〈 courtyard




he Courtyard. This is the outdoor space between all the buildings of asylum. There is a basketball court, clear field, pavement, along with a swing set. There are at least 5 guards out here at all times, and counselors are found here mostly as they are usually interacting with the patients. There is always a roll sheet to check off those who come on to the courtyard and go back inside to make sure no one ran off, although sometimes the advanced doctors release certain patients to their building.


[f] eva cheung 9 years ago
@[w] park sora "N-no.." Sora shook her head. "I-I'm fine, n-nothing's broken o-or fractured, I w-would recognize th-the feelings." She explained. Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, she didn't like having to admit to being hurt so much back then. Lots of people judged her for it, and she was afraid this lady would too. Sora blinked once before nodding, "M-mm, I'm s-sure." She didn't need to have somebody to carry her. She didn't need medical attention or whatever, Sora was used to these types of wounds. She could deal with it. She wasn't weak. So why was this lady so stubborn? Why was she so stubborn about seeing the doctors or nurses or whomever this lady wanted to carry her to? And why was she being so nice? It really bothered Sora. She'd never met someone like this before.

Sora looked around for her mask, not liking the feeling she got without it. But when she had spotted the darned thing, she'd realized it was dirty and...ripped. Too bad...she sort of liked that one too. She frowned and dug through her pocket, hoping to find one that she'd forgotten in there, or perhaps a mask that one of the others had slipped into the pocket before she took over. She pulled out one of Arashi's masks and eyed it before sighing and putting it on, it wasn't her pink one that matched her hair; or the blue one with cloud designs in it, but it would have to do. The mask that she had found was black with half of a skull on it. The nose, mouth, and jaw of a skeleton. 'I probably look really trashy,' she thought, 'Arashi and her weird tastes...'

She looked up a the stranger lady and smiled softly, the only signal of that being her slightly squinted eyes. "Th-thank you." She stuttered and nodded her a head once, almost as if she were bowing, she may not like the lady (the lady was way too nice for her own good) but Sora wasn't about to be rude to her, she meant well, atleast, for now.
[w] park sora 9 years ago
@[f] eva cheung ( no no ; oo ; sorry for mine--- <3 )
[w] park sora 9 years ago
@[f] eva cheung Sora watched the younger carefully, slightly worried about the lack of response that she had been receiving. There was a possibility that the young patient had an inability to speak, which obviously would have made communication a little more difficult on the other's part. Sora's eyes widened a bit as she saw the younger clamp a hand over , more surprised by the sudden movement rather than the scars on her face - the sight was not what bothered her, more so the idea that someone had the audacity to hurt someone so young in such a way. The thought of a mask came to mind, though she was not sure if this was what the other girls had been bullying the younger about. Looking around the ground just in case, she spotted something by the swing set, but she stayed put since the younger had spoken, eliminating the previous possibility that she could not speak.

She had claimed that she was not hurt, but Sora knew otherwise. Taking a small step forward, Sora crouched beside the younger, wanting to change her mind since it did seem like she needed the medical attention. "Please let me take you to the doctor so that you can get a check-up on your bruises. The nurses can give you something to make the pain better." Pursing her lips together, she thought over her words after she said them, quickly adding in another line to assure the younger. "They're nice people but if it'll make you feel better, I'll stay beside you to make sure that nothing bad will happen to you." She gained a slight reputation for being nice to the people inside, but just because they were labelled as imperfect to the world did not mean that they were considered such in her eyes. There was no such thing as perfect or imperfect in her standards, she was not one to judge, really.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?"

She remained cautious around the younger, not wanting to scare her and remained at least an arm's length away. She was entitled to her own space, after all.

She just hoped that the younger would agree. She really seemed like she needed the help, Asap.
[f] eva cheung 10 years ago
@[w] park sora Sora watched curiously as another woman; a guard it looked like, came up to the group of girls and shooed them away. She was happy, indescribably so. No one had ever done anything like that for her before. She had grown used to not calling for help since growing up, her mother never bothered giving her a hand whenever she was beaten or . Sora stared at the ground in a dazed state, only to be snapped out of it by the other woman's voice. Hearing her question, she looked up, opened to speak, but then she remembered; her mask was gone, and her eyes widened in panic. A hand came up and slapped itself right over and she let out a muffled squeak and looked back down at the ground. When she was sure that her face was in no way, shape, or form visible, she answered the question that was asked,

"D-don't even b-bother," she stuttered. Her voice was quiet. Not loud enough to consider it talking, but not quiet soft enough for it to be considered whispering. "I-I'm not hurt." She explained, "This much...I-...I'm used t-to."

Sora was about ready to start crying. No one had ever asked to carry her before...and she'd never been to a clinic or hospital or whatever before either —at least nor consciously. Why was this lady so nice? Did she have an ulterior motive? What did she want from her? Sora hugged herself. The last time somebody was even nice to her; though not to this extent, they had been faking it. They faked it to get her to trust them, only to have herself be broken again while they shamelessly touched her. Her grip on her arms tightened. Those smiles were fake. Those words were fake. Everything was fake. There was no such thing as safety or happiness or whatever. Kumo's reminders echoed in her mind. /Trust no one. Not even yourself./

[[ I apologize for the hideous reply. ]]
[w] park sora 10 years ago
@[f] eva cheung The courtyard seemed like a nice place, all in all. It was like a playground, in a sense, with its basketball court, field and swingset - almost like an actual park setting. The only unnatural sights were the walls that baracaded the establishment and the fact that there were guards posted everywhere (four, she had counted - excluding herself). It was her first time keeping watch at the courtyard and after being confined inside for quite a while, she was pleased to finally have some time to escape back to nature. The air felt nice hitting her face and it was not too warm, but not too cold - perfect weather. Perhaps this shift would not be so eventful, which was a good thing in her opnion. It was better to have an uneventful shift as opposed to a shift where a fight would break out every ten minutes. But even that said, she still had a job to do and people to keep watch over. Much to her dismay, the peace did not seem to last for long, a small fight breaking out around the swingset area moments after her shift had begun.

Sora turned around instantly as she heard voices being raised from behind her, spotting a crowd gather by a long girl on the swing set. At first she kept watch, slowly inching her way towards the group of teenagers since she had seen one of the other guards nearing them as well. But as the first blows were taken, she began to run towards the swing set. "What do you think you're doing?" She questioned, raising her voice as well as she took a step in between the figure on the ground and the large group. With her hand on her baton (which she used more for threatening purposes than anything else), she kept a stern expression on her face as she waited for an answer, speaking once more in the same tone of voice when they were not saying anything.

"Just who do you think you are, hurting someone like this? I've seen all of your faces so don't try to do anything funny with me, go back inside. You've just lost your courtyard privelages for today."

Making a soft clucking as she hit the roof of with her tongue, Sora called on the other guard nearby to them back inside before she turned to face the figure on the gorund. Her expression softened as she squated beside the curled up figure, not daring to place her hand on her shoulder just yet.

"Is it alright if I carry you to the clinic?" She asked, unsure if the other was fine with people touching her - as far as she had known, there had been many people who had such a fear and she did not want to be the cause of any breakdowns that they had from the sudden contact. It was always best to be safer than sorry. Hopefully the young girl who had curled up on the floor wouldn't mind so much so that Sora could get her medical attention immediately.
[f] eva cheung 10 years ago
@[w] park sora Sora sat curled up into a ball, tears running down her face as she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out in pain. One hand hugged her legs, to keep them tucked up, while the other remained clamped at the lower half of her face, to cover it up. Surrounding her were other girls who looked around her age, also patients. In their hands, held ripped up pieces of the mask she had worn that day. Taunts left their mouths, rude words and mean gestures. But when the only reaction they got were Sora's silent tears, they decided to take it up a notch. They kicked, they punched. They did everything in their power to get Sora to even make a sound. It didn't work.

"Why do you need a mask anyway, do you want the attention?"

"You're not sick, or ill. You're not like...contagious. Why do you need the mask?"

"Show us your ugly face, girl."

"Do you wear this mask because you think you're better than us? You're too good for us?!"

Sora shook her head. That wasn't it. None of that was right. She covered her face for herself. She couldn't stand looking at herself. She couldn't stand looking at the scars. Sora didn't want to be reminded of the pain, the hurt she'd been through as a child. She didn't want to be reminded of her own living hell. But when she'd thought she'd escaped, she was only introduced to a new one, right? As thoughts of hatred, pain, and sadness filled her mind, Sora's breaths became quick and uneven. She hated this place. She hated everything.

'Why don't you let /me/ scare them away?'

Kumo. Kumo would fight them, right? Better yet, Kumo would kill them, right? Kumo would take all her pain away and she'd destroy everything that scared her, everything that made Sora cry. But Sora was not stupid. There would be consequences, of she'd let Kumo take over. She'd have to sit through solitary confinement, she'd be trapped again. They'd have to live in a closed space, just like the basement. She'd have to relive hell. So Sora shook her head, 'It's alright, Kumo. They'll get bored of me eventually.'
[f] kim jongdae 10 years ago
@[f] cheng junya Jongdae mentally gasped as his eyes widened. He tried to pull his arm away but was too weak to do so. As the stranger's tongue touched his wound he winced slightly. His body was tensed but he let the latter keep a hold of his hand.
'Oh god this is soo weird...' Chen thought as he watched his blood being away by the total stranger. Knowing he couldn't pull his hand away because of his lack of strength, he just awkwardly sat there and let his blood be away. I mean, it wouldn't harm him right? Like he'd care if it did anyways.
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] kim jongdae Junya was quick enough to identify the scent of fresh blood, it was his life source afterall. His eyes quickly scanned around him, zoning in when he caught the sight of it. Blood, it was always beautiful in his eyes, but this blood attracted him.

He didn't even noticed how close he was getting to the other patient, but his entire attention was on blood dripping onto the ground. His mouth became dry, the red substance was calling to him. In rare gentleness, Junya took the male's hand tenderly as his tongue was quick to lap up the blood dripping. He honestly didn't care what would happen, he needed to taste the blood. It was beckoning him to taste it.
[f] kim jongdae 10 years ago
@[f] cheng junya Jongdae was sitting in the courtyard, sketching a scenery that he vaguely remembered. When he finished, he decided to draw one of the current setting he was in. Turning the page, it was one of those moments where the stupidest things happen and you don't even know how. He cut himself, with the notepad paper, deeply. In shock, he dropped the book to the ground. However, he mentally moaned. Normally, he wouldn't have been bothered with a cut but this one was sudden. Even if you spend days cutting yourself, a cut that isn't done by your own hands, it'd be a surprise. With a silent sigh, he watched as his blood dripped to the ground.
[f] cheng junya 10 years ago
@[f] kim jongdae Junya didn't know what brought him to the courtyard...oh wait, he did. Those stupid workers had him in solitary confinement for so long because of his and Tao's deal. He honestly didn't know how big of a deal it was...they both got what they wanted. He didn't care if it cost him a finger, he had plenty more obviously.

He sighed to himself as he could finally feel the fresh air nipping his skin. If he wanted, the wind would be hitting all of his bare skin, but unfortunately for him, they had managed a pair of shorts and tank top. He ran a hand through his hair, looking up at the sky. He wondered when he was allowed to have blood again...probably would have to do it behind those workers again.
[w] lee hongbin [ sh ] 10 years ago
@[f] godfrey gao Feeling stuffed in his office, Hongbin thought it would be best to take a stroll in the courtyard to get away from the containment of the infinite gray walls that surrounded him. His piercing gaze scanned the proximity for anything unusual, the inmates sane enough to be let out of their dorms were spending time with each other away from the constraint of their dorms and under the sunlight instead. Most of them were the younger Flawed with conditions that were not as dangerous as the Flawed that were forced to be restrained inside the asylum. He was lightly reminded of his younger sister, wishing that he could see her smile again just like the younger boys and girls running around the courtyard.

Hongbin's thoughts were interrupted when his sight caught something alarming, an older Flawed harassing a much younger boy in the basketball courts. He sighed in annoyance and dashed towards the scene as the day of the younger was being ruined by such offensive actions that should not be done, especially outside the walls of the asylum.

Before the man could take the boy deep into a secluded corner, Hongbin roughly pulled him off the little boy while throwing him down to the ground. "Go back inside and stay in the clinic. Tell them Hongbin sent you and I will come back to see you in a bit, okay?" The little boy frantically nodded his head and ran back into the asylum. Hongbin turned his attention back to the man on the floor.

"Haven't your counselor told you that harassing others will not be tolerated, especially to the younger ones?"
[f] godfrey gao [ h ] 10 years ago
@[w] lee hongbin Godfrey breathed the fresh air. "Nice." He mumbled. At least, it felt good to be seeing eye-candies here; the flawed didn't look as horrible as some said. Sure, some scars from fighting and self-harming and nonetheless, some still looked cute. Especially the younger ones. Although Godfrey had been receiving treatments from the psychiatrists, he still find younger people cute; especially those who was in their puberty phase.

Godfrey scanned around the courtyard. "Bingo." the man saw a cute male teenager bouncing up a basketball. The teenager was a mediocre basketball player, from what Godfrey observed. He walked to the teenager before stealing his ball. The teenager huffed, pouting as his ball was stolen. "Bae, that's not how we play basketball." he said as he threw the ball into the hoops with a proud grin plastered on his face.

The teenager was in awe. "You want me to teach you?" He asked and of course, the teenager nodded. It started innocently and when the teenage was trying to shoot the ball to the hoop, Godfrey wrapped his waist from the back in out of the blue as his lips made his way to the teenager's lips; crashing them together, dragging him to a sequestered corner. He was grinding his crotch to the latter's , ignoring the latter's muffled scream.
[f] andy lee [sh] 10 years ago
@[f] byun baekhyun Andy was surprised at the other's sudden movement and almost jumped from his seat, thinking it was something else much more unpleasant than someone moving away from you. Realizing they were just scared though, he breathed out and calmed himself while slowly settling into the soft wood of the bench again. Who knew that trying to help someone would make him feel only worse? He could take it though, couldn't he? Andy was supposed to be a strong man, but he knew he wasn't. He knew he was a good-for-nothing schizophrenic who hallucinated about a dead man coming to get him in his sleep, along with hundreds of other strangers grabbing and touching at him in ways that sent him into fearful spirals of agonizing thoughts and made him feel as if his heart would explode from beating so fast. Gulping down all this as not to just break down right there, he looked at the younger sitting on the far side of the bench.

"Ah, s-sorry." he breathed out, giving a small smile that barely twitched on the corner of his lips. Smiling properly was something he hadn't done in years, since people always thought of him as scary with the eye patch. Besides, his mouth was always covered up with the hospital mask anyways, so there was no point in smiling. Playing with the hem of his white shirt, his eyes flicked everywhere to back at Baekhyun, trying to busy himself and look not-so-threatening, because he did not want to hurt the other or make them feel uncomfortable (though he could sense he was doing just that. he still wasn't even comfortable around people). "I didn't mean to scare you. Honestly."
[f] andy lee [sh] 10 years ago
@[f] byun baekhyun Andy was not an outside person,no he was not. You could very much tell by how pale his skin looked in comparison to the bright shining sun, and the way his eyes squinted at its bright force, which definitely was normal. He himself couldn't find the answer as to why he was out here, he just kind of, was. Andy couldn't bring himself to smile, as the outside only managed to make him remember things he'd rather forget, but he tried to distract himself not to let them get him down.

His eyes searched the expanse of the courtyard until they landed on a boy sitting alone on a bench by the paved path. It was Byun Baekhyun. He'd met the kid once or twice, and knew why he was here. When they had met before, Andy faintly remembered saying something about helping, but for some reason the other pushed him away. Not that Andy minded much since he'd rather be alone. Again though, he felt like helping the boy, and soon his feet were moving purposely in a slow walk towards the other. His white eye patch covering his left eye glared as the sun shined down on it at a certain angle, catching the attention of a few others who shrugged him off as he kept walking. Andy wasn't wearing his hospital mask today since it had broke before and he couldn't get a new one until tomorrow. Nothing bothered him though as he kept making his way to the other, before finally getting to the bench and stopping to sit down, creating space between him and the other Flawed.
[f] park chanyeol [ h ] 10 years ago
@lee taemin

Chanyeol is the person to go out for a walk in the morning since he likes the morning a lot. Soft chilling breeze, faint smell of earth, greyish blue sky. He loves them. The reasong why he walking around the courtyard so early in the morning. There was no one to disturb him and that's how he likes it. He isn't one of those to mingle tho he has exception for some. And one of those some includes a petit boy he met at the asylum after a few days of his staying at the asylum. The boy is nothing but endearing & adorable. No matter how much of a grumpy he is he couldn't help adoring the other. He wouldn't admit it aloud but the boy sort of give him comfort. It's rare to find someone so innocent in this cruel world. He could say he considers Taemin as his friend? His train of thoughts stopped when he found the said boy not so far away from him, under a tree at the basketball court, sitting comfortably. A soft smile grew up on his lips. What a surprise! He didn't thought Taemin would be up so early.

"Hey! Taemin. Morning!" He said once he was close enough for the other to hear, walking slowly toward the other. "I didn't know you wake up early.. hmnn."
[f] eva cheung 10 years ago
@[f] kwon jiyong Sora closed her eyes and took in a big breath of air, releasing it in a long sigh. It was a pretty nice day out the wind was soft, the weather was neither cold nor hot, and the clouds were large and fluffy. So reached out to the sky and made a motion that looked like she had grabbed something, when she opened her palm, she held nothing, but still, she smiled anyway. Her eyes were turned to slits. One day she would touch the clouds. One day she'd be able to soar across the sky and be free. Sora was the sky, and no one could restrain the sky from being free,

"A-ah, I live on the f-fourth floor." She muttered, realizing a bit late that he was speaking to her. But then she realized, what if he starting judging her just because she was on the fourth floor. She stiffened. It wasn't her who was dangerous. It was Arashi and Kumo. As Sora panicked, she could hear Arashi's cackling and Kumo's chuckling in her head. 'You guys are terrible people.' She thought, shaking her head in the process.
[f] lee sungjong 10 years ago
Sungjong gasped when he felt the other's hand rubbing him he started to panic even more "n-n-no stop p-please d-dont" he said and tried to move the other's hand but he was numb and he couldnt move

He remembered when four guys trapped him in the locker room and started touching him and no matter what he did he couldn't get away from them .. and that happrned for multiple times .. and being in this situation didnt helo him get over it at all
[f] won jongjin [ h ] 10 years ago
@[f] lee sungjong Jongjin was taken aback by the other's reaction. He had never dealt with a rejection first. Sure he had been called a creep and he had been slapped but but in the end everyone gave in to him. Perhaps the other was just nervous and shy? Jongjin could for sure work with that.

"What's wrong cutie?~" he purred softly, his eyes looking at the other's expression as he continued to rub his hand against his crotch. He just wanted him to relax a bit.
[f] lee sungjong 10 years ago
Sungjong sat on the grass away from the crowd that we're watching others play basketball .. We was never interested in sports and he wasn't fond of crowds .. The weather was too hot for him since he was wearing a long sleeved sweater to hide his arms but he needed fresh air after being stuck in the building for a while

He was looking at the other side of the courtyard remembering his school and how he never dared to come to the courtyard in lunch time .. He'd always hide in the restroom to avoid any of the people who ruined and are still ruining his life .. He felt his heart beat faster as he remembered how they touched him so he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down

He squealed softly when he heard someone next to him "h-hi" he said and blinked when the other got really close to him .. He closed his eyes tightly when he felt the other's hand move on his legs and cup his no-no area "s-stop" he whispered as he shook like a leaf feeling as if his heart wanted to run from his chest
[f] won jongjin [ h ] 10 years ago
@[f] lee sungjong Jongjin adjusted the cap he was wearing as he entered the courtyard. it was hot outside and most patients… or at least the ones that were sane enough was out playing basket ball, the other's just seemed to be watching the game with much interest. Sure even Jongjin could find sports interesting from time to time, he was a young man after all and he too needed to get rid of some extra energy every once in a while. But he had his own way of doing that, one that he enjoyed more then playing around and throwing some ball through a hoop.

His eyes scanned his surroundings and there he saw a young boy, not much younger then himself he would reckon, sitting alone in the grass, away from the others and away from the game. Jongjin tilted his head, he thought that the boy seemed interesting so he decided to approach him.

He snuck up to him quietly and sat down beside him. "Hi there~" he purred as he leaned closer, his breath ghosting over the other's neck and shoulder and his hand traveling up the other's leg and cupped his crotch. Hopefully this guy was just what he needed to stay satisfied for the rest of the day at least.
[w] zhang yixing [A] 10 years ago
@[f] kim jongin The laugh, to Yixing, was better than nothing, although most would have paid attention to the sarcasm and taken it as a surefire sign that maybe their presence wasn't very wanted; the counselor only went with it, because he was content with the fact that he was getting responses. He tried to not read too much into it, like many of his fellow counselors did, only taking it in stride, because to him, sarcasm wasn't really a strong sign of any depression or aggression. The counselor was beginning to think that the other was warming up to his presence, or at least he hoped so, as he caught on to how quickly Jongin cut himself off, going for a different choice of words instead, although it could be the male just trying to be polite. Though politeness wasn't exactly a focus around here. Nonetheless, Yixing was grateful for it, because he couldn't count the number of times his job had, more or less, been accidentally insulted by a patient who hadn't thought twice about what they were saying. But he never really got upset, only softly chiding them, if even that, although it would usually be the other workers who would do the scolding, not him.

Maybe the weather conversation starter didn't work, Yixing presumed, having noticed the way Jongin just let it disappear into thin air. However, Yixing couldn't necessarily blame himself, especially considering that he had been trained to use that line every time he needed to feel a patient out. Him, and every other counselor and therapist in the world just about. As his mind mused over the fact that the line had probably been used thousands of times, Jongin's response suddenly made sense. The other had probably heard it before, and if it wasn't from one of the workers here, then it must have been from some other therapist or counselor out there, which also meant that Jongin had been trying to get help before. Having everything click in his mind, Yixing shifted his gaze to the other for a few seconds, now taking in all of his mannerisms and the such. Sure, he had hung out with the bad crowd back in high school, but Yixing had never thought that was due to any type of mental illness. At that point in his life though, Yixing hadn't necessarily been thinking at all about anything besides his boyfriend really. But now that he thought back to it, or at least attempted to, he could make a connection between his response now and his behavior back then.

So that meant Yixing needed new lines, he couldn't just play by the book anymore.

At least not for Jongin. Yixing started to think that he couldn't use the book for any of his patients, because it just wasn't relevant here. He would have to go by experience and common sense now, throwing in some theories he had learned here and there. He subtly watched the other after asking about his interest in basketball, and though there was nothing really obvious, Yixing managed to notice a few fidgety movements. The sudden swallowing, the vague pause in his breathing, and the nearly invisible trembling. Even with such small signs, they were enough to tell Yixing that perhaps the topic of basketball was taboo, that Jongin didn't want to look back on his past too much because it was triggering to him, much in the same way it was triggering to the counselor, in which case he made a mental note to avoid the subject of basketball for now, at least until he was sure it didn't cause Jongin too much harm to speak of.

That wasn't the only thing they seemed to have in common though, Yixing realized, as he watched the small signs of a possible trigger disappear from Jongin as his face was completely calm, defying what he most likely felt on the inside. It was quite impressive to Yixing to see how easily he could hide it, as most patients he had dealt with would immediately act out if triggered by something. Yixing made a mental note of that as well, that the other was strangely good at repressing his emotions, which ultimately wouldn't be good for him as he was bound to explode one day. "I see." Yixing breathed out with a small nod. "I wish I could say I was interested in playing any sport, but really, any sport with a ball is just not for me. I'd much rather watch the others have fun!" He stated, giving a smile and a soft shrug of the shoulder as he turned his head back to the court. Letting out a sigh of relief as a cloud covered the sun above them, Yixing shifted in his spot. "Well, do you have any games you like to play then?" He asked.
[f] park chanyeol [ h ] 10 years ago
@[f] henry lau It had been raining for past few days. Why? Cause it's raining season. The season he likes the least yet one of the prettiest season he has ever noticed. No one gets his logic. If you don't like rain plesant how come it pretty? It's the water he doesn't like not the sight could be seen only if it rains. He likes grey- dark clouds, bits of sun light seeping through them sometimes, the smell of earth, oxygen when water crashes against the dry ground, the way greenery looks so alive and loud. He doesn't like rain but it's a real beauty. He thinks.

The rain has died down a while ago, around four in the morning, leaving everything soaked & probably smelling of rain (is it possible to smell like that?). cold breeze blows slowly in the morning chill, giving a comforting feeling to the young park wondering around the field. It looks so pretty to be honest. He walks a little ahead and that was when it started to pour down heavily again. Hurriedly, he runs off to one of the small open hut in the field. He didn't thought someone would be there. Who'd come out, unless someone like him.
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[w] im jinah Taemin nods then laughs, "Cute? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm i dont think so, if i was cute maybe they'd talk to me~!" He laughs and shakes his head. He grins widely looking at her, their faces far too close to be comfortable, "Good! Thank you! You're the best~!" He chimes out then he looks at her obviously unsure, "i dont know..... i dont remember what i like anymore" He shrugs a bit, "something sweet and yummy is good enough.... and fresh"
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[w] im jinah Taemin smiles brightly at her, "REally? Good! Im glad you think so, almost no one here talks to me anymore, so i guess its good that you think im likable, that just means theres something wrong with them right? Not me." He eye-smiles at her then his eyes light up, "Really?! Something yummy?!" He nods excitedly then throws his arms around her hanging on her, "Thank you noona!" He chimes happily.
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[w] im jinah Taemin grins even more and he nods "Good!" He shrugs, "I dunno, the guards wont talk to me and they dont give me anything here anyomre, someone said i was dangerous but i dont think im dangerous i dont hurt people i mean if i did hurt someone it would be an accident and i mean come on who could hurt someone with cany or a stuffed animal or a big fluffy cuddly blanket to stay warm in. They're just mean i dont think tehy like me here but thats okay cause if they dont like me thats their own problem cause i think im definitely likeable, dont you think so lady?" He nods a bit speaking very quickly, as if he'd just drank ten cups of coffee, "And i never ever get desert here for some reason, well i mean i got it a couple times but i rarely get it and when i do its almost never something really sweet and yummy and delicious... i want ice cream though! But they never have ice cream, they rarely have any caketype stuff adn if they do its always dry or stale and no good" He sighs after finally ending his rambling.
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
@[f] eva cheung The white haired boy glanced over at her and smiled. 'Hmmm I wonder why she came with her fear of men.' He thought to himself and continued swinging. When he saw her mood change he chuckled under his breath'swing can solve it all." He thought. He began pushing himself toward the sky wishing the swing would toss him out of his hell. He slowed and finally decided to talk more with her. But honestly speaking he didn't talk to her because he wasn't sure how to hold one with her.

"What floor do you reside in?" He asked. He wanted a basic idea of why she was here. And true there was the fact that she ddidn't want to show her face but honestly that couldn't be the only reason. If so he'd think the government was crazy. Because she seemed nice but what confused him was he sensed she could be violent. And it confused him when she didn't get that way with those boys. But remembering what that stupid man told him about words he smirked. She had used her words and was ignored. He stepped in and though he didn't use it to scare them off, his expression suggested he would. So one point to him and zero for him.
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[w] im jinah Taemin grins widely then nods, "It is! i promise it is!" He laughs softly then hums. He narrows his eyes at her hearing that she worked there, but rather than getting up and walking away or being mean to her like some other patients would do he leans in nice and close, "If you work here...." He looks around as if what he was going to say was going to be something amazingly top secret before he whispers, "can you get me candy?" He grins widely looking at her.
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[w] im jinah Taemin eye-smiles at the woman "Lee Taemin! Jinah.... pretty name" He nods a bit then as the other's hand reaches toward him he takes it and shakes it quickly. He his head to the side a bit staring at her for a while still holding onto her hand. He wasnt sure if she was a worker or stuck here like him. He hums then grins, "Do you work here or are you a new girl~?"
[f] lee taemin 10 years ago
@[w] im jinah Taemin was wandering all around the asylum, he'd been in the cafeteria, in the common room, in the therapy room, he'd even popped into the clinic once, then soon he found himself outside, wandering the courtyard. He had a big grin on his lips as he looks around excitedly, it had been so very long since he'd gotten to play with someone outside.

He grins even more and starts to skip around the courtyard energetically, talking to everyone he came up to. He didnt wear anything too interesting, it was just something the asylum gave him, he didnt have much clothes because they were worried about him being too much of a danger. His red hair was a bit of a mess, not that he cared about that while running around. Eventually his eyes fall on a strange woman, someone he'd never seen before and a big grin on his lips spreads more as he bounds toward her jumping beside her and flopping down on the grass beside her sitting there, "Hello!" He chimes cheerily.
[f] kwon jiyong 10 years ago
@[f] kuina The white haired male stepped out into the courtyard and stretched having just woken. He smiled up at the sun and walked out happily. The first time they tried to chain him they learned quickly that doing so meant certain death to the one hiding him. Which had happened the first time he was chained. When he promised to behave tb eyes let him walking freely with three guards watching him of course. He smirked watching the ones chained his face taking on the quailty of a vicious angel watching demons. But once he spotted the swings he happily ran to them. He got on and began to swing happily.


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darkfengxi 9 years ago
Sunggyu is leaving due to inactivity. This place has been nice <3
YouMayNotBeMyType2 9 years ago
Could you please add Uruha from The GazettE?
Btw, can I somehow help to make this place active? The idea's nice, but almost everyone is inactive...
Kookish 9 years ago
Name: Jeon Jungkook
Age: 16
Orientation: Biual
Flawed, reason: Depressed, self-harmer, anorexic
Background: Jungkook didn't know why or how or when, but it all just started. The endless bullying, the beatings and the loneliness. He was just a bright child in elementary school, but behind that smile was too much pain to handle. High school should've been a change, the start of a new him, but it all didn't went as expected. For the first time in his life, people wanted to be his friends, but he didn't know how to act like one as he never had friends before. Now back to start; he was alone and hated. The only thing that kept him standing, his little brother, was now taken away and he's now left in this place, with a silver red-painting brush as his only friend.
Thewinterfairy 9 years ago
Sorry, but due to unfortunate circumstances, Sora will be leaving ; o ; It was fun rping with everyone while I was here.
caratland 9 years ago
Long overdue, but Hongbin will be leaving OTL
Kamikorosu 9 years ago
Leaving. I've lost motivation to RP OTL.
I had fun here though, if I happen to come back please accept me <3
shiroyasha 9 years ago
Sorry, Maki will have to leave.
polaroids_ 9 years ago
leaving. sorry. had a great time! ;;
Thewinterfairy 9 years ago
Can you please put Park Sora under a hiatus----
I just got a job recently and so things have been hectic------ ;oo; <3 thank you!~
Astrid 9 years ago
On a sale of one to ten, how active is this place?
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