
baek yerin 10 years ago
@woo jiho It was late at night when she was driving home, she was still angered at the thought that he had ran away and made her job two times harder, but of course she had to run in heels and kill the bastard... She griped the steering wheel of her car strong than usual, burning her pointy nails into the leather.
"Sometimes I hate my father.... I just wanted a day off today to get some sleep; but no~ he had to give me this job again, damn it..." She cursed while looking at the empty road, she felt frustrated....

She felt the car make some strange noise as she widened her eyes,
"No.... Oh god.... Please don't do this to me...." She hit the steering wheel at the car came to a stop with an ugly groan, she hit her forehead on the wheel,
"This is just my lucky day!!!" She screamed, she got out of the car and slammed the door roughly causing the side mirror to fall on the ground and break. She scowled at the piece and kicked the door or causing her to hit herself hard on the shin,
"Ah.... Damn car" she glared
She stomped to the back and starting pushing the car, but it would only move an inch.... She huffed and sat ontop of the trunk as she fished out her phone...
"Battery is dead... Amazing" she chuckled sadly as she looked down... She sighed...
"What to do now..." She groaned and fell back hitting her head on the back window,
"THIS IS JUST MY DAY!!" She screamed angrily...
woo jiho 10 years ago
Everything below is disregarded;
woo jiho 10 years ago
@lee jieun "A flash drive eh?" Grimm remarked with an arched brow, repeating the question like it may somehow bring this missing object to memory. But of course, he hadn't the slightest idea who would think he'd have a flash drive, and what would be on it that may be of importance to her boss;"Hmm.." Feeling the awkward sense in the air as well, the same right hand gently rubbed underneath his chin in thought.

"Maybe they knew you had past connections with me aye? Could be a friendly 'set up' to meet an old friend, but hold on a minute here. What happened to you the last time i saw you? Why are you caring a gun?" A glint of worry in those dark brown eyes;"You aren't seriously in a gang.. are you?"
lee jieun 10 years ago
@woo jiho JIeun sighed and crossed her legs and her elbows slightly pouting. "Hi, Grimm," she replied in monotone, slightly embarrassed. She didn't know that it was him who lived in this sorry excuse for a house, since it had been a while since she had last seen the man. The tattoos were definitely new, but his appearance never wavered from her mind. It brought back many memories, seeing him, but Jieun pushed them aside to get to the real manner.

"I was trying to find this vital flash drive my gang members wanted," Jieun mumbled sheepishly. "But, apparently, it's not in this pile of junk." To further emphasize her point, she gingerly picked up a dirty styrofoam cup before tossing it aside. "They said you had it, and I came to this place. You know I can't disappoint them."
woo jiho 10 years ago
@lee jieun "Jieun- what the hell!?" Grimm remarked angrily, though he was half surprised to see her;"Where have you been and why are you threatening me? What's going on??" He stood up straight, after bending down to pick up the pocket knife off the cement floor, fold it, and return it into his left back pocket. He wore a baggy, white, shirt sleeve v-neck shirt. The tattoo APOSTLE shove across his chest, and graced a bit over his collar bones. Black loose fit jeans, looked brand new, adorned his legs, some kind of boot material he was wearing for shoes though, what brand or what kind of actual shoe it was, couldn't be determined, they were really scuffed.

"Anyway- what's the deal?" A right hand ran through his short blonde hair, making the back of said hand show a tattoo of the skeletal structure that lay underneath the skin, from his fingers, down to his wrist. Each bone with well down detail and depth, though it faded as it reached the edges. The under side was untouched, leaving it bare, and.. normal. with a heaved sighed, either arm crossed over his chest while he waited to be debriefed on the situation, furthermore, why she had a gun.
lee jieun 10 years ago
@woo jiho Jieun was appalled. Why would her members direct her to the wrong place? They almost always joked around with her, and once went as far as telling her that she was out of the gang for good. But the flash drive.. That was so much more important-

The guy jabbed her in the stomach and she recoiled almost immediately. She tried to grab her gun, but a searing pain flared up her arm and Jieun was further rooted to her place. The pain was short lived as she was shoved to the ground and she was panting, regaining her breath before she looked up into the man's eyes. Jieun stared. "G-Grimm..?"
woo jiho 10 years ago
@lee jieun !!! Grimm muffled a cry of surprise to feel a hand over his mouth, but soon had a different kind of fear take over him. A round pressure was felt against his temple. Eyes widened as he surrendered almost immediately, the pocket knife was dropped as either hand held close to his body to show he'd given up.

When asked about a flash drive, he was appalled, what flash drive? With a muffled, worried mumble, he shook his head to imply he either didn't know, or he wouldn't tell her, but it sounded like the first. He wasn't given a flash drive of any kind, and he had no idea where he'd get one or why he would have it in the first place. While standing there, waiting for them to respond, a right elbow jabbed into the soon to be realized, female's stomach. From a natural reaction, he ducked out from the gun, whirled around and bent her arm backwards enough for the muscle to tense, strain and eventually drop the gun, willingly or not. But, in doing so, he caught that pretty face, and those familiar eyes;"..Jieun!?" Shoving her back onto floor he moved to reach for the gun, unsure what the hell was going on.
lee jieun 10 years ago
@woo jiho Jieun heard the man's endless calls and his footsteps growing louder and softer as he scoured the apartment for the elusive girl. She bit her lip countless times to stifle the laughter that was threatening to reveal her location. Maybe junk and clutter was good for something, though the stench still got to her.

Quietly, she slipped out of her hiding place and tiptoed towards the unsuspecting man. It was time to make her prescence known and she was destined to have her grand entrance. Jieun's finger was still hovered over the trigger. She wasn't afraid to leave a trail of dead bodies in her wake to complete her mission and today was no exception. Jieun counted the inches she was away from the man. Ten.. seven.. two.. one. At that moment, she pounced up and in one swift movement, her hand muffled the man's scream and the barrel of the gun was pressed to the stranger's temple. "Where is it?" she exclaimed frantically. "Where's the flash drive?"
woo jiho 10 years ago
@lee jieun "I know someone is here.." Grimm remarked loudly, leaving the front door ajar as he stepped further into his apartment. With pocket knife held forward, he slowly made his way to the small hallway, bed room to his left, bathroom to the right and presumably another bedroom on the end to the left, but he just used that for a junk space. An old 90s computer that didn't look used sat back there... he really needed to clean that up and get it going again but he was no computer wizz. They weren't his forte' not in the slightest.

Taunting his would be intruder, he whistled as if calling a dog;"Come out come out where ever you are.." Remarking in a low tone, surely ready to meet his guy with a good gut wrenching stab to the stomach. Not finding anyone in his bedroom which.. wasn't really any place to hide. Just a small twin mattress on the floor and a worn white, and very dirty vanity sat with a large oval mirror, paint was chipped all over it and various types of make up, and facial product (mostly for acne) sat. there was a small opening near the cement ceiling with a plastic covering, letting in plenty of light but no air, and you couldn't see through to the other side, couldn't fit through it either.

With nothing else in his bedroom to hide amongst, he moved to the last bedroom, assuming by common knowledge that is where they'd be. With a boldness, he jumped in front of the junk room with a 'Haa!' as if to frighten his intruder, knife held out. But, were they there? Had they hid in the bathroom? Split seconds would tell him.
lee jieun 10 years ago
@woo jiho The stench that met Jieun's nose was unbearable. "Damn," she wondered aloud, gingerly kicking away a foam cup that lay near her feet. "This guy's a total slob." At this point, it was hard to believe that her boss thought that whoever lived here held that one vital flash drive that contained, well, who knows what. Her boss never told her details - always so, so vague - but she never dared challenge her boss. Too much risk.

While Jieun was carefully clearing spaces and wrinkling her nose, a creaking noise alerted her and her heart dropped to her stomach. He was here. Panicked, Jieun quietly slipped into the shadows and whipped out her shotgun, just in case.
woo jiho 10 years ago
@lee jieun Grimm wasn't even home. He'd been out trying to find a job at any automotive shop that would hire him, trying for interviews, anything. But of course it's the usual fed line 'Thanks! We'll give you a call!' The same sentence would repeat its self over and over in his head like a broken music box, and it aggravated him;"Better call me back.." Murmuring to himself while opening the door to a shared apartment building. The place was a dump, but the garage down stairs where everyone parked their cars? Oh he loved that.

The place he lived was really run down, it was almost impossible to find wallpaper or even paint on the wall, not including graffiti from random teenagers and their ridiculous gangs. Really- they needed a good parent or two, least that was his opinion. Walking up the age old stairs, it creaked a very out of tune song all the way up. Once Grimm had reached the top of the stairs, he walked down the hall to his left and opened a metal gate to get into this poorly run down elevator that took him upstairs to the top floor. He'd rather be above someone than underneath, having to hear irresponsible people stomp yell and above him- yea not happening. When the elevator came to a stop, a casual hand reached to push it aside and step out, heading to the very last door. Stopping, he reached into his pocket to pull out a worn, silver key, shoving it into the damaged keyhole to turn and unlock it. 'click!' .."Huh?"

How very odd, When he grasped the knob with a whole hand, it shook in place, it was.. locked. Arching a brow, he released and twisted the key the opposite way, hearing a familiar noise when the door unlocked. Now, Grimm hadn't lived here but a few days, but he always kept his home locked. Removing the key from the door and dropping it into his left back pocket, a right hand gently pushed the worn, stained door from dirt and car grease, open. It creaked from the old hinges,and with careful foot steps, he walked in, glancing around the strewn living room. A broken dark red couch sat in the middle, a nice looking coffee table sat a few feet in front of it. Dirty socks, and laundry spread out all over the floor. Numerous foam cups, plastic and empty plates were stacked off to the side to provide a 'clear' space for a empty, open pizza box. Not too far away, on the opposite side of the couch was a small t.v that sat on a plastic, upside down milk crate, with an extension cord plugged into the back of it to reach a plug in a different room. Talk about a slob. There were a few windows in the living room off to the left after entering, no drapes or curtains, just square windows with some kind of drilled thick iron wrought pieces drilled through so it wouldn't be an easy open space to just climb into. Pieces of card-board sat on the floor just below said windows, appearing to be a half job of blocking up the windows, probably from cold air and bugs.

Looking carefully, he looked around to see if anything was untouched, pulling out a small pocket knife to be his defense.
lee jieun 10 years ago
@woo jiho Jieun made her way up the creaky stairwell and faced the wooden door to her right. She glanced at the pen ink she hurriedly scratched onto her skin not too long ago and nodded in confirmation. This was the right place, she assumed as she looked around the dingy complex. Her lips slanted in distaste. "You could at least get better than this stinky rathole," Jieun mused to herself. Her hand reached under the carpet to find the one spare key that her gang members told her about and pushed into the apartment and closed the door quietly behind her.


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baejins 9 years ago
yukirin has left
deleterious 9 years ago
sorry, jieun's leaving.
-labyrinthine 9 years ago
Sorry but Changsub is leaving because of inactivity.
c1ddef7a937d25a62964 9 years ago
Sooyoung will be taking her leave
wishuponadream 9 years ago
Myungsoo left ;;
motomami 9 years ago
Chris is leaving. Thank you for having me
ThisisRainbow 9 years ago
Park Jiyeon is leaving!
Thanks for having me here!
-reuxx 10 years ago
kiko mizuhara has left.
tonguetwisted 10 years ago
shai left. sorry.
bangtanboy 10 years ago
Hayong left
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