✣⋮ ➣Hospital

Someone called a doctor?
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho Naeun nodded with a weak smile and watched as he collected the water again then thought for a moment. "I don't know but it just doesn't make sense for me..... What is the connection between being immortal and having the power of water??? Being immortal means I'm going to live really really long..... But water?? I can't find a way that the two would work together" Naeun pouted and tapped her chin thinking ..."You said you were the first to have water power right? So you taught yourself.... How did you do that?"
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@Naeun Suho was watching as the female moved the water without ease and nodded pleased when suddenly the water was thrown towards his face. With reflex, he held up his hand and deflected the water making it rebound to the floor. The doctor chuckled and shook his head at the female. "It's fine. It's fine." He waved his finger in a small circle and the water that pooled in the carpet collected and flew to hover above his hand. "Practice makes perfect. Or at least better trained because no body is perfect. Now what caused your concentration to break, Ms.Son?" He asked as he placed the water back into the cup without trouble.
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho Naeun nodded in understanding. She walked to him surprisingly without feeling dizzy like before and watched him as he moved the water from the cup then back to it. She was really amazed by how easy it looked then nodded at him "so all I need is to focus and move" she looked at the cup in front of her and tried to imagine how the water would move then slowly started to move her hand leading the way to the water to move. It actually did and everything was going very well until this question popped in her mind.... What does water has to do with being immortal??. She didn't even notice the her hand was moving the other way and water was following until she heard the splashing sound the the water landed on Suho's face . "oh I'm really really sorry I didn't mean to" her face turned deep red feeling embarrassed.
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@Naeun "Yes, I do. I was actually the first one to have the power. I don't know why I got this power but I guess it was because our body was attracted to it?" Suho moved to his desk and pulled out a foamed cup from the water filter beside his desk and poured water into it. He placed it on the desk and smiled over at his patient. "Come here. I'll show you how to first make it run, or move, like this." He stood back and used waved his hand up into a quick motion before stopping after moving about three inches, making the water follow his movements and stopping as he willed it to before letting it back into the cup. "Just concentrate on the water and how you want it to move then use your hands to follow your command."
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho Naeun shake her head in response "it doesn't hurt anymore.... Actually I feel more refreshed" she said in a yet unsure tone then she sat up straight "earlier you said you will help me train on how I use my powers like yours, right? Does that mean I have a power related to water? And you too?" Naeun asked she was half curious and half confused. Why she was regenerated into an immortal that has the power of water? She was asking herself the question repeatedly but never found an answer. She looked and Dr.Suho hoping he would have the answer for her question.
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@Naeun Suho sat by his patient and waited for her regeneration to complete fully. The wait wasn't as long as his normal patients because she was already half way completed through her regeneration. He saw her hair go lighter from the corner of his eyes and grinned. Everything was flowing steadily and normally. The doctor was checking his clock, counting down the seconds when she jolted awake. 'Ahh just in time.' He thought, pleased with his prediction. He looked up with a smile and nodded to answer her question. "How are you feeling? Is your head still hurting Ms.Son?"
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho Naeun felt the esolill going through her blood and she quickly became unconscious. Usually ten seconds is a very short time to do anything but for Naeun these ten seconds were very long and wired. She saw herself and pictures of her life followed by many scenes she didn't know whether they were in her mind or played in harming. The ten seconds ended very quickly and Naeun opened her eyes as if she saw a nightmare glancing at her side she heaved a sigh when she found the doctor still there. Blinking her eyes now everything was clear. Her eyes and hair turned more brown and her heart was beating as if it will never stop and she felt like she was fresh new. "is it over now?" she asked in confusion of this new feeling.
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@Naeun "Of course I won't. Besides I wouldn't be able to do anything within the span of ten seconds." Suho said with a chuckle. "Now relax, the needle is actually really small so you'll barely feel anything." He said as he watched her close her eyes. He quickly and expertly found the vein on her arm and carefully injected the chemicals into her body. Once he pulled away and was sure she was unconscious, he moved quickly to get rid of the needle and bandaged her now slightly bleeding spot. Now all he had to do was wait for her to wake up after the ten second transformation.
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho Naeun watched Suho as he brought the needle and the syringe with the chemical. She was frightened at first but his words made her calm a little. "so I'm now not a human but an immortal?" she asked not really sure it that was something good or something bad. Naeun just nodded with a weak smile "okay... You can do it..... But you won't leave right?" for some unknown reason Naeun just didn't want to stay alone even if it was for ten seconds. She took a deep breath and looked at Suho confirming that he can give her the chemical then closed her eyes.
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@Naeun () wtf... wow okay I totally just posted that to myself .-.
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho "I know and usually we wouldn't do anything without your consent. I'll go ask around to see what happened alright?" Suho sighed and went to his cabinet pulling out a small needle with its syringe filled with a chemical to help your mind ease and let it go on a journey to completely regenerate. "So before I do this. I'll tell you what it is. I'm going to inject you with this substance called esolil it will let you fall back into unconsciousness to let you find your inner immortal. It will only last about ten seconds. It should complete your regeneration and you won't be experiencing any more pains. After, once you've awakened again, I'll help you train your powers like how I use mine. Are you ready? I won't do this of you aren't." The doctor asked as he checked the dose of chemicals he had in the syringe.
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho Naeun listened to the doctor's story and felt amazed by it and somehow the story affected her that she just listened and didn't try to interrupt him. Once he was done with the story of his childhood she looked at him with wondering eyes "I understand what you are saying but I never agreed to be regenerated or even been asked to... I never talked with anyone about such thing and I don't remember taking any pills" Naeun sighed heavily and just did as he told her; she went to the bed and laid down hoping that he will help her. She closed her eyes as he said and breathed slowly trying to relax.
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@Naeun "Ohhh..." Great now he was really in a bind. How would he tell a girl that she was forced to become someone who lived forever? "Ah well..." The doctor sighed and rubbed his temples. Of course leave it to Sehun to make things this way. "It... uh it's sort of like evolution.. y-you're changing to adapt to the regeneration? L-like me..." Suho suddenly decided to play along like he had the same changes as a child. He began to tell her of how he found his new 'powers' and finished nervously. "D-do you get what I'm saying? What you're experiencing is normal but because you're scared of it, it's holding back so it feels weird. Come over to the bed." He said as he got up toward the bed he used for his patients sometimes for when he felt too tired at night to go home. "I just want you to close your eyes and relax. I'll help you through the change okay?"
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho Naeun looked at the doctor unable to think of proper words to say her mind was going crazy and her body was going crazy and didn't know what to do. She closed her eyes breathing slowly trying to find the words that would express her feeling correctly. "Well....at first I felt real pain in my body and I could feel each cell dying and being reborn again .... It was like I was burning from the inside and suddenly everything went back to normal and I don't really know what happened in between.. Later on I noticed changes..... Creepy changes like I never get panda eyes if I say up late at night.... And water..... I moved water....or maybe it moved by itself .... I don't know I think I'm losing my mind and my head hurts from time to time" Naeun said while her eyes were running around the room and she rubbed her hands together feeling really scared even of herself
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@Naeun "Ahh..." Now he understood their situation. The female in front of his was experiencing the change to being an immortal and had no idea of the change because Sehun had given a doctor orders to regenerate her without her consent. Now he had no idea on how to tell the girl that she was becoming someone she wouldn't know of until she had passed about two generations later. "When you say different... what are you feeling that is different? Maybe I can figure out what's wrong if you tell me more?" He needed to find what symptoms she was experiencing in order to help her or determine if she needed rehabilitation. "Tell me what feels weird?"
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho Naeun was surprised by his question; sure she came to this hospital before but she never came as a patient and never met the doctor in person unless something hit her head and made her forget everything. Taking a deep breath she thought for a moment trying to recall everything happened that day "all I remember is that it was raining heavy and Sehun-ssi brought me here until it stopped raining telling me that it is the place where a doctor he knew worked here and we stayed at his office.... Later that night he came to my place saying that he wanted to check if I caught a cold or not then I don't remember anything still I woke up and went to work as usual where I met Sehun-ssi again and then the pain started and everything felt different" she said in one breath then felt a painful headache taking over and making her feel really dizzy.
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@Naeun His eye brows creased in the center when he heard her answers and reactions. She should have remembered the procedure of when she regenerated to being an immortal. "Who was your original doctor?" He asked as he scanned through her file once again.
He was sure that the female in front of him had gotten the pills for the beginning of the transformation and should have gone through the regeneration already. But... why wasn't she remembering anything? "You say you're feeling different. Can you explain what you mean to me? And when was the last time you've visited your doctor?"
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho Once she heard the door of the room open and saw the doctor coming in Naeun felt a little uncomfortable and she wasn't really pleased by being in this place. Nodding back with a weak smile at the doctor confirming her name. Naeun thought for few moments before she shrugged her shoulders in confusion."A procedure?? I don't remember anything like that happened when I came here last time..... But I do feel different" Naeun was really confused ant the doctor's questions made her panic more than usual. "what do you mean by side effects? I don't remember taking any medicine that might cause any side effects" she asked one more time hoping that the doctor might have asked the wrong question.
♛☤Dr.Suho 9 years ago
@Naeun Suho walked into his office as he rubbed his temples. He didn't notice the girl that waited sitting on the chair across from his as he immediately went to the opposite corner of the girl to switch his jacket with his doctor lab coat. Once he turned around, he nodded to the girl with a soft before heading to grab the new stack of files on his desk.
"Hello... how are you today Ms... Son? You've had the procedure done a while ago correct? Have you been experiencing any side effects?" He asked in one breath as he read her file during the process of her regeneration.
⚛Naeun 9 years ago
@♛☤Suho It has been a while since everything came to a change yet Naeun hadn't figured out what happened. For her everything looked the same but never felt the same after that wired day. The day when she met Sehun and the night he went to see her.

For some unknown reason she wasn't feeling well and it wasn't something she could handle by herself. A decision she wasn't sure of but had to make. She went to the hospital hopping she would find Sehun's friend the doctor he told her about but unfortunately he wasn't there.

Learning that another doctor called Suho is the one who she could see she just agreed and waited at the office where she was told she would find him. Thinking for few moments his name was familiar to her ears but she couldn't remember where she heard it before.
♛Sehun(H) 9 years ago
*enters and go inside a room*


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mxxnchild [A] 7 years ago
wondering who i was
shineesarahh [A] 9 years ago
sorry Kyungsoo left
katsuki 9 years ago
Kris is leaving.
suejin 9 years ago
It was fun being here but Naeun had to leave instead of being just like this.
xicewolf 9 years ago
Krystal is leaving. Thanks for letting me join. This rp has an awesome plot btw XD
Xingnicorn 9 years ago
IU is leaving, sorry
jester 9 years ago
Seohyun is leaving
Yukiko 9 years ago
tiffany is leaving, sorry
SweetSinner 9 years ago
Suho is leaving sorry, I lost all muse for being a doctor.-.
xicewolf 9 years ago
Hi, this is Krystal.
Can I go on hiatus until the 19th?
I'm gonna be going on vacation and I'm not sure if I'll have wifi or not. If I do, I'll try to get online as much as I can.
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