Woobin's Apartment

occupants: woobin and myungsoo 

Woobin 9 years ago
@△Myungsoo Woobin tried to mantain his composure even though the younger male was disturbing him with his randomness, smiling awkwardly at his parents as he jumped slightly at the ticklish feeling on his side. Hissing as he felt the pinch on his thigh, he swore his fiance didn't act like his age. The model hummed and looked down at the smaller male, blinking in curiousity at the word surprise. He wondered what it is. "Really? What surprise?" He asked and smiled softly at the kiss, leaning down to leàve a kiss on the crown of his head. "I love you."
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo smiles happily as he leaned in, scooting closer to Woobin. If he couldn't show affection to his fiancé at that moment, than he'd show it in our ways such as giving the older little to no personal space. The younger listened to his parents talk but blocked them out in a way for he was too busy cuddling up to the model, playfully tickling his sides or pinching his thigh. Myungsoo couldn't help it. He was too happy that all four of the adults were together, so he was more jittery than normal. "Hey Binnie." Myungsoo whispered to the handsome male once he noticed his parents talking about something quietly to themselves. "I have a surprise for you back home. Think of it as a thank you." The raven haired male grinned, pulling Woobin's hand up to gently kiss his knuckles.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin noticed how the other pouting, could guess why he's like that because he was thinking the same thing. He wanted to spend time alone with fiancé with no one around, cuddling on the bed and probably making out. The older chuckled a bit when he saw the pasta in front of his mouth and parted it, chewing on it while smiling at the younger. He rolled his eyes, had a feeling that he wanted to and he was glad that he didn't because they were in front of the laws. "It is, it's one of my favorite restaurants." He smiled and looked at the male lovingly, shaking his head in disagreement as he heard the male. "He's taking care of me really well, he's acting like a mom sometimes." He chuckled and sneaked a peck on his cheek.
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo pouted a bit, now wanting to spend alone time with Woobin so he could hold him close and cuddle, but of course he wanted to stay and talk with his parents some more. Maybe he could do the two things at the same time! Myungsoo looked over at Woobin's plate of food, than at the said man and quickly grabbed a fork, taking some pasta onto the utensil and placing it before his fiancé's lips. His parents were currently looking over at some woman with a terribly bright yellow dress, so myungsoo was happy he could sneak in a few seconds of affection towards his fiancé. Myungsoo didn't really wait for woobin to respond and fed him happily, cooing at Woobin in his usually teasing way before his parents turned back around. Myungsoo was all for teasing and joking, but he knew Woobin was already dying at the fact that he was within three feet of his in-laws, so myungsoo had to fight back the urge to embarrass his lover. "The food here is really good isn't it?" The singer smiled, taking a napkin and wiping the corner of Woobin's lips with it lovingly. His mother watched with a smile, commenting on how well myungsoo took care of Woobin in which the younger responded, "I don't think I do take care of him enough, I don't see he managed to stay alive with me around." The younger laughed, patting Woobin's thigh softly.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin quickly pulled away after he heard someone clearing their throat and finally realized that they weren't alone. He coughed awkwardly as he peered at his fiance's parents like an embarrassed puppy but he was glad that they didn't seem mad about it for almost kissing his son in front of them even though it wasn't really his fault since their son was too hard to resist. He smiled back at the younger and squeezed his hand back to tell him that it was okay. The food finally came and were served in front of them and he smiled at the sight of it because it looked absolutely delicious. "Enjoy." The waitress smiled before she left.
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo's heart beat increased rapidly as he noticed the older male also leaning in towards him. The smaller's hand reached up to cup Woobin's cheek out of sheer habit as he smiled and leaned in the rest of the way. Myugsoo's ever so slightly brushed against Woobin's until he suddenly heard someone clear their throat in front of them. Myungsoo's eyes shot wide open as he suddenly remembered that his parents were still in front of him. The idol quickly pulled away from his fiancé, a dark blush hung over his cheeks. Myungsoo's mother still had that happy smile on her face, with his father looked at them with amusement at getting caught. Myungsoo took Woobin's hand again, giving it a soft squeeze before smiling, as if to say he was sorry. He wasn't sure if it were his hormones or the fact that he wasn't allowed to do so, but myungsoo felt his heart skip beats as he thought of how amazing it was to kiss his fiancé. Even that simple brush against his own lips left myungsoo wanting to just jump into Woobin's arms and kiss him until he couldn't breathe.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin felt his heart swell upon seeing those beautiful smile on his lover's face. He didn't understand how can someone be so beautiful and he couldn't be happier that this man was his. He wanted to hold him forever just like this and he would be the happiest person alive. The older noticed the singer was leaning towards him and his body moved automatically, also leaning closer to the younger for a kiss. He totally forgot that Myungsoos parents were watching, he was too immersed on the male in front of him.
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo grinned as he snuggled into Woobin's familiar warmth, his hands playing with Woobin's slender fingers. He looked up at Woobin and blushed deeply, suddenly feeling so shy as he noticed how sincere his words were. Myungsoo looked up at Woobin as if it were the first time knowing who he was and broke into a wide smile that even made his dimples pop and his eyes curve into cute little half crescents. "I love you too." Myungsoo replied lovingly, completely forgetting that they were in a restaurant with his parents as he gazed up at his gorgeous fiancé, inching closer ever so slowly. He couldn't literally shut off the world around him and simply gaze into Woobin's eyes as he tells him he loves him and hold him close in his arms until there were no space between them.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin sighed in relief when he felt the grip loosen, their fingers laced together and he smiled secretly at the feeling. But soon as they talked about tour he knew nothing about, his eyes turned wide and tried not to look so sad because he needed to be apart from his fiancé for a months. He also needed to go back to work so he couldn't come along. He stayed silent for a bit and smiled gently as he heard the smaller, planted a kiss on top of his head. He looked at Myungsoo lovingly like he was the most precious jewel on the world, forgot about their surroundings. "I love you."
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo smiled and immediately changed the subject once his parents failed to notice that something was up. He loosened his grip on Woobin's and laced their fingers together instead, trying to look calm. At least by the time they finished their dinner his mother didn't have so much embarrassing questions. "So you're going on tour honey?" Myungsoo's mother said after she took a sip of her wine, "How many months?" Myungsoo bit his bottom lip a bit as he thought. "About two or three." He nodded, looking over to Woobin with worry. He knew well enough that it was too hard for either of them to stay apart for too long so he himself didn't know how it would work out. Unless of course he forced Woobin to come with him. "Let's just pray nothing would come between you two. Well, actually I doubt that considering how long you two have been together." She smiled gently, mentioning to how close the couple were sitting together. Myungsoo blushed a bit and leaned his head on Woobin's shoulder, humming softly in response. "I wouldn't trade him for the world. He's stuck with me." Myungsoo smiled happily, glad that this night finally did come. The butterflies in Myungsoo's stomach went wild as he realized that he really was going to marry the man of his dreams and have him by his side forever. He turned to Woobin and quickly kissed his cheek, making his mother coo at the two and his father smile gently. "They remind me of us when we were younger." His father said quietly, so that the two other males didn't hear. Myungsoo's mother smiled happily and took her husband's hand. "They really do."
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin scanned the menu with his eyes, wondering what he should eat and settled with a pasta dish because he didn't really know what he should eat because all of them sounded delicious. He turned his head to his lover when he spoke up and chuckled softly, shaking his head and told him that he doesn't need to worry about it, smiling at the peck he received. His eyes widened at the question which was thrown both of them because there was no way he is going to tell Myungsoo's parents that he ed their son in the toilet from the first time they met each other, that wouldn't leave a good impression at all. He helped the younger to pat his back, a bit worried and hissed lightly as he felt the tight squeeze on his hand. Myungsoo wasn't a good actor right now. "Yeah, I thought your son is really attractive so I asked him out on a date and he was being a good photographer as well." He put on a confident smile so they wouldn't be suspicious, now his acting came in handy at a time like this.
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo hummed happily as he looked through the menu, ordering quickly before turning his attention back to his fiancé. "Thank you for doing this, it really means a lot to me." Myungsoo whispered behind the menu is placed in front of their faces. The smaller gave the older a quick peck before pushing the menu back down so he could talk to his parents again. "So, how did you two meet?" Myungsoo's mother said with a smile, causing myungsoo to choke on the water he was drinking, a deep blush covering his cheeks. Once the smaller was done fighting death, he took a deep breath and continued by saying: "W-Woobin had an appointment at my company, and we just kinda took interest in each other!" He finished with a completely forced laugh, making it obvious he was lying. "Isn't that right sweetheart? Hm? We just went on a date right away?" Myungsoo turned to Woobin, squeezing his hand tightly with a nervously happy smile. It was so awkward if he had to explain what really happened. Especially if his own /parents/ were the ones getting the scoop.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin listened to his fiance's mother intently and smiled softly, turning his head to the younger male and felt extremely grateful that he cared a lot about her to think up to that extends. He ruffled his lover's hair with a loving smile and turned to his parents, smiling politely. "I love him for who he is and I don't understand why he wants to change himself. I'm fine for not having children on our own as long I have him." He said sincerely and gave the other's hand a small squeeze. The actor couldn't lie that he feel a bit envy to see this warm family, the family he had been dreaming about. But he tried not to show it and still showed a smile on his face. He blinked in amusement as he saw mother and son already talking about his future wedding with Myungsoo and turned to his father when he suddenly spoke up, getting his attention. "Yes sir. I'm a model also an actor." He was a bit confused about the question because he was pretty sure that Myungsoo's father knew that money won't he a problem for him so why did he ask him this question? "You don't have to worry about that sir. I'll make sure that I will work very hard to support my family that I'm about to build with your son." He said seriously and glanced at his fiance with a loving gaze, feeling his heart swell with happiness at the thought of starting a family of his own with the man beside him. His face turned dark when the man suddenly mentioned about that bastard ex. "I know that very well sir because I've known him for a years. And I apologise that I could protect him from that guy when I went to New York." He lowered his head in shame and chewed on his lips nervously. He looked up again when the male started talking and smiled, caressing his lover's knuckles with his thumb. "You don't need to worry about that, sir. I love him with all my heart because he's the one who changed me into a better person. He's the reason why I can stand where I am because he's been supporting me all these times even though I usually hurt him too but I promise that I will protect him with my life and cherish him forever."he finished his speech and straightened up as soon as he heard his lover's cheerful voice. He chuckled a bit and nodded, calling up the waitress and she gave four of them the menus.
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo smiled lovingly at his fiancé, giving his hand a gentle squeeze as they sat down. It didn't take long for his mother however to speak of how myungsoo would call her during the weekends and rant on and on about how perfect Woobin was, or how much he wished he could change of himself to be more presentable for his future husband. His father simply chuckled along, occasionally throwing in a few comments. "You know, myungsoo had told me that once when he was alone, he wished on a shooting star to change him into a woman so he could give us our own grandchildren." Myungsoo's eyes widened at the memory and a deep blush covered his cheeks. The smaller just wanted to die right at that moment as his mother continued with the embarrassing story. "Mom!" He whined, looking panicked as she continued. "I was alone and drunk that night, I didn't know what I was doing okay?" He practically cried, not bothering to look at Woobin for he knew his fiancé would give him a hell load of teasing later that night. His mother simply cooed at her son, embarrassing him more by pinching his red cheeks. "So," his father spoke up while his wife and son were busy talking about colors and flowers, and other impossible plans for the wedding with happy smiles and excitement. "Myungsoo has told us you work in the fashion industry, as well as acting, am I right?" Mr. Kim added with a raised eyebrow. "Does this exactly bring in enough money if you do decide to start a family with my son?" The elder said with a gentle, but firm tone as he wanted to in a way test if Woobin really did love myungsoo for himself rather than for his body just like Taehyun was before. Mr. Kim looked over at myungsoo and smiled a bit sadly, leaning in just a bit so only Woobin could hear him. "Listen, I know you've noticed that myungsoo is a little.. well, different. He may not be very mature or make the right decisions, but he has a heart of gold. He's very delicate especially considering he was with that monster of a man before you." Mr. Kim was a normally calm man, but speaking of his son's past really seemed to tear a chunk out of him as his eyes suddenly showed a bit of sadness. "He hasn't told me the full story of what happened when he was with that man, but I have a feeling that much more happened than a few nasty words. Myungsoo looks up to you. It's easy to tell with one glance that he loves you with everything in him, and along with that ring on his finger, I need you to promise me that you'll protect him and love him like no one else, alright?" Mr. Kim took a bit of a breath as he sat back, calming himself down before his wife or son could notice anything wrong. "Anyways!" Came Myungsoo's normally cheerful call, "We should probably order our food now or I'll simply /die/ of hunger." The smaller said with a small pout as patted his stomach, his other hand still holding tightly onto Woobin's as if they were glued together.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin was feeling so uncomfortable by the stares directed at him that he wanted to hide under the table and never came back. He swallowed the lump on his throat as he noticed how his fiancé's father observing him like that. He was a bit taken a back at the sudden hug, reminding him about his own mother who he'd been missing all these times. The model couldn't help to break into a gentle smile upon seeing the smile on woman's face, thinking that she was absolutely beautiful like her son. Woobin bit his lip as soon he was facing the smaller's father and relief washed over him, taking his hand in his and gave a firm shake. "Nice to meet you too, sir. Oh really?" He turned his head to Myungsoo to give him a teasing smile. Woobin didn't forget to pull the chair for the younger before sitting on his own, intertwining their fingers together under the table and smiled softly at the younger.
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo stood with his parents, all three blinking up at Woobin with different emotions. Myungsoo's of course was utter love, like a puppy staring up at its owner, his mother was smiling softly, curious about her son's fiancé, and Myungsoo's father was squinting a bit, looking Woobin up and down with a bit of sterness for his natural insinct to protect his only son overcame. Myungsoo's mother was the first to speak, commenting on how handsome and polite Woobin was. "Oh come here sweetheart!" She said, reaching out to give Woobin a gentle hug, as if he were her child as well. "I've heard such goo things about you. Thank you so much for taking care of our myungie. We know just how much of a handful he can be." She laughed a bit, showing off a beautiful smile as myungsoo whined a bit behind them. Myungsoo's mother had Woobin's hands in her own, taking softly with the model before her husband stepped up. He was rather tall for his age, giving him much more of masculine image which often scared people, but as soon as he stood before Woobin, he broke into a gentle smile as he offered his hand. "It's nice to meet you son. Myungsoo has indeed talked a lot about you. In fact you're all he ever talks about." The older male chuckled with a happy smile. "Daaaad!" Myungsoo pouted, going up to Woobin's side and clinging to him as usual. Myungsoo father only laughed in response and mentioned back to the table. "Well let's sit and talk, shall we?" Myungsoo nodded happily, dragging his fiancé to the table as he watched his father pull the chair out for his wife,making sure she was seated comfortably before seating himself down. Myungsoo smiled at the sight, loving how even though they've been married for so long, the love between the two only grew more and more. Myungsoo turned to Woobin, smiling as he silently wished that the two of them would be like his parents and live a comfortable life until they've grown old.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin bit his lip and nodded his head before following the smaller male inside the restaurant. He was chanting inside his head to calm down as Myungsoo told the waitress their names. The actor gulped when he saw his fiance's parents in sight. His mother looked absolutely stunning and his father on the other hand looked scary but also handsome just like Myungsoo. He came closer to both of them and bowed politely at them once the younger finally introduced him to his parents. "Hello, nice to meet you Mr, Mrs. Kim. My name is Kim Woobin and I promise I will take care of your son well." He talked a little bit too fast and he slapped himself mentally in embarrassment as he stood up straight again. "Uh. Sorry."
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin myungsoo chuckled a bit as he gave Woobin's hand a light squeeze. "It's okay, you'll do fine." The younger of the two leaned over and placed a soft kiss onto his fiancé's cheek. "Let's not keep them waiting, alright?" Myungsoo hopped out of the car and waited for Woobin to come out and give the valet the car keys before pulling him in. Once inside, the idol told the head waitress their name and she led them off to their table with a shy smile. "Okay, just relax, everything is going to be just fine, they won't bite." Myungsoo said as the two followed the waitress. Myungsoo himself was trying his best to look very prim and mature, wanting to show his parents that he had finally grown into a successful adult. His plan however quickly failed as soon as his parents came to into view. "Eomma! Appa!" He practically squealed, running up to the elderly couple and hugging them just as how a five year old would. Myungsoo's mother and father both laughed and hugged their son lovingly, his mother of course being the one to pinch her son's cheeks and look him up and down to see just how much he had grown. His mother was a beautiful woman with pretty shoulder length hair, milky white skin like Myungsoo's and a heart of gold. His father on the other hand was a tall handsome man who's figure just screamed scary business man but in reality, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Myungsoo looked like his father but acted more like his mother. Or a child. Either one would work. Myungsoo parted from his parents before taking his place back next to Woobin. "Mom, Dad- this is my fiancé, Kim Woobin."
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin let the younger to drag him to the parking lot so they could go to the restaurant where they supposed to meet Myungsoo's parents. He didn't even focus on what his fiancé was saying on their way there and be glad that he didn't get into a car accident because his hands were sweating. Once they had arrived in front of the restaurant, the model really had an urge to run away and never came back but at the same time he wanted to show Myungsoo that he was being serious about him and wanted to take one step further in their relationship. He turned his head to the smaller once he heard him calling his name and smiled nervously before nodding his head slowly. "I'm so nervous." He admitted.
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo slipped his suit blazer on, adjusting it to perfection as be watched Woobin pace around nervously. It was adorable to see how the older male was so nervous about meeting his parents, but the smaller didn't want to push the subject and make Woobin freak out even more. Myungsoo strolled over to Woobin and nodded happily as he fixed his hair up a bit. "I was born ready!" Myungsoo joked with a smile as he took Woobin's hand and dragged him to the parking lot. "Oh I'm so excited that mom and dad can finally meet you! I know for a fact they'll absolutely adore you." The smaller chattered on and on about his childhood memories, or of how handsome Woobin looked. Before he knew it, the two were already in front of the restaurant, with myungsoo still running his mouth about nonsense. When he realized he was basically talking to himself the whole time, the smaller turned to Woobin with a worried expression. "Baby?" He said softly, taking Woobin's hand, "are you feeling alright?"
Woobin 9 years ago
Woobin right now was nervously fidgeting on the couch because of this very special day. His fiancé's parents came to have dinner with the two and he already reserved the nicest restaurant he had ever visited. The handsome actor was wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath and black pants. He already styled his hair also wearing a nice scent perfume to compliment his looks, actually he looked absolutely gorgeous but meeting Myungsoo's parents was still really nerve wrecking. He never been this nervous in his life even more than he went to his first audition. "Myungsoo, are you ready?"
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo sadly pulled away after a bit and tried to smile happily up at his lover. "I'll call you every chance I get okay?" The smaller pecked Woobin's lips one last time before slipping his shoes on and opening the front door. "I love you." Myungsoo said happily, before exiting the apartment. Myungsoo really didn't want to leave his fiancé all alone again as he pulled out his phone and called a few of Woobin's friends, inviting them over to the apartment to keep Woobin company while myungsoo was gone. He ordered food for the group and even threw in some pretty flowers with a cheesy note to be delivered to his fiancé in order to make him smile. Myungsoo sighed as he reached the parking lot, following his manager over to the car in order to start his hectic schedule.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin really didn't want to let Myungsoo go but at the same time he knew he can't be selfish. He himself always takes his job seriously so he couldn't prevent his fiancé from going.He sighed when he was left alone in the living room and saw the smaller came back few minutes later. He nodded his head quietly and kissed the other back longingly because he knew that he will be alone again for a while and he didn't really like that.
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin myungsoo kept his arms around Woobin, not wanting to let the male go. The singer was upset because he was promised a whole weekend with his fiancé but now he had to leave him a day earlier. Myungsoo slowly pulled away and walked into the bedroom to gather his things with a sigh. So much for a romantic evening with Woobin. Once he gathered all that he needed, myungsoo walked back to the front door, smiling a bit sadly up at Woobin. "I'll be back before you know it." He reassured the taller, wrapping his arms around his neck. "And when I come back, we'll go on that date I promised okay?" Myungsoo finished with a smile, pecking Woobin's nose before pulling him in for a deep kiss, savoring the feel of his hugs and kisses for the smaller knew he'd be without them for a while.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin smiled softly and rested his head on the other's shoulder, enjoying this short moment between them before he heard a knock on the door, raising his eyebrow, wondering who that is. He followed the male silently and saw a woman he believed was his manager. He tried to keep a straight face because he knew what it is about to come. Myungsoo would leave again. He really didn't like this, they were just about to go on a date but there was nothing he can do about it because it's his work. He saw his fiancé running towards him and hugged him just as tight, rubbing his back to sooth him because he didn't want him to blame himself. "It's okay. I understand..." He whispered and let out a small sigh. "Do your best."
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo smiled happily and closed his eyes as he practically melted into Woobin's embrace. He leaned his head on his fiancé's shoulder and gave a sigh of content as a comfortable silence fell over the two. Myungsoo swore he never had a moment near Woobin where they weren't ever not holding each other. Just as myungsoo was feeling himself relax completely, a loud knock came from the front door, startling the younger. Myungsoo looked up at Woobin with confused eyes before slowly, (and much painfully) peeling himself away from his handsome lover. The smaller grumbled and walked to the front door, swinging it open with an annoyed expression etched onto his face. The sight of Myungsoo's manager in front of him with a bit more staff was not something myungsoo wanted to see. "It's my day off!" Myungsoo whined before his manager could even start on what she wanted myungsoo to get ready for. Myungsoo tried and tried to argue with the people before him that he needed to spend time with his fiancé because they barely get to see each other as it is. Myungsoo and his manager finally settled with a very upset myungsoo and a semi pitiful looking staff. "You'll be back before you know it. Now go get ready." The woman said gently, stepping back into the hall. "The cars waiting down in the parking lot for you." Myungsoo simply nodded and shut the door before running over to Woobin and hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry. They want me to start my schedule early for some stupid reason. I probably won't be able to go on that date with you now.." Myungsoo said sadly, not wanting to leave his fiancé at all. "You can come with me, but there's no real promises that we'll have a lot of alone time to spare."
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin rested his chin on the others shoulders and smiled softly at their reflection on the mirror, enjoying Myungsoo's touch on his arms. The taller immediately hugged him tightly after he turned around and nuzzled into his hair to inhale his scent. He waa watching his fiancé all the times while he was styling his hair, feeling like a baby sometimes because Myungsoo really liked to take care of him. "I love you too." He smiled lovingly and softened,sneaking his hand to the youngers soft locks and stroking it gently. "I know. And I do too."
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Myungsoo was fixing his bangs when he suddenly felt the familiar pair of strong arms around him. Myungsoo smiled softly and placed his hands over Woobin's arms, leaning back a bit to cuddle into the taller's frame. "Hey." He responded gently, eyeing their reflection in the mirror. Myungsoo couldn't help but smile happily at the perfect view before turning over to hug Woobin tightly. After a bit, myungsoo hooped up on the counter, sitting before his fiancé with a grin as he took a comb and began to brush and style Woobin's soft brown hair to perfection. "I love you." Myungsoo said softly as he remembered that he had an extremely busy schedule by tomorrow so he probably wouldn't see Woobin for a long while until myungsoo finally had a weekend break. "You know that I love you more than anything in this world, right?" Myungsoo mumbled lovingly as he set the comb down and wrapped his arms around the taller's torso, pulling Woobin into another tight hug.
Woobin 9 years ago
@△ myungsoo Woobin turned his head to look at the shirt his fiancé just pointed at and took it, examining it for a while and raised his eyebrow playfully because it would definitely exposing some of his skin but he put it on anyway then proceeded to wear the jeans also the leather jacket. He looked at his reflection on the mirror and fixed his jacket a bit before walking towards Myungsoo, standing behind him then sneaking his arms around his waist. "Hey." He whispered and pecked his cheek softly.
△Myungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@△Woobin Once myungsoo managed to put on his clothes and actually look presentable, he popped up next to Woobin, eyeing is actions like a curious kitten. "You should wear that." Myungsoo said pointing to a low cut v-neck shirt that would expose Woobin's perfect neck and some of his chest. Myungsoo slightly slid past Woobin and practically got stuck in the closet as he fished out a pair of jeans myungsoo thought would go with the shirt. "Oh, oh!" He said in excitement, crawling further into the closet, "and this leather jacket!" Myungsoo tossed the article of clothing at his fiancé, before struggling to escape the closet. Once out, myungsoo pointed to the clothes. "Since I'm not allowed to wear clothes like that, you should wear it for me because you look delicious— I mean very very handsome in them." Myungsoo smiled innocently as he skipped away to comb and dry his hair to perfection, and brush his teeth.


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ukiyo_ 7 years ago
Would it be okay if I reapplied as Zelo? I was here before 3 years ago, and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic with a need to re-read how I rp-ed back then. Please accept me
charliebrown 7 years ago
lost my muse and siwon had left...so donghae is taking his leave..had fun here
75bd8d51488fd100f027 8 years ago
Doing a character clean up, so making an official note
Jeongmin departed, sorry~
Kpop56 8 years ago
So like when do I get reaccepted back into the rp or do I have to reapply?
kittie25 8 years ago
I applied to the rp, I hope it was good.
XernieHika 8 years ago
Is this application still open. Of so Can you reserve 17s junhui?
AnnieWookieLover 9 years ago
Re-applied as Hyunseung!
rentastic_ 9 years ago
Re-Applied as Tao.
Kpop56 9 years ago
Why was I removed? I asked to be on hiatus... -__-
Taengsic 9 years ago
AHHH! I accidentally left ToT please accept me back! I was Siwon btw
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