〈 common room




he Common Room. The indoor room where patients spend time when they don't want to go outside or when the weather is bad. The common room is usually tended to by counselors and two guards. The commons rooms has many windows along with a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. There are board games, a tv where they can watch approved channels, and even a game cube. There are different times in the afternoon for harmless and dangerous patients, the harmless going in first.


[f] lee sungjong 10 years ago
@[f] jung taekwoon Sungjong felt someone putting something on his wrist but he was too tired to care .. he wokw up after what felt like hours but was actually less that 15 minutes ..

rubbing his eyes he got up from the tiny space he squeezed himself in .. he noticed a cloth on his wrist .. 'someone saw me .. someone found me' he thought as he looked around for his precious peice of metal ..

after giving up on finding it .. he removed the cloth on his wrist and washed it and then washed the dried blood off his wrist .. hissong softly as the cold water seeped through his cuts

making sure that he looked okay and that he didnt have blood on him he walked out of the bathroom to a room filled with different people .. he was scared that the guards would notice him so he hid behind a man a bit taller than him so he wont get noticed
[f] eva cheung 10 years ago
@[f] lee taemin "I d-don'tknow how...we just are." Was her reply. Lame, she knew, but she couldn't think of anything else to say. Sora peered curiously at the stranger as his eyes brightened, just a little. She soon found herself smiling, happy that someone out there could relate to her. And her smile, began to grow, as his introduction settled on her mind. "T-Taemin, huh?" She repeated. She nodded to herself once, deciding that she liked his name, before holding out a hand. "I'm Sora." She informed, happily. She had just made a new friend, and a large grin broke out on her face, she wasn't able to contain her happiness anymore. Though the mask covered her grin itself, her eyes still flashed emotions of happiness, though barely even readable anymore because she was squinting so hard with all that smiling.
[f] jung taekwoon [h] 10 years ago
@[f] lee sungjong Taekwoon quickly did his business, never being one to like the cool and confined tile of the bathroom. The whole time, the image of the boy under the sink with dripping red wrists played in his mind. He flushed the toilet and opened the stall, casting a discreet gaze downwards, not wanting the other to know that he knew he was there.

To his surprise, the male had passed out already. Leo quickly washed his hands and crouched, plucking the blade out from the other's fingers and placing it up on the counter for the time being. He stood up straight and backed away, ripping the sleeve of his shirt, before coming back and wrapping the cloth around the other's wrist.

Then, he grabbed the blade and turned, walking out of the bathroom.
[f] lee sungjong 10 years ago
@[f] jung taekwoon Sungjong bit his lips and closed his eyes as he made more cuts on his wrist .. enjoying the warmth of the blood dripping from his fingertips .. he didnt notoce that there was someone in the bathroom with him

Feeling the usual dizziness from blood loss he didnt even try to fight it as he kept sliding the razor over and over again on his wrist .. feeling weaker and weaker till he just gave up and passed out not caring where he was and what would happen of someone caught him

With his eyes closed he felt peace and comfort .. as if nothing happened to him .. he felt like he was floating in space with nothing to hurt him or stop him from doing whatever he wanted. .
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
G-Dragon was quiet watching his expression and the shut down as he flat out called itn one eye more lively then the other both having come out to observe the man they liked as they're thearpist. "Jiyong .. what do you think can we tell him?" Asked G-Dragon out loud and half his face frowned "he's not self aware thats why he's hard to read and you didn't stun him enough G-Dragon, though I didn't want you to do it yet." Said a much more lively and concerned voice. G-Dragon smirked and laughed softly "sorry Jiyong I was getting impatient with the perfect act I had to see how he would be when he knew we knew." Said G-Dragon softly. "My diagnosis is he's depressed not enough to be useless during the day but during the night is when it breaks him down. He's not noticeable, so rest assured dear thats why we got you alone because we are selfish and like to see it all ourselves, of course I had hopped you'd be my friend but after what G-Dragon did I don't blame you if you don't want that. Maybe this is childhood trauma like us it just wasn't bad enough that he broke and needed a big brother figure so to speak like you are to me, so .. it was abuse that im sure after all we know that to well .. but not our type of abuse maybe mental?" Jiyong questioned and G-Dragon nodded "mental and physical like ours just .. maybe not as early and maybe not as violent and daily like ours. After all father wanted to break his son remember how proud he was when he watched us slowly give in to the insanity he pushed onto us?" Asked G-Dragon and Jiyong sighed unhappily. "You see Yixing all we know are the flawed. We wouldn't have opened up to you if we couldn't observe you to. Oh you hoped we were mindless brutes huh? Though most have clouded eyes we see straight through it all. And your broken beyond repair .. no because your already healing ..after all your before us but your sane so congratulate yourself on that." Said Jiyong and he offered a beautiful smile to the male. "If you want to help us continue down the you headed get rid of our violence teach us a better way. But there is no way to get rid of me because neither of us want me to go. We simply have a problem. There is something we want to go .. and thats the violent madness that tends to grip me. So please help us and we'll help you as well with our insight .. will you stay our thearpist and maybe one day our friend?" Asked G-Dragon settling in to watch again. They didn't know which way he would go but they hopped it was the one they wished.
[w] zhang yixing [A] 10 years ago
Going into a state of shock as the other blatantly called him flawed, Yixing's pencil dropped onto the clip board, his hand still hovering just above it though. His brown eyes were full of alarm, the microscopic hairs on the back of his neck having risen, his arms having goosebumps. Flawed? Was it so easy to tell that he was flawed? Yixing had never had one of the patients just bluntly call it out like that, and he was happy that they were alone right now as he really hadn't been expecting it. The last thing he needed was for any of the workers to see him so stumped at this moment. His hand lightly began to tremble. No, his flaws couldn't show now. He still had to be the perfect Zhang Yixing, the one the government approved of. He bit down on his quivering lower lip, watching as Jiyong moved over to stare out the window. "F-flawed?" He stuttered out, soon after taking in a deep breath and blowing it out to calm himself, he repeated the action a few times before he truly felt like he could function again. "I.. I don't understand what you mean." He trailed off, his words a mixture of the truth and a lie.
[f] jung taekwoon [h] 10 years ago
@[f] lee sungjong A bored exhale left Leo's lips as he walked down the hall with the other 'dangerous' people. He called them inmates in his head, though all of the workers made sure to call them patients. But Taekwoon knew better. His arms were in front of him, wrists bound together with leather hand cuffs. He could hurt someone on the way to the common room.

When they finally reached the room, the cuffs were taken off and they were allowed to do whatever they pleased, as long as the guards approved. Simply pointing to the bathroom, the mute male got a nod of acceptance. "You have ten minutes." The guard told him and Taekwoon nodded in acceptance, walking past him and into the bathroom.

He stopped in front of the sink, wetting his hands and splashing his face. What he wouldn't give to go swimming in the pond near his old house one more time. He sighed and turned walking into the bathroom stall. But not before he saw someone under the sink in the corner of his eye.
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[f] eva cheung At the sudden grabbing of his sleeve Taemin's instant reaction was to flinch. He bites his lip hard as she holds onto him then he glances over at her. Dont leave? Why would he stay, he'd somehow gotten that girl onto the ground and didnt even remember it and apparently he'd hurt a stranger. He looks down at the floor frowning, "h-how are we the same?" He hugs himself as she speaks thinking about it. He knew how that was, wanting to not be lonely anymore, having no friends to go to. He rubs one of his eyes forcing tears back and wiping the ones that were on his face away. He sniffles and nods a bit mumbling softly, "I-i dont want to be lonely anymore either..." He hangs his head not liking admitting to such things but it was better than sending the young girl away and hurting her. He couldnt handle hurting another person, not again... never again. He looks at her and speaks in hardy a whisper, "im taemin"
[f] lee sungjong 10 years ago
@[f] jung taekwoon Sungjong Couldnt believe how excited he was when he walked into the common room .. he wasnt excited to play games or watch tv .. ge was excited to do something else .. he wrapped his hand tightly around the cold piece of metal in his hand .. as he lowered his head and smiled softly so no one would he that smile and know that something was off

He looked around to see if the guards are lookibg beore sneaking into the bathroom .. once he was in he looked around for a place to hide so even if they looked in the bathroom they wouldnt find him

"Bingo" he said when he found space under the sink and it was small .. but it fit him .. he squeezed himself in that tiny space before opening his hand to look at the razor he got from someone

He pressed the razor against his wrist and closed his eyes "gosh I missed this" he thought to himself as he slid the razor quickly and look at how blood bubbled on his skin bringing a wide smile to his lips and clearing his mind that used to be crowded with alot of thoughts.
[f] eva cheung 10 years ago
@[f] lee taemin As he froze, she walked faster. Sora reached out a hand and gently tugged on the other's sleeve. How she did this without having a panick attack, she didn't know. She just felt something lulling her toward this one, this guy wasn't scary. "P-please don't leave.." She said quietly, "I just found s-someone like me. I...I thought m-maybe we could've g-gotten along." Sora sniffed and wiped her tears with her other hand. "Y-you're not sc-scary like the other guys. I thought w-we could've b-been friends. I d-don't want to b-be lonely anymore." The last three sentences, were a whisper. She was nervous. What if he didn't want to be her friend? Maybe he still found her annoying...Sora let her hands slip away from his sleeve and she quickly brought it back up to cling to her bear. She hid behind it once more and quickly looked away. She was dumb for wanting a friend. The flawed weren't allowed those.
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
@[w] zhang yixing G-Dragon smirked in amusement as his frustrated rant was listened to by everyone. Of course it made you stop and think and then feel disgusted at how true his words were. Of course that little small thing was nothing there was so much more he knew that would make people stop and think. And he wondered if he only had this type of thinking, if he hadn't killed and if he didn't have a second personality, where would he be right now? He moved his white hair to the side and nodded to the males words. Yes this was much better he hated to be surrounded. "Yes this is much better now you can be yourself as well my flawed friend. You can show me I've met worse flawed in your staff I can see your not that bad, compared to a few others. Of course I won't tell not like anyone would believe me." He said softly getting up and looking out the window his arms folded together. "Did my words shock you like I tended them to? After all who would guess someone, who doesn't know what half these bored games are, could see such truth." He said glancing toward him with a wicked smile before turning back to the window. He leaned against it then turned to look at him wanting to take in his reactions as well curious. After all he was far to interested to really read at the time of his speaking.
[w] zhang yixing [A] 10 years ago
The whole room was silent, each person listening to the male speak. Yixing, along with all of the guards, were completely engrossed in what he was saying. The counselor was paying such close attention in fact, that he even forgot to write down exactly what was being said, only soaking it all in to get a better understanding of this man named Kwon Jiyong. And indeed, he did get a small peek at the other, such a peek that the society of perfect people would find horrifying. Yixing knew he was supposed to feel that way but he couldn't, he was more of appalled by the high intelligence level than alarmed. Snapping out of it as he heard the guards whispering about Jiyong's request for them to leave, if it even was Jiyong any more, Yixing thought, he looked to the guards in the room. "You all can leave." He said, giving an assuring smile, not at all affected by the odd stares he got in response. "Yixing, it isn't safe." The main guard stepped forward, and the counselor only shook his head. "I'll be fine." He replied, and with a sigh, the guard nodded. "Okay, we'll be just outside." He said, before walking out, the rest following. The door shut close, leaving the two alone in the common room. Yixing shifted a bit on his seat, only now remembering to jot down all that he could remember about Jiyong's speech, but he paused, only writing down one thing. 'His understanding of the world is very advanced.' He nodded once, before looking back to the other. "Okay. We're alone, is this better for you?"
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[f] eva cheung Taemin began to walk away from the girl head still hung, he had one hand over his mouth till the other hugging his waist so his hand wouldnt tremble. He makes his way slowly across the room keeping himself squished up as small as he could as he moved along bedside the wall, almost like a mouse would running around a building. Sticking to walls and corners of the rooms. He didnt want more people to look at him or watch what he was doing. He still cried as he went along flinching when the other suddenly called out making him tense up and freeze at the hallway leading out of the common room.
[f] eva cheung 10 years ago
@[f] lee taemin Sora trembled in her spot, not knowing what to do. She sat in silence, in an inner debate on whether or not she should've followed. Her grip on the teddy bear tightened so much that she heard a few of the stitches popping. Sora sat up straight and leaned over, tying her shoe laces and securing the long laces into her shoes so she wouldn't fall and stood up. A light dizziness hit her from getting up too fast, but she paid no mind. She had decided to go follow the male, and she wanted to go now, quickly before she lost him. He might've said that he wasn't her responsibility, but technically, he was. Arashi was the one who hurt him, and as another part of the person named Eva, Sora was going to make sure that the male was okay. She made her was toward him, he was already close to the other side of the room, where the doors were. "W-wait!" She squeaked and sped toward him.
[f] won jongjin [ h ] 10 years ago
@[f] kwon jiyong Jongjin raised an eyebrow at the other's suggestion and the fact that he just revealed that he had almost been . "Sure, if that is what you want to do, then lets do it" he said and grinned, placing his chin in his hands as he grinned at the other. To be honest, he just wanted something to do and he didn't care about what it was. "So lead the way, yeah?"
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
Looking at Won Jongjin he smirked with a sudden idea "lets go beat up the guard that tried to me." He said softly so the others wouldn't hear. No now that he thought about it breaking his wrist til he saw bone wasn't nearly enough punishment for the act. Besides he heard two others would've joined him and he had to send a message because his reputation didn't seem to be enough anymore.
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
@[w] zhang yixing G-Dragon laughed softly at his words finding them amusing "Everyone is a stranger at first if that were true I wouldn't have my lover and friends. No what I don't care for are the boring and perfect. All those things bore me why would you want perfection when imperfection is so much more fun. And don't act like you don't know what im talking about! You wouldn't be talking to me if you thought perfection was interesting. This asylum is one huge lab to observe the most twisted beings. To unravel the most complex of the minds like multiple personality disorder or addiction or .. extreme phobias. Face it if there wasn't insanity or flaws this whole world would be one big bore fest. I never hear perfection making it on the news do you? No, they report twisted murders like me, just like when worshipped celebrities make a mistake is talk about over and over again. Just like with you, you could do all the good in the world but that one slip is all you'll be remembered by, not your achievements! The slip will be the first they think of when they hear your name. So whats the l point to being perfect when your forgotten that way? Of course I only came to this conclusion this enlightment after all of my flaws where ripped out into the open. If I were just the helpless little boy locked from the world, I would be pettied and nothing more." He said chuckling alittle more. "Now .. all of you clear the room im clearly not gonna harm him so there's no need for your irrational prescence to be aroubd me." He hissed at the guards. G-Dragon wanted this male alone wanted to watch his imperfections, what he wouldn't show to the so called perfect. After all his faking perfection was starting to bore him and he would ditch the male soon if it kept up.
[w] zhang yixing [A] 10 years ago
Pausing as Jiyong revealed the wounds on his wrist, Yixing refrained from wincing. He had never been one who was good with looking at injuries - although scars didn't affect him as much - because it usually triggered something that had to do with his abusive past. However, the fact that Jiyong had been willing to show him the wounds gave Yixing a sense of accomplishment as that meant that the patient trusted him at least a bit, or was at least willing to open up to him and respond. He nodded slowly, listening to him further explain the answer. "I understand, it does seem to be a lose - lose situation. But in the end, as long as you're their for your lover, helping them after the fight, you did win, right?" Yixing spoke slowly, trying to find some good in the situation that seemed to be all bad, although even with his optimism, it was hard to do so. Remembering that he was supposed to be writing, Yixing paused, and continued writing once more, only jotting down what he thought was important, that Jiyong could very much think logically. However as he looked back up as saw the emotionless look in the other's eyes he blinked in surprise, chewing on his lower lip as he decided to not bring it up for now. "So, does that mean that when it comes to strangers you don't care for them or what they feel? The only people who matter to you are those you love?" He asked softly, trying not to sound offensive.
[f] won jongjin [ h ] 10 years ago
@[f] kwon jiyong Jongjin sighed and propped his arms behind his head and his legs up on the table. "Sorry I have no clue Yongie~" he said and then pursed his lips out in a small pout. "The weather is terrible so we can't go outside. the guards are monitoring every single room… trust me I have checked, so I can't really take on any costumers… so I'm as bored and restless as you are" he sighed again and then closed his eyes, humming softly to himself. "Perhaps sleep would be a good idea. you can't feel bored when you sleep… right?" he opened one eye to peek at the other.
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
@[f] won jongjin Jiyong was about to turn when he felt arms go around him and teeth on the back if his neck. He looked at him when he sat down and chuckled. "Hello Jongjin." He said with a smile. He did like this male he was one of the ones allowed to touch him. But if anyone els tried what he did there teeth would've been broken. And he knew of that and that was one of the reason behind that grin. "Thank god your here im so bored!" He said giving him a beautiful excited smile.
He tapped his chin the and played with the object in his hand trying to think what they could do. "Do you have any idea?" He asked him happily. Honestly anything would be good.
[f] won jongjin [ h ] 10 years ago
@[f] kwon jiyong It was a terrible weather outside which kept the patients from going outside and Jongjin was thoroughly bored. He decided to make his way over to the common room to at least see if there was something that he could do there. Anything would suffice in this case as he felt like he was dying from boredom.

Once he reached the room he laid eyes on a familiar head of white messy hair. He knew exactly who it was, there was no mistaking it. "Jiyongie~" he squealed as he appeared from behind him, wrapping his arms around his neck and biting softly onto the crook of his neck. "Aing~" he then let go and plopped down on the chair across from the other, still wearing the biggest grin ever. "What's up?"
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
@[f] kim jongin The white haired boy sat alone looking out the sheets of rain glaring at it again, though he knew it wouldn't change, but couldn't help it. The only times he allowed to be taken here where on rainy days and today was yet another. Honestly the boy gave no cares to getting a cold because he played out there. But he knew a few thst would be very mad at him andthat would be bothersome. And so here he sat hating weather right now. He looked dejectedly around and found something red picking it up.
He looked around only seeing boring good patients and turned back to the window. He pushed his white hair back and played with the red object hopping one his friends would come soon and keep him company not wanting to go to his room.
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[f] eva cheung Taemin shakes his head quickly still crying, "No g-go im not y-your responsibility!" He digs his nails into himself glad that he couldnt feel it through his clothes. He couldnt even remember why he'd started to cry in the first place but now all he could think about was him hurting someone, and now that person probably wanted to hurt him, they wanted to get rid of him now too just like all the workers in the building. He was trembling a bit as he spoke again, "Th-then ill l-leave so you do-dont force yourself t-to stay here" He gets up slowly keeping his head down as the tears roll down his face dripping on his shirt and the floor. He shakes his head a bit then quickly covers his mouth holding back a sob that threatened to burst from him.
[f] eva cheung 10 years ago
@[f] lee taemin Sora cringed. This kid was more intense then she was. Besides, he was obviously not okay, so why would he even say he was? Sora shook her head, she would've felt super guilty if she had left him. It was clear that this guy was different, he wasn't scary, in fact, he actually reminded her of her younger self. "N-No, you're not o-okay, so I-I will stay here u-until you're d-done crying." She stuttered and hugged her bear a but tighter.
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
@[w] zhang yixing Jiyong frowned his expression pained now when he mentioned injuried. He had upset his lover with careless self injury, but in that situation? He took off the bands he wore showing him his wrists "I didn't even realize what I was doing til they were both like this. When he found out he got so upset with me, even though he acted calm I knew he was .. sad and alittle angry because I promised to stay healthy .. for him. Honestly I have no self preservation but I have someone that wants me to. But no if he was gonna fight he wouldn't want me jumping into it and getting injured for him. I think that would .. get him really upset with me and .. I don't want that .. but I wouldn't want anyone hurting him either .. so in the end .. I lose huh? But that's what this situation will lead. Either route I lose if I fail .. I don't want to lose .. but talking wouldn't work because when two people are angry they don't think. You can't force logic in an angry mind .. if I could I wouldn't be sitting here right now." He said the end in a broken tone. He pulled away covering back up the scars. 'This is annoying lets leave.' Said G-Dragon softly in his ear. "But we got out of solitary confinement .. it would be rude to leave without being dismissed." Said Jiyong and G-Dragon made a frustrated noise. 'He found your weak spot! Even if you ask for another question he's gonna keep up with that weak spot. Like a wood pecker he wants you to break. So rest Jiyong I know your tired .. i'll wake you when its time to see him again .. after all these are for me.' Said G-Dragon softly and Jiyong nodded his eyes suddenly going dead and glossy. G-Dragon stayed quiet waiting for his response and next question.
[w] zhang yixing [A] 10 years ago
Noticing that this question had actually stumped Jiyong, which gave Yixing a bit of satisfaction as he knew he would be getting a true answer now at least. He would be given a peak into the puzzle known as Kwon Jiyong. His eyes never left the other, staying silent as he was giving the male some time to think out his answer. He listened to the muttering of the other, tilting his head lightly and writing it down. Yixing truthfully was curious now as to who Jiyong was currently thinking about. Although he knew it was none of his business, as a counselor he was required to know about his patients. The curiosity died down a bit as Jiyong finally answered, and Yixing slowly nodded. He didn't exactly agree with Jiyong fighting, but fighting to protect the one he loved was reasonable a bit, however Yixing would only use it as a last resort. "I see." He trailed off, giving a small smile as he wrote down a few things. "Do you think your lover would want you to fight though? What if you got injured?" He questioned.
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
@[w] Kris The male sat his white hair the color of snow was long touching the bottom of his neck. But the bangs barely covered his eyes. He was sitting at a game that was half red and blue. He sighed glaring at the second color like it gave him a head ache. Then he stood and set his atm at the said color. Then he shoved it all the table the chips falling loudly. He smirked his eyes blank as he sat back down. He smiled pleased to have only red then. He began playing with the pieces glancing at the box his face focusing hard as he figured out what these pieces did. When he saw it was a boring purpose he tossed the box lid behind him. He realized he was being obnoxiously dirty but honestly he didn't care.

He looked to the side for a moment then nodded and quickly started gathering all the red in the room that was being left untouched. He gathered it all at the table then sat down and stared at it with glossy eyes. He played with each piece delicately wondering if he could sneak it for his red collection upstairs. And thats when he noticed the staring and went stiff.

I hate that staring!
We just noticed though..
I don't care I want him to stop!
Should we look?
Yes .. glare til he looks away ..
And if he doesn't?
Well .. ugh he's authority!!
I should be nice then ..
That you .. should.

The inner debate stopped and Jiyong turned slowly to the male his eyes curious not blank like the were a second ago. The whole debate they switched from dead to emotion. And the eyes that met his were curious, the eyes of Jiyong not GD who he didn't believe existed as another personality.
[post deleted by owner]
[w] kris wu 10 years ago
@[f] kwon jiyong Rubbing his temple slowly with his pointer finger and middle finger while he closed his eyes, leaning against the window slightly as he felt the sunlight stream through the curtains that were pale white. It was a lovely room, in terms of ordinary to his liking. Slowly he opened his eyes, as he looked through the room, he watched over the few patients that were in there, more like babysitting children, he pursed his lips slightly. His eyes shifted to the guards at each door, only two doors and one guard at each one; both looking bored as hell.

So was he.

Deciding on going around the room, as if he were a teacher, checking on the students so they won't be caught cheating on their test; but he just looked over them and each one was supposedly well behaved for now. "So boring," he sighed a loud as he paused at one of the patients, the male had a lanky frame but still a bit handsome to the eye. He blinked, the male seemed pretty normal, well don't they all, as he sat on the arm rest of the sofa to look over the male whom got him a bit curious. And hardly Kris was found curious, maybe it was the therapist in him that wanted to temper in the minds of this human male.

So there he was, eyes locked on the figure, watching every action they made.
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[f] eva cheung Taemin sniffles softly and he hides away against his knees crying more. His shoulders were shaking a bit with silent sobs, it was only getting worse as he knew people were watching him. He hated this and only ended up curling into a tighter ball. Hearing the other's words makes him nods, "Im fi-fine... yo-you can g-go do wh-whatever you w-were doing bef-fore." He obviously wasnt okay but he couldnt tell anyone that, he wasnt going to be looked after by someone who shouldnt have to deal with that burden. He could be alone, just as he'd been for a few years now.


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darkfengxi 9 years ago
Sunggyu is leaving due to inactivity. This place has been nice <3
YouMayNotBeMyType2 9 years ago
Could you please add Uruha from The GazettE?
Btw, can I somehow help to make this place active? The idea's nice, but almost everyone is inactive...
Kookish 9 years ago
Name: Jeon Jungkook
Age: 16
Orientation: Biual
Flawed, reason: Depressed, self-harmer, anorexic
Background: Jungkook didn't know why or how or when, but it all just started. The endless bullying, the beatings and the loneliness. He was just a bright child in elementary school, but behind that smile was too much pain to handle. High school should've been a change, the start of a new him, but it all didn't went as expected. For the first time in his life, people wanted to be his friends, but he didn't know how to act like one as he never had friends before. Now back to start; he was alone and hated. The only thing that kept him standing, his little brother, was now taken away and he's now left in this place, with a silver red-painting brush as his only friend.
Thewinterfairy 9 years ago
Sorry, but due to unfortunate circumstances, Sora will be leaving ; o ; It was fun rping with everyone while I was here.
caratland 9 years ago
Long overdue, but Hongbin will be leaving OTL
Kamikorosu 9 years ago
Leaving. I've lost motivation to RP OTL.
I had fun here though, if I happen to come back please accept me <3
shiroyasha 9 years ago
Sorry, Maki will have to leave.
polaroids_ 9 years ago
leaving. sorry. had a great time! ;;
Thewinterfairy 9 years ago
Can you please put Park Sora under a hiatus----
I just got a job recently and so things have been hectic------ ;oo; <3 thank you!~
Astrid 9 years ago
On a sale of one to ten, how active is this place?
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