated it if this happened, to think that she came here all by herself making him feel a bit amused, did she think that she can take out all of that easily? She was completely wrong.

L walked to the door and took out his own gun, in a seconds he already stood behind her and pressed his gun on the back of her head, getting ready to pull the trigger if she dared to make a move. "You're the one who should get down on your knees or I will pull the trigger. Don't even think to move because I won't hesitate." He whispered near her ear, he wasn't kind of person who would take an easy on a woman. If they messed up his job or getting into his business, he would kill them without a second thought.
kim hyuna [A] 10 years ago
@kim myungsoo

The young police woman had a really good tip from some informants of hers, one gang that she was searching for, for so long are going to have a drug deal in a far away deposit, and she ofcourse was going there, with no hestitation. Actually hyuna would go to alot of missions alone, even if there were more people then her, she was never afraid of getting shot or anything like that. Actually she had experienced being shot not once but twice, once in the leg and another in the stomach, she was lucky that she actually taken quickly to the hospital.

The young female arrived at the meeting place and she walked slowly, not making any sound, she looked through a window to see what was happening inside, and with a light smirk tugged on her lips, she walked silently behind them, pointing the gun right into the temple of one of the members of the gang " if you move, i blow your brain, your choice, i will not hesitate to paint the floor with your blood." she said lowly while taking the drugs away from his hands " what do we have here, little one, drugs? ohh, are you not to young to do such a thing? hasn't your mom taught you not to play with the bad men?" as she said that she bought her knee up to hit him in the stomach, walking infront of the boys, pointing her gun at them " you, down on your knees and your hands behind your necks, NOW!" she aggressively shouted at them.


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baejins 9 years ago
yukirin has left
deleterious 9 years ago
sorry, jieun's leaving.
-labyrinthine 9 years ago
Sorry but Changsub is leaving because of inactivity.
c1ddef7a937d25a62964 9 years ago
Sooyoung will be taking her leave
wishuponadream 9 years ago
Myungsoo left ;;
motomami 9 years ago
Chris is leaving. Thank you for having me
ThisisRainbow 9 years ago
Park Jiyeon is leaving!
Thanks for having me here!
-reuxx 10 years ago
kiko mizuhara has left.
tonguetwisted 10 years ago
shai left. sorry.
bangtanboy 10 years ago
Hayong left
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